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Everything posted by Kashif

  1. Of course I hate radicals, I can't stand it when someone comes to me and says did you pray yet? Prayer is between me and God and no one else. My disagreement with her come at about 1:00 in the video. The commentator asks her "I understand from your words that what is happening today is a clash between the culture of the West and the backwardness and ignorance of the Muslims" The woman replies with "Yes, that is what I mean". So this women is not talking about Radicals, she is talking about the entire religion itself. So Yes she is implying that all muslims are uncivilized or backward. Her Context was not towards the radicals. If anyone wants to here a sample of what Prophet Muhammad has said to people, here is an example. http://youtube.com/watch?v=5bXsYOFJDcE Judge him and Islam by this We are different, but we believe in the Messiah, Jesus Son of Mary. And all Muslims wait for the day when he will return to us. Amen
  2. She was clearly misrepresenting the religion with her statements about "clash between civilization and backwardness". She is using the insanity of a few to state that they speak for the religion when they do not. If one looks at history one can see that Islam brought peace to the Arabia. Before people lived only for the clan and their tribe. When Prophet Muhammad came he taught them mercy and love for one another. If you really want to judge Islam judge how the Prophet would deal with people. People would curse him, beat him, but he would never seek retribution. The best example of this is when he came to Mecca to establish Islam. Even though they had tortured him and his follower, he never allowed one citizen of Mecca to be harmed. His command during war were always the protection of the young, women, the elderly, livestock and even the trees. If war was to be conducted it was alway between the armies, and never the civilians. What the radicals are doing is completely against the grain of Islam.
  3. What are you the "new" Islamophobe on block. Army Training?
  4. Why should I? You hate Muslims regardless of whatever I would say. Phophet Jesus (peace be upon him) never Hated people, and yet you do. I feel sorry for you. :(
  5. Yellow95 I guess you have no life, since you have been reading this post for the last 10 mins, just waiting for a post. :lol:
  6. That was just stupid it sounds like she just reciting a speech, plus we never hear any rebutals. If you want to some really crazy stuff click here http://youtube.com/watch?v=GDMIfZemy2E this guy thinks he is the antichrist and is telling people to put 666 on themselves
  7. Hey its super hard finding Halal restaurants. If there was a Halal McDonalds then there would be one fat Super Size Me Muslim. :lol:
  8. For a RWD wouldn't they need a whole new car architecture? Isn't that really expensive?
  9. Oh Yeah, Oh well, It'll be back.
  10. Don't worry the R will be back in ~7 years. Plus when they dropped the 850 R in 97, the S70 T-5 had the exact same specs. I am sure we will see a 300-350 hp turbo I6 soon enough. In the 2008-9 S60 T-6
  11. "Sandmonkey" Most Racist word of the day, spoken by true A$$holes everywhere.
  12. Razor it's official you have way more a life then fish. Man it must take forever to write those fish dissertations.
  13. Their is no dam way Hilary is going win if she is the Democrat front runner. If that's the case lets hope for John McCain.
  14. Oh My God Razor and I actually Agree on something!!!! Lol :)
  15. I rest my case, plus I don't even read your rants, it not worth my time.
  16. They have it, we need it. That's why and collusion amonst the oil companies. Plus fish, this sharp spike started after the most recent war. But you are most likely going to ramble on and on about the democrats or the Arabs or some other sh!t that you or I can't control. I would just ride your bike. Good for the body, zero emissions, who cares what gas costs.
  17. If you don't like it there why don't you move?
  18. Excellent our plan is working Soon all Volvo's will have GPS locators for all of the Halal stores and Halal Mcdonalds where we can all go and eat Halal food. :lol:
  19. Either was Iraq, but the US still has it's hands full at the current time. Invading another country would just be plain stupid. But hey alot of stupid people still want it. To each his own.
  20. So that means your not going, Right? Are all neo cons Paper Tigers? Yeah lets go destroy someone, except you do it and I'll root for you safe and sound at home.
  21. I am glad to hear that you lived in the middle east in Saud.
  22. I thought his point was that Christains and only Christains are as pure as a driven snow and yet others aren't. You guys make me laugh, HA HA HA.
  23. Have I ever been approaced by christains? Yes they are called Jehova's Witness, and it was when I used to live in Texas. When was the last time Christains did that to Muslims? Have you ever been to Africa? There are thousands of Missionary's who are trying that right now. Another example is Benny Hinn.
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