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  1. No. This guy speaks for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIlSKI-GmT0&list=UU193r5YXcpQJV34N99ZbhzQ&index=1
  2. The problem is imposing some kind of gun ban, WON'T get them off the streets. It's not fuckin magic, ya know?
  3. Why was it poor shooting? She stopped the guy right? And didn't kill him... isn't that what you're all about?! I thought it was the whole death thing that bothered you.
  4. Gang violence and shootings in Chicago? I call BS. I do like these bumper stickers though:
  5. Good thing they all knew each other. Natural selection anyone?
  6. Another one backing my claim: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/340113 Possibly atleast.
  7. And Fists cars busses people fire wind tsunamis tornados hurricanes boats the world *
  8. See now you're thinking. Gotta start at the root.
  9. That is probably the video I saw, as that was NBC. Guns belong, everywhere. Alain, yeah did you see someone mention mind control drugs yet? Reading those posts are funnnnny lol
  10. LOL! Compassionless a-holes we are. I have the link somewhere, but it was our own Chicago news reporting this. So ... ehhh.
  11. While it hasn't been serverly media ridden, he never used the AR. It was in the trunk. The recovered 4 hand guns, however, that had been used.
  12. You know Adam Lanza tried to buy his own gun... and then got denied, right?
  13. No, I agree. But how it's reported *is* biased.
  14. But what gaurantees they are unbiased at that point?
  15. Yeah, they are typically hard to find unbiased.
  16. Saying I pray that doesn't pass, doesn't mean I'm praying. Let's change it to, I have my fingers crossed that this doesn't happen. Too many people count on prayer way too much anyways. You really don't get the negative ramifications from something like this do you, Mike.
  17. You are naive, and blunt if you think that people who own illegally obtained/owned weapons will register them and then have them taken away. No... they just won't register them. And then when, whatever they have planned, is done. People will be all like "Oh gee, how did that happen " This is what is referred to as "Feel good". People will feel good, and then let their gaurd down. Mean while people who own something illegally, will laugh, or just shoot people. BUT OMG they owned that weapon illegally. Doesn't really matter when they shoot themselves in the head after they take out 40 people.
  18. Alain, I pray that doesn't pass. It also probably nullifies my most recent purchase. And I only have an 11 and a 16 mag. That would be a pretty big bummer.
  19. Fucking Illinois. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2013/01/robert-farago/breaking-illinois-bill-to-ban-all-modern-firearms/
  20. I won't disagree. But any gun control activist will counter this concealed carry with it being an officer.
  21. Well, compared to the video with the kid who didn't shoot. Instead cowered in the corner. LOL
  22. Well yeah, I know. That's why I was confused, while it was a concealed carry, it was an officer, who is trained.
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