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Everything posted by Kashif

  1. Now lets not get emotional, I just wanted to discuss this rationally. I was just putting my $0.02 in Which people do you mean the Iraqi, or Arab, or American/Coalition force? I think daily threats of kidnapping, suicide bombs, and violence due to insufficient police presence is a threat of major violence. Heck in Egypt if you voice your opinions against the state in the newspaper or in a peaceful demonstation; you are looking at imprisonment at makes Gitmo look like a joke. What makes you think I am 18, maybe I am alot older or alot younger.
  2. How about the North West Territories. Prime real estate there and you can have your own moose as a house pet. Location, Location, Location. And for the Red states you can drill for oil Canada has it all.
  3. No were not, in fact if you have any kind of engineering or science degree, Canada wants you . Just ask any all of the south asians in Vancouver and Toronto, and they'll tell you thats how they came. Canada figures the more immigrants the better for the future economy and the country in general. Heck even the white people are immigrants for Greece, Italy, and Ireland (They were the ones who built Toronto during the 60s, 70s and 80s).
  4. For God's sake please keep Celine, she scares us :P
  5. Ask anyone from India and China and they will tell you otherwise. :D
  6. Last year when Paul Martin was trying to get elect as Prime Minister, certain opposition party members stated that Mr. Martin was trying to "jump the Queue" in other words he was trying to get priority for his condition over other people who were more needy then him. Mr. Martin of course stated that he would never "jump the Queue" and that these were just false stories from the opposition. So even the Prime Minister does not have the right to get services before people who need them more than him. You should come to San Francisco general hospital which is a county hospital, you get the same thing except here the city of San Francisco pays for those who can't afford to pay. People who have colds and other non-emergencies do not prevent people with important surgeries such as Strokes, and Heart Attacks, from having surgeries. Broken limbs, and cosmetic surgeries are not considered priority surgeries in Canada or the U.S. If you go to any E.R. in the U.S. and say that you broke your arm you sometimes have to wait the entire day for treatment, but if you mention lost of Consciousness and they'll be all over you.
  7. Canada spends less than the U.S. and yet has a better Birth rate, higher birth weight and a longer life expectancy plus it covers every citizen. What more could you want in Healthcare.
  8. The best thing about it is Free Healthcare for all, except for 7% GST (Good and Services Tax). But I figure 7% tax is better than no healthcare.
  9. That seems to be rather harsh (no pun intended). Besides this is a political forum not your course in political science.
  10. Thats a keen eye you have there regarding course requirements of microbiology. Virology was actually one of my more difficult class, but I did well enough and now I am doing a grad. degree in micro. So I guess am even more of an evil-doer :lol:
  11. The data regarding attenuated virus came from my fourth year virology class, so if you want you can check out attenuated virus on medline. :P
  12. There is another way to may the flu vaccine, the process is called attenuation. A attenuated virus is one that is grown in unusual circumstances. Simply put you select the virus that grow at temp. of 25 C or ~80F. When this virus is introduced into the human body the natural body temp. of 36.5C or 99F causes the proteins of the Flu virus to partially denature or unfold. This slows the virus down and allows the body to mount an efficient immune response. The old technique is not as efficient as this new method. But the biggest problem with vaccine is that of cost. It cost more then double the orginal vaccine. Besides reforms to the court system, the government or industry should also develop better techniques to produce this form of the vaccine.
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