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Everything posted by BeachRat

  1. Yeah, I know. I just stuck the caption on that one because it would have made more sense on a picture where the car was closer, hence... We were behind you that whole first drive, unless some other badass black C70 just stepped in periodically! My bad, Joe. Didn't mean to steal your thunder, or your pic (which I wouldn't have had anyway!). I was thinking of this one: Silver, black. Whatever. :P
  2. Once again, PM or catch me on AIM. I'm not digging through this thread for stuff like this. No, that quote was for the pic below that one. I could only smell it right behind you. I actually have the same setup, and the same problem! :ph34r:
  3. I actually saw that sign on the drive, and thought the same thing. It looks even closer in that pic. Get some more coffee, stat!
  4. Did ya miss why Joe said "double-take"? It's "Bailard" not Ballard... ZING! :D
  5. There's life outside VS? The light, the light is blinding! Aaahhh!
  6. If anyone wants full-size hugeass originals, shoot me a PM or catch me on AIM.
  7. Sorry it took me so God damned long to get these up, kids. I had waaay to much shaz going on this weekend, topped with the fact that I am flat out retarded sometimes. I just now figured out how to work that magical memory card port on the side of my laptop. I knew I shelled out extra bucks for something!!! Without further ado, SoCal really does do it better. 56k DIAF Our fearless driver... Represent, muthamonkeya! Curves ahead, whee! One of my favorite shots: Oh, btw, you're running rich as all hell. "Dude, what's the meaning of it all? You know, life, our existence, the universe?" "Hey, look! Gum!" Pat "Paul, get out of the picture! Meh, what the hell..." Joe was orignially backwards, so they were spelling "VZ"... That's what happens when you go to California publick skool. We had one yellow show up... Where's the "My Pen is HUGE" shirt? Niiiice S60R! See? Told ya! Too dark to see who...
  8. It's the inverse of that on T-Bricks. They hate on "wrong-wheel drive" so much it makes my eyes dry out. Then you see things like Doug's thread, and you see the same people going "Oh, Doug your car is so awesome!"
  9. T-Bricks? They're probably hatin' on it more than they're thinking about buying it!
  10. It's been known for years that stem cells can be had from bone marrow and other parts w/out using embryos. However, most of these sources have their own limitaions. Many of the stem cells from these parts are only able to be used for specific applications because they've already begun to form into certain types of cells. Embryonic stem cells are still highy sought-after because they're one of the ONLY places to get a true "blank" cell. I have done my research, and GB is still an idiot. It's morality based on religious principles. I see it as a failure of separation of church and state: right up there with anti-gay marriage laws. He should be vetoing based on the law, which doesn't legally define anything living prior to exiting the womb.
  11. Looks really nice! If all the welds look that good, :tup:
  12. I totally agree; tis most unfortunate but true. If G-dubya's brother or something had Parkinson's, I bet he'd be shredding that veto right, quick and in a hurry! The celebrity crack was sarcasm. Sadly, it's really only brought to the forefront by celebrities such as C Reeves and M Fox, though. Thousands more are dying from diseases that could be conquered through stem cell research. Obviously it won't be an instantaneous effect, but federal funding would speed up the process exponentially!
  13. So everyone thinks John Kerry's "Christopher Reeves" comment was still to risque? What about Mike J Fox now? How many celebrities must die before neo-conservative morons adapt a little Lockean Philosophy? A little hurt for a lot of benefit? No?
  14. I heard the daisy chain wasn't the best idea, not sure why though Might have just been too much bad crack on my part. :wacko:
  15. :blink: Of all topics to be revived, this is one of them? It is an improvement, but a very minimal one at the most.
  16. Ummm... I vote "No." Probably not stiff enough, but that's just my thought.
  17. We did, here: The old rubber was ground out with a dremel, and the new bushings fit in with with a little pressure: nothing a good vice or even a strong person can't do. I put large flat washers above and below (see pics) to keep them from slipping out, although I highly doubt they would have even without the washers!
  18. I stuck off-the-shelf endlink urethane bushings in there instead, it's a little easier than filling it with uncured urethane, but more power to ya for doing it this way.
  19. Bad ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD burnout Pat! Too bad no one can hear "Ooookay, time to leave!"
  20. :blink: $125 for stock springs? Even "R" springs aren't worth that much, senor.
  21. Definitely use high temp enamel (the 500 degree stuff is fine) if you're going to paint the rail cover. Polished looks nice, but it's A LOT of work! I painted mine blue, picture this with blue silicone instead:
  22. Trip Computer bulbs can use the #74's Aldebran linked to. I soldered some into the stock bulb holders, works well but the inverted lenses are pretty dim, as Aldebran also said. The rest is all done with 3mm LED's, 470ohm surface mount and inline resistors, and a lot of patience.
  23. I thought I'd at least come hang out, Savanna would have come with the car even if it were running... Sad, no? I'm pretty sure we had one yellow turn out. I need to find my USB to get my pics up.
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