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    Tulsa, OK

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  1. I certainly agree with that statement.
  2. I would love to see the US health care system move to one more like Canada. Health care is a huge expense for private companies in the US. I personally do not understand why it is your employers responsibility to take care of your health. There are alot of small business that do not expand or may not even start because they cannot afford the expense of covering health insurance for their workers. Besides, everyone benefits from everyone knowing they can go to a hospital or a clinic if they need to. Imagine somebody that has a serious illness that is contagious. Image that they are poor and have no insurance. Without universal healthcare that person may spread that illness to others causing a much greater economical loss and possibly human loss. With universal health care that person could be treated or isolated much sooner.
  3. Trying to write Russian with english letters is not easy eh.
  4. One last thing. I try not to degrade or desparage anyones religion, especially if they do not try and force it upon me. In his time, Jesus was a Liberal. His ideas and teachings forced change and went against the Conservative culture with their traditional views. So, before you go using Liberal as a four letter word, remeber that your savior was one. And it was Conservative people that Killed him.
  5. Wow, you are really dense. I bet Scientists call you all the time requesting to use your head to Capture Neutrinos.
  6. Hmmm, let me see. I Graduated from a Highly Acclaimed Prep school affiliated with the Episcipal Church. Completed numerous religious studies courses while attending both middle and high school. Not to mention weekly chapel services. Then Graduated from the University of Tulsa with a BSBA. Took a course on Genesis (By the way, Bill Cosby does a great rendition). Also took another Religious studies course. It covered the basics. You know, why is there evil in the world. Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people. Free will, etc. I also have a Masters in CIS from the University of Phoenix. Yes, I have read the bible. Has some good parts. Although I don't have time to read Fiction these days. So, if I am the most uneducated person in the world, everyone else better have Doctorates. So, how about you?
  7. Jesus, Whos that? Only a weak minded person would follow him! Mohammed, Who's That? Only a weak minded person would follow him! Buddha, Who's that? Only a weak minded person would follow him! Do you understand how ridiculous your statement is? Bring us some facts to support why you think only weak minded peopl follow it. I have never hear of Baha’i and know nothing about what they ask of it’s followers. If all that it does as ask for the followers to be open minded about the different important figures in the other religions and to analyze the good in each of them then I think it would be pretty good. Now, if all they do is promise you eternal life for following them, make wild promises they have no hope of fulfilling. Magically heal the sick, read peoples minds and then ask for donations so they can bring their spiritual healing to others. Then I most certainly agree with your statement of them being weak minded. But don’t call them a liberal. Because without liberals you would still be shitting in the hole you dug the day before.
  8. I used to have a tolerance for alchohol. Now one or two shots or beers and I will feel the effect. Secondly, have you ever smoked a cigarette? I have smoked in my life one entire cigarette with no other external factors. When I stood up I could barely walk. I could not imagine how in the world people functioned after smoking. I certainly would not want to drive after that cigarette. My point is that any substance can create an unctrollable effect on a person. According to your logic we should ban any substance that makes you go loony. As far as this country being founded on Christian ideals??? I guess that is why Slavery was supported for over 200 years in North America. I guess Christian ideals is why Native Americans were killed without cause and had their lands taken. I guess Christian values is why hundres of people were killed in witch trials. I hear alot of people talking about christian values but yet I see very few of them actually following them.
  9. I cannot base my decision upon how the company I work for business is doing because we do alot of Government work and the wars are good for our business. I read an article about a month ago indicating that the value of the US dollar has not only declined against other currencies, it has also started to lose favor amoung criminal organizations. In the past the US dollar was the preferred currency for Black Markets, Orginized Crime and street merchants everywhere. Everybody knew the US dollar. Knew it was strong and that anyone in anycountry would accept it. Now alot of these people are switching to using the Euro. I don't know about you, but when the people who really know the value of a US dollar start switching to using the Euro, that worries me.
  10. For one, I have never smoked marajuana. Two great examples of countries governed by religion are: Iran and the Taliban ruled Afghanistan. I believe that religion has its place. Religious organizations do alot of good in this country. They also do alot of bad as well under the guise of religion. I think that regligion belongs in our schools. All religion. If Religious studies were allowed in shcools I think there would be alot fewer problems in the world. Starfish, are you able to formulate your own opinions or do you always rely upon quotes from others.
  11. I think you have morality and criminal mixed up. mo·ral·i·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-rl-t, mô-) n. pl. mo·ral·i·ties The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct. A system of ideas of right and wrong conduct: religious morality; Christian morality. Virtuous conduct. A rule or lesson in moral conduct. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=morality crim·i·nal ( P ) Pronunciation Key (krm-nl) adj. Of, involving, or having the nature of crime: criminal abuse. Relating to the administration of penal law. Guilty of crime. Characteristic of a criminal. Shameful; disgraceful: a criminal waste of talent. n. One that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime. I would also define criminal is performing an act that either directly or indirectly affects another person. According to our laws you can commit a crime against yourself. Example: it is illegal to smoke Marajuana. If you are alone in your house when you are smoking are you causing a problem to anyone else? I think not. I am sure you will bring up all of the problems that smoking Pot can cause to your friends relatives etc. The same can be said of alchohol and that is legal. Killing or robbing somebody has nothing to do with morality because morality is very subjective. I don't know anybody that thinks that killing another person for no reason is ok. I do know plenty of people that think smoking pot or prostetution is ok. I am not saying they do them but they see no problem with others doing if they so feel. A government regulated by morality is a government that is run by religion. That is a very bad thing.
  12. I have no need for Prostitutes or Drugs. I do believe that niether myself or anyone else has the right to regulate morality and that is exactly what is keeping prostitution and drug use illegal. Goverment laws regulating Morality.
  13. Arguing about the Iraq war and WMD's reminds me of an old, well not that old Russian Proverb. My Russian is very rusty so I had to use the Fish. Не будет правды в весточке и не будет весточек в правде Translated: There is no Truth in the News and there is no News in the Truth.
  14. I will certainly concur with that. I was fortunate enough to go to a very good Private School. While the school itself was affiliated with the Episcipal church it had no limitations upon who could attend. We did have a weekly chapel service but very few times did we actually have religious activities. We were required to take courses on the bible and christianity but we also had to take course on all other religions too. To me the people that fight for religion to be taught in school are only fighting because they want only THEIR religion to be taught. If you told them that teaching Christianity also meant teaching Islam or Hindu they would rather have nothing. It is exactly the same as seggrigation. When integration was tried many parents pulled their kids from school rather than allow them to be taught next to persons of Color. In my book you can through out entirely the first four lines, move the fifth line to last and put no killing at the front. Then you have a good basis for a set of rules to live by.
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