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Everything posted by Kashif

  1. This is why I think this thread should be closed. You are personally attacking me ("stick to te car polishing forum instead") when I have never said an ill thing to any member on this board or to yourself. Are you actually calling me a Terrorist? "Al-kashif" I am the kind of Muslim who will help you regardless of what religion you are, or whatever you believe in. I could not get into med school if I some kind of bigot who hated people due to color of their skin or the ideas they believe in. People like that never get pass the interview process of med school. Go ask Grant, never have I cursed him or labeled him due to his sexually orientation. Both my lab partner (lesbian) and my Grad supervisor (gay) where openly homosexually but I never said "Your going to hell" or other such nonsense. Even if my religion says that this is wrong, my religion also says that you respect every being on this Earth. Judging people is not my job! My Job is to heal them. One day your doctor might be a muslim. ;)
  2. Chuck, I think this thread should be closed soon. Slowly by slowly this thread is morphing into religious hated here on Volvospeed. :angry:
  3. Yeah its called Qana,Lebanon. This is true and they should have a homeland, but radicals on both sides don't want the other to exist. Pure stupidity! If the same thing was allowed in Medicine there would be no such thing as antiviral drugs for AIDS patients or palliative care. It does sound too harsh. :(
  4. I found this article speaking about terrorist acts by Israeli's before and during the creation of Isreal in 1948 "...But by far the most dangerous Jewish terrorist group was the Irgun Zvei Leumi ....The Irgun's successful attacks included the demolition in August 1946 of the wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem housing the secretariat of the British mandatory government and the HQ of British troops in Palestine: at a cost of 91 lives; Jewish, Arab and British, most of them civilians. Another "success" was the blowing up of the Officer's Club in Jerusalem in March 1947...... http://www.bilegrip.com/archives/2006/07/i...st_origins.html Here's another one ...The Machteret—a 1980s Jewish underground terror group with links to Kach—staged several attacks, including an unsuccessful May 1980 campaign to kill several Palestinian mayors, before being broken up. Israeli authorities also foiled the Machteret’s plans to blow up Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque, which is built atop the contested holy site known by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and by Jews as the TempleMount. Destroying the mosque, experts say, could provoke a massive Middle Eastern conflict.... http://www.cfr.org/publication/9178/ I found another incident, that even Sharon call the guy a terrorist. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/08/04/...ting/index.html This article speaks about how Isreal actually invented Hamas to stop the PLO. http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2002/2902isr_hamas.html As for the question of disproptional loss of life, innocent civilian Palestinians are killed much more frequently by so called "smart bomb" per year then by terrorists acts in Isreal. Everytime Isreal kills a Humas leader or whatever there are also countless innocent palestinians who are also killed. If Isreal wants to really deal with terrorist why doesn't it send in special forces teams to go hunt them down, instead of sending missiles that kill indiscriminately? They just give more reasons for the extreme element to say "See, look what they did to your children". Hatred Begets Hatred
  5. So gunning down the Prime Minister is OK by you?
  6. But they do go into Mosques during Ramadan and Gun down worshippers right? Or they go and gun down their own Prime minister who is doing something against their own extreme narrow political views right? ;)
  7. How is it different? There are plenty of pictures of blown up Palestinian kids due to Isreali "smart" bombs. It seems that "radical Isrealies" are part of the government. How else did Sharon beat the right of center isreali government in 2000. How is that wrong? First you said "Regardless of what they say, Palestinians do not desire their own land. Rather, they want the destruction of the Jewish state so they can take the land on which it used to reside." You specifically say Palestinian's as a whole. Second I keep hearing radical Isreali's say that G-d gave them the land, and every inch of Isreal given to the Palestinians is against the word of G-d. My point is both Radical sides use "G-d" as a means to justify their extreme narrow political views. The radical Isreali is no different then the radical Palestinian.
  8. Well from your previous statements it seems you do dislike Palestinians as a group. You seem to have a real bone to pick with Muslims and Palestinians in general. This insistent hatred won't do or change anything except pass the hatred on to the next generation. Life is too short for hate, but if that's you, well to each his own. You would also have to agree that radical Israeli's don't want the creation of a Palestinian state, since they believe that G-d gave it to them, right? Clearly there is religious intolerance on both sides, and this won't change anything for the better.
  9. Well the Palestinian do offer cheap labour to the Isreali's.
  10. Then I know for a fact that alot of palestinians would now jump at that offer now, but the Israeli government would never accept that.
  11. You already get those things from us, for a price of course. But if you want the Harper government and his buddies you can them for free. :lol:
  12. Maybe if you guys invade Canada you can learn how to adopt universal Healthcare. Although it might be a Canadian who brings universal healthcare to the US. :lol:
  13. We Canadians have beat you to it. Trust me there are LOTS of us here you just don't know it. :rolleyes:
  14. Would it be Ok if the palestinians could become full Israeli citizens if they can't get back "their land"
  15. One question, How is the election of this congressman going change anything that he calls stuff from the twightlight zone. I think he is playing up the "Guardian of America" angle just to get elected and then get fat off the people. Get free healthcare and a pension for doing nothing except playing of people's emotions.
  16. Slater you thinking Canadian all except the 4 hour work week. But we do get Govt freebies and Health care. :P
  17. So your saying that there are some decent innocent palestinians in the world..... Even with all this Chaos and you as an Isreali can still call a palestinian a friend.... Maybe there can still be Shalom, Salaam (peace).
  18. I was just wondering what is the average Israeli's opinion on democracy and the exploding Israeli Arab population. If the Israeli Arab population reaches say 25-40% and they can effect political change, do you Oreo931 or 855T believe that it should be handled like the teaching of say Rabin or Rabbi Meir Kahane? Thanks
  19. Yeah I too have a torn CV boot that I am about to repair. When I do I'll post a write, hopefully.
  20. Thanks guys for all the Praises, I really appreciate it. Hopefully I will be fixing my torn CV boot that I noticed when I was installing the Sway Bars. During this fix I'll try to do another write up with pictures.
  21. I completely agree with "The proper way is through Congress and the States though." And if the left has used judicial activism, why doesn't the right? It's ironic that most religious people agree on so much and yet there is still so much division.
  22. Should they then try to change it through the legal system?
  23. I just hope this thread is not filled with Islamophobic comments. I also looked closely at who http://www.memritv.org/ and they seem to be people who might spin the muslim people as inherently ignorant and hateful people. Hate is an ugly thing that I believe should not be practiced by any. It eats up the soul and for what? One's hate for another is not going to change anything for the better. I believe we are all better then this. Prophet Muhammad (phub), Prophet Jesus (phub), Prophet Moses (phub), and Buddah never taught this is destructive emotion. But I agree that suicide bombing innocent people is haram (unlawful) in Islam and anyone who does it is not a real muslim. And the misguided use of religion to further ones political ambitions is not restricted to just corrupt so-called "muslims" but other religious groups be it Christains, Jews, and Buddhists. I highly doubt Christains would believe that bombing Abortion clinics is religiously A OK.
  24. Isn't the real Memorial day on May 30th. I heard that it was moved to the last Monday on May during the 70's to make it a three day weekend, just to help retailers out. In Canada our Memorial day is called Remembrance day and it has always been on Nov. 11th.
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