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Posts posted by prasamin

  1. No one's insisting any of the things you're saying and getting butthurt over. He asked what you do for a living, not if you pay your taxes and how many children you have. I don't think you having tattoos effects your ability to put your weener in a vagina and produce children, that was never the debate.

    In my personal opinion, if there were two potential employees, one with tattoos and one without, I would most definitely hire the one without tattoos. Visible tattoos comes off as unprofessional in my mind.

    You're making a HUGE generalization here. In fact, it's one that doesn't and will never exist in the real world. People who do and don't have tattoos come in many different shapes and forms, and many different backgrounds. Each person speaks differently, dresses differently and acts differently on Earth.

    Yes, if two identical twins, who are deaf, mute and blind, came in to your office for a job, and they both walked in completely naked, and completely shaved from head to toe, and each one stood perfectly statue the entire time.....one has tats and the other doesnt, I could see why you would hire the one without tats...if you HAD to choose one of them.

    We've all seen this scenario right? Don't forget that every human is different. I would hire a well spoken, educated person with clinical skills, who has a cross tattooed on their forehead, before a non-qualified, ill-spoken and improperly attired person with no tattoos. Do you see where this is going? These are real-world scenarios, unlike just staring at a tattoo and judging only based on that.

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  2. Probably wouldnt work with black people either eh? Some people have an issue with them also. Or how about gay people? Midgets? Jews? Muslims? Cant have a guy with yarmulke around some people dont like that. How about ponytails? Alot of proffesional people im sure are not interested in having some hippy do work for them. im sure jerry garcia would have been glad you didnt get a dead tattoo. Your age isnt even an excuse for youre stereotyping of people with tattoos or peircings. Its just plain bullshit.

    I think maybe you're taking his statements a little too literally. I mean, like I said, I think everyone judges on a case-by-case basis. I have dentist friends who have graduated from USC, NYU, etc (some of them oral surgeons now) with VISIBLE tattoos, and 99% of people do not hesitate to get treatment from them because of their qualifications and demeanor.

    I believe that, rather than the tattoos themselves, the person's behavior has more to do with how they are perceived or received by someone else. Maybe even their overall appearance, along with the tattoos....such as their way of dressing, the language they use, their education.

    It's a new day. People with tattoos don't necessarily have prior convictions and thuggish backgrounds. The only tattoo that I personally associate with an immediate judgement is a tramp stamp, or the so-called Octo-pussy type of ink. To me, that's immediate judgement. It's in an area meant to be seen only during certain activities lol.

    • Upvote 3
  3. No I don't so

    You can list off every successful person with body work and there x times more that were hindered by it

    yeah, but there are alot more people on earth without tats than there are with....so that analogy/comparison is really irrelevant. i'm not defending either for or against....i'm just a believer in everything is on a case by case basis....can't judge every person the same....now if some mike tyson looking dude came across me with tats on his face, i'm going to judge him differently than a guy with a cross on his neck or hand or forearm....either way, each is still getting judged....but that judgement determines whether i should be scared or be homies, you know lol.

    I don't mind tattoos...i find them attractive on women, as long as it's tasteful and not too overwhelming....like Ashley's tattoo....too much for me, and too much of a weird message for me to really find acceptable...but that is my opinion, and it's her body....so not much to do about it....not going to judge her on it, but just not something i find appealing....my sister got a "Ganesh" (indian elephant god) on her ankle i believe..can't remember....tasteful, can be hidden, and only a few inches in dimension...and she believes in it's message, so i find it okay. if she had done it because it's cool, then i'd smack her lol....

  4. Pras, do your parents know? what are their thoughts?

    yeah, they know....they have no thoughts. i remember i was planning on getting it done when I was in Mumbai about 5 years ago, and my cousin slipped and told my mom we were on our way to go get inked....she freaked out, but i told her that I was going to do it tastefully so that it wouldn't affect anything...being a doctor, in public etc...she was still against it, but just like i told her when i got my ears pierced about 15 years ago..might as well accept it and not freak out, because the only one to suffer from it will be you....she understood, and we compromised that i would only get one ear done....so that's what i did, and as soon as i got to Los Angeles for college, i got the other one done anyway.....by then my sister was a party animal, and i was smoking trees alot, so she had become a little numb....

    now she doesn't freak out at all when we do anything....she knows me and my sister turned out pretty okay lol....just a phase, as usual...no earrings anymore, and as far as my tattoo is concerned...it's there, and i just need to get it touched up a bit....still believe in the message.

    my dad doesn't care....he's easy going lol....my mom is easy going now as well lol.

  5. got one....and i wasn't drunk when i did it.

    i put it center of my upper back between the scapulas, lower than collar level, so it's pretty much for me.....

    It's an Om (in sanskrit of course), which stands for peace, and is, according to ancient sanskrit teachings, the first sound the universe made when it was created, and silence or "shanti" immediately followed...that's why you hear indian priest chanting "Ommmmm, shanti shanti shanti".

    I like the message, only because i believe even though it's taken as a religious symbol in Hinduism, the meaning itself signifies that there is no god, and that the universe was creating out of nothing, or a "big bang" sort of phenomenon. It's an interesting symbol if you think about it, and learn about it. I'm agnostic, so for me, it's fitting.

    I also had a ring made with a diamond Om on it in Sanskrit.....plan to get another one made possibly in Malyalam or Urdu.

    That being said, if you want to see it, you'd have to see it in person. I don't do the whole post pictures thing showing off tats and body parts!

    • Upvote 1
  6. Wow, way to make yourself look like a fat lazy american. Sad that you took the time to find that pic. Your dumbass doesn't even realize that were one of the only countries without a free option. I take it your fine with the fact that you have to pay into a corupte system just to stay alive or your monkey@d.

    you, fucktard, have no idea what you're talking about. we are one of the few nations that DO have a free option. fortunately, it's not offered to idiots such as yourself. i'm still incredibly disappointed that my tax money is probably helping you in some way. i think if anything is flawed in the US, it's the fact that we don't have the choice to exclude people like you from society. because trust me, if we could, we would. you're a burden to the people around you. grow the fuck up.

    • Upvote 2
  7. used the ebay code thing, and it's appearing along with some climate control thing in the for sale feed....second time it's happened...

    any idea what i'm doing wrong....i do my ebay listing, and then i come back here and do the title thing in the VS ad....just that climate control thing keeps appearing!

  8. It's all good...they are black, so they are entitled to resist arrest, and push cops, and call them bitches.

    We understand.

    Stupid cop.


    Whoever says the cop was in the wrong is a retard. This has nothing to do with race. Anyone who resists arrest should get punched. He was actually really calm throughout, except the brief moment where the uninvolved woman put her hands on him.

    BTW, that cop looks like a dyke.

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  9. <!--quoteo(post=1570565:date=May 5 2009, 01:17 PM:name=ErikS)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ErikS @ May 5 2009, 01:17 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1570565"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I guess we should be ending wars and increasing taxes.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    war stimulates our economy

    so does producing crack and pimping hookers, but we don't do that.....yet

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  10. it's about time you two.

    i ordered most of my parts for the rebuild from FCP a couple of years ago.....

    not to mention other parts on several occasions. I've also had some warranty returns that have always been handled no questions asked.

    I know I emailed Nick about supporting some of our meets a couple of years ago also, so hopefully this time you guys can come through if we ever have any more sponsored meets


  11. California IS a prison. It's just that we're buying some of them food and giving them free cable and electricity and water, along with fully equipped recreational facilities.

    Releasing them just means that we won't have to buy them dinner.

    Crime stats won't go up one bit, but taxes will go down.....I don't see the problem.

  12. Wait, your not an American citizen? If not I respectfully say STFU! I don't see any whining here, just what-ifs and what-nows. And most of us on "the other side" have wished the new Prez well, and true to form for true Americans we'll be behind the guy because he's ours. Now go tend to the Hindu Vs Muslim issues over there, Poverty and the growing Aids crisis and sex slave problems. Noticed a lot of misaligned teeth over there also. The rant on the Ivy League suggests you couldnt get into a school of that caliber, or am I wrong? Listen to me, I went to a community college :lol: :lol: . Yup, I'm a tool, but youre way off base.

    And check the popular vote, not the landslide you may think.

    " You'll never fit in! Now you come to elf practice, learn how to wiggle your ears, chuckle warmly, go hee-hee and ho-ho, and important stuff like that. A dentist! Good grief!"

    Am I being too mean? :P

    And anyone who would vote for Al Franken is an idiot.

    And I was just going to remark on how us VSers are more tolerant of differing opinions than TBrickers. 86 that!

    Yes, I'm an American citizen. I got accepted to 4 out of 6 schools I applied to......USC, George Washington, Texas, SMU. I didn't get accepted to Georgetown and UCLA......no regrets though, I wouldn't have gone to Gtown anyway because they closed their dental school in 1998 while I was applying. I chose USC because I have a family member who is a dentist in Los Angeles, and because their dental school is VERY good.

    Either way, my point was that no matter how you argue it, there was a winner, a clear winner. So, instead of this thread being about how your life is going to suck (which, lets be honest, it wont) with a leader that is on the opposite side of the political spectrum, make it about how this leader can bring the US out of it's drunken stupor.

    You're not being too mean....it's a debate. If you were JOE, I would say you're being mean, though. He's an ass.

    Oh, and remember that India is 60 years old, and was British ruled for hundreds of years.....they left this place as it is, and from the room I'm sitting in, I can tell you that it's getting alot better. While the US citizens (myself included when I'm there) are tending to drive-by shootings, rapes, incest laden cults, economic crisis, a losing war effort, gay people running around in protests, and a school (not college/uni) education system that sees most of it's students fail at higher levels, let me remind you that India's economy is booming, they are fighting against AIDs, and they are taking American jobs abroad, and in America, and not just cleaning toilets and working at McDonald's.....they are taking tech jobs, medical jobs, engineering jobs, along with just about any other high paying, respectable position you can imagine.

    Don't be blinded by pride, and realize what is really happening over there. I'm not saying India is better than America, but no one can argue the fact that as of now, India is one of few places on earth producing positive images. India has been dealing with terrorist bombings on a daily basis for YEARS....and yet, no economic crisis, no people crying foul about what the government has been doing about it.....

  13. All of you American Idiots still ranting about who won and didnt win needs to read Wednesday's papers again. Obama is the president....like it or not.

    Get behind it, or get left behind.

    What's the first move you sore losers?

    I'm not saying this as an Obama backer, but rather as basically an outsider looking in, seeing the opposing (losing) party's supporters crying and whining.

    Essentially, what all you loser whiners are saying is that 65% of the United States' population who voted is stupid, illiterate, and voted blindly. They all didn't vote for McCain because why? I think most of you idiots knows that most voters are educated enough to choose the candidate that they feel will benefit them the most.....Well, American Idiots, let me tell you, again, that 65% of the voters feel that Obama will benefit them the most. If you can't open your eyes and remove the American Idiot blinders you have on, then you, in fact, are the dumb illiterate, whether you went to Yale, Harvard or any other pricey snobbish "we are winners" schools out there. Let me remind you also that 65% is almost twice 35%. That's how badly Americans wanted a drastic change in the country. Live with it, deal with it, and wake up tomorrow morning knowing that the reason this man was voted into office (not to mention the swing in the senate), is because something was totally fucked with what happened in the last 8 years, and someone needs to fix it......65% of voters think that Obama will do it.....not easy to swallow, but the numbers give you a fact.

    And by American Idiots, I mean anyone who whines after an election, be it Republican or Democrat. Move the fuck on, we live in a democracy. It's what happens. If it were Republican all the time, or Democrat all the time, we'd be living in North Korea you dumb monkeys.

    Let's get back to what President-Elect Obama must do as his first move...................

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