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Everything posted by fromtheshadows

  1. haha, yeah 'cause those "love" and "peace" ideals are really just immoral and war is the key to a clean livin'
  2. war is always good for companies in the business of war, ... among them halliburton
  3. DID i miss something? The COMMANDER IN CHEIFs responsibility is to keep our soldiers out of harms way unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. OK lets talk about betrayal for a second. A man sends innocent children to war to kill other innocent people on a lie. Of course the haves and the have mores wont send their children. I suppose those of you bashing kerry for what has been sold to you on his military record support our grave mistake of going to VIETNAM without proper intelligence... Well , sorry for the personal attack but you lack that very same quality. I feel strongly that every death attatched to this IRAQI war sits solely on the shoulders of this (never even elected by the popular vote in the first place) presidents administration. Thats a lot of death, so if they reinstate the draft in the next four years I guess well know who in here contributed. <_<
  4. Im sorry, but bush was not elected by 50+1 percent of the people. I was in japan on an air force base, and my vote was made via absentee ballot. So it wasnt even counted at the same time everyone elses was. I guess thats one of the many penalties for serving my country, my vote didnt count, and it wouldnt have anyway. I guess we will see in november how many people have started caring about lies told to the american people by this president. I also think its funny the way you ppl have to resort to banners bashing the republicans competition, they really show your lack of originality. You have sided with a party that wont bat an eye while they lie, so I guess lack of taste just goes hand in hand. I dont need to post any fancy images of bush saying something stupid and totally idiotic just turn on your TV.
  5. It all comes down to this. George Bush Jr was not elected by the people of the USA. If you voted for him the first time, you are in the minority (of course people trying to make volvos go fast as opposed to other cars are in the minority also, so it kinda makes sense). His brother helped hide how bad he lost the popular vote. The first 8 months of his job he was a lame duck president. he couldnt get his judges appointed and he lost republican control of the senate. in his first 8 months before sept. 11 he was on vacation 42% of the time. He had cut terrorism funding from the fbi and sept 6th he was given a memo about bin ladens intent to attack american soil, never once holding a meeting to talk about counter-terrorism. sept 11th was the largest foriegn attack on american soil. What did bush do? he blamed it on the guy who his daddy once had delivered weapons to. we held hundreds of ppl coming in on airlines after 9/11 on the precedent that they were from the arabic nations, ...and 24 of bin ladens family members were flown out of THIS country on sept.13 without being questioned. This arrangement being approved by the president. But of course, the bin laden family had business arrangement with the bush family through bush's friend jim bath, who was connected to the bin laden family. Because the bin laden family (and the bush family) has heavy stock in the CARLyLE group, which is a huge US defense contractors and a known worldwide arms dealer, The bin ladens stood to make a lot of money off sept 11th. 860 billion dollars, about 7% of americas economy has been invested by the saudi royals. Been laden is a saudi. saudi money funded al qaeda. the majority of the 9/11 attackers were saudi...so let go get us some Iraqis! Do you really want to reelect a president who's in bed with the saudi's? dont even get me started on halliburton. Welll...obviously FEAR works. The fear tactics used by the pres. and his cronies to scare us into this war is warranted, but not for a war against Iraq...the war isnt in iraq, not a war on terror anyway. Obviously noone voting for bush believes the 9/11 commission. REMEMBER THE 9/11 COMMISSION? when Bush took office his ppl said S hussein had no wmd's...and that we were doing a good job of keeping them away from him....hmm, thats not what the precedent was for the iraq invasion. Kinda changed their tune didnt they? talk about flip flopping? what about a flip flop that kills. Whatever, you all kerry bashers can say what you want, but I can tell you that Kerry doesnt need terrorists money, or the money from ppl that fund terrorism. and who is the real terrorist here anyway. be4 the war the soveriegn nation of Iraq had never murdered a single american citizen. I wonder if you had been born as an Iraqi citizen if the picture would be clearer when a bomb blows up your house? thousands and thousands of Innocents killed and injured. Im sure most of you think that were doing good things in Iraq, and as insurgents swarm in from all sides, and as the AMERICAN soldier death count rises, your thoughts betray you.
  6. george bush sr's son is a tool, but some ppl pretend hes not. talk about a fantasy world
  7. yeah it was genius to "liberate" those people with our brand of democracy now theyre so free from persecution. can we start polluting the tigris with corporate waste now? sorry for the sarcasm
  8. "Opinions are like assholes: Everyone has one, and they all stink. But some smell better than others... " thats just plain wrong. maybe stink less, but smell better?. Id also like to know if youve got evidence to back up the fact that they all stink and how you gathered it.
  9. Oh because we never committed genocide or anything to anyone huh. and witches were never burned, and we never owned slaves and the civil war was really just "civil". I bet our forefathers didnt have mistresses, or masturbate. Its not the "moral" decline its the population increase, due to better medicine, and the widespread ability to feed as many children as we can produce through factory farming. plus larger number of police to catch all the morally corrupt and more media coverage, and puberty is happening earlier too because of the hormones in the food so that the animals grow large enough too feed all of the ppl. Its making these little 11 year olds frisky im telling you. I was still playing with GI joes at 12, and the girls in my class were flat as a board, well except only the genetically gifted. what was the topic?
  10. I would support prolife though if we could find a way to hold the fathers accountable for their children..., and then tie their tubes , but thats WAY too much govt. for most of you. as far as adoption, do you know how hard it is to put a baby thats not white up for adoption?
  11. str8 controversy in here. I think we are missing the point of personal responsibility thats what abortion is all about. the weight of it all. i understand the ppl with families and how you cant fathom how someone would take the life of their own child. I am in the middle on this one. I dont think that we as men should have the right to tell a woman (who has been raped, or abandoned by another man and cannot afford a child, or the child grows up hungry and poor and shoots my kid for their wallet type of thing) what she can or cannot do with her body to a certain point. I do believe that after into the 3rd trimester the decision shoulve been made responsibly and it is murder after that point, and partial birth abortions are sicker than the US farming industry. I also find it totally hipocritical that the same govt that is prochoice all the way is against euthenasia. yeah lets kill the ones trying to get in to the world but not let the ones who wanna leave out.
  12. I dont know where you get your info from but i can tell you that stem cell research would help patients with spinal chord injuries, so how can i read the rest of your silly post. Bush hasnt banned stem cell research he has just limited funding. Stem cell research will happen, but under Bush's plan, of the restricted lines of stem cells used many of the stem cell lines may be useless, and even if they can be used to find cures they will not work except exclusively for the race the stem cell will match. Its really a useless plan to get the ball rolling and it will not make the progress we could be making. Thats the issue. Many more will die before stem cell research is made useful, so for those peoples lives alone I do think Kerry has a right to use the death of reeves as political leverage because a lot more could have been done sooner. unless you believe in the process of natural selection...
  13. this is the dumbest thread ive ever seen. and i hope some big hippie kicks youre ace be4 GOD gets to you.
  14. So basically it comes down to whose numbers you believe, well guess what guys, they are both politicians and you cant trust either of them. That said, if you still trust Bush and make over 200,000 a year then you should vote for him. If thats not the case then you must be a middle class republican who doesnt have a son or daughter that died in iraq. if youre outside of this category Id like to know cause i dont see it happening. If you look at the raw numbers and the raw facts and really think bush has been good for this country's economy youre not seeing the issue with open eyes. they must be clouded by republicanism...flat tax for everyone I say, wheres that president?.
  15. did you know that you can use Mcdonalds old fry oil to power your 240 diesel? Or any diesel for that matter. you have to run a little diesel through it to start it, so you need to run a little at the end of your drive, but it actually helps performance without any effects on engine life. my friend has a diesel mercedes fueled by biodiesel and its as slow in either mode, but with mods they can be made quick. Actress Darryl Hannah drives a big jerk truck fueled by donut grease. You'll have to have two seperate tanks and the ability to switch back and forth, but theyll give you the free fuel, some places will even pay you to take it off their hands.. and it gets rid of that diesel smell. apperently smells like donuts or potatoes depending on what you run. the diesel engine was built by a farmer to run off peanut oil. deisel is the way of the future. imagine a fuel source that you can just grow. deisel is the way of the future.
  16. by the way, bush having knowledge, coupled with UNDERSTANDING?... thats hilarious. bush goes the way most politicians go,...the way their told. noone here cares about environmental issues? such shortsightedness. and typically big business republican mentality. The one celled organisms that live near the surface of the oceans (near coasts where we dump and around the south pole) can change the carbon dioxide into oxygen and food molecules (energy) by photosynthesis. These one celled organisms are called phytoplankton or just plankton. Algae, such as seaweed also undergo photosynthesis. THESE SMALL ORGANISMS PRODUCE THE MAJOR PORTION OF THE OXYGEN FOR BREATHING ON THIS PLANET BY PHOTOSYNTHESIS . you like breathing right? ...theres one reason not to vote for bush
  17. no insult intended, honestly i'm just tired of holding your guys hands through this. Bush didnt get the info he needed to invade iraq from any advisory committee , he recieved this info from Cheney and other neocons who set up their own "intelligence" operation within the pentagon. After not finding WMD's they push the failures on the Intelligence/spy research rather than on the big truth, which was the intentional abuse and manipulation of the intelligence to distort and mislead congress, the UN and the American public. ..but of course the investigation is not over, its not set to end until 2005. Well after the November elections. Did anyone in here pay attention to the 9/11 commission? No wonder Bush wanted to end it prematurely.. I'm not voting for Kerry just because a vote against Bush is better than nothing, but to call voting a liar, puppethead, failed businessman,war monger, and special interest caterer out of office stupid, ...well thats you. especially when hes already lost the popular vote once. ...dont even get me started on that governor of FL. Im not saying bush is a bad person. hes just really dumb. i dunno maybe hes a little book smart, but so are some autistic people. Maybe he does believe that lining the pockets of his dads rich cronies is the right thing to do.maybe he does believe that violence isnt a last resort. maybe he does believe sadam was behind sept. 11th one way or another, or has plutonium reserves somewhere. thats not my call. But his administration has not proved a thing. I'm just worried about who really makes his decisions. because you know hes not the one everytime he opens his mouth. I am anti Iraq war. I've lost two friends due to the decisions of an administration over 50% of the ppl didnt vote for. for what? Iraq was not a major threat. If they were we woulndt have attacked them. they wouldve pressed the button. Bush had to do something and he used a scapegoat. You cant see that, youre blind. Hey lets pick on the country weve consistently bombed into smithereens for years. theyre easy and a face the public ppl know are just bad guys. I wouldve been anti vietnam too...another losing battle. why dont we go back there while were at it, dont we have some bones to pick. Were not the roman empire, we cant kill everyone in our way. Iraq is surrounded by countried with millions of ppl willing to come for miles to be martyred by an american bullet. Its their key to heaven. if bush does get reelected, expect the backlash to take form of terrorism on american soil. ...thats why im voting for kerry
  18. unbiased and hits the nail on the head for me http://economist.com/printedition/displayS...tory_ID=2539128 by the way overreading, thats pretty funny 5/32 eskimo. but if he were alive, my great grandfather would scalp your jerk :P
  19. hmmm, what r u trying to prove with bin ladens letter? ive read it. what's your point. as i've said before, it was a built argument. pay close attention to the first point, cause its prolly the most important one. whats youre point? are you trying to argue that if we didnt have such strong ties to Israel we wouldnt have been attacked? you wont sell that here sucka... I will only defend Kerry on one point. All others will follow suit. Kerry was for the Iraq war under the pretenses that what the US president, Dubya, was telling him and the american people was truth. Yeah his mistake was forgetting Dubya is a politician...as for flip floppin...what about bush.Bush is against campaign finance reform; then he's for it. Bush is against a Homeland Security Department; then he's for it. Bush is against a 9/11 commission; then he's for it. Bush is against an Iraq WMD investigation; then he's for it. Bush is against nation building; then he's for it. Bush is against deficits; then he's for them. Bush is for free trade; then he's for tariffs on steel; then he's against them again. Bush is against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli Palestinian conflict; then he pushes for a "road map" and a Palestinian State. Bush is for states right to decide on gay marriage, then he is for changing the constitution. Bush first says he'll provide money for first responders (fire, police, emergency), then he doesn't. Bush first says that 'help is on the way' to the military ... then he cuts benefits Bush-"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. Bush-"I don't know where he is. I have no idea and I really don't care. Bush claims to be in favor of the environment and then secretly starts drilling on Padre Island. Bush talks about helping education and increases mandates while cutting funding. Bush first says the U.S. won't negotiate with North Korea. Now he will Bush goes to Bob Jones University. Then say's he shouldn't have. Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to sanction military action against Iraq. Later Bush announced he would not call for a vote Bush said the "mission accomplished" banner was put up by the sailors. Bush later admits it was his advance team. Bush was for fingerprinting and photographing Mexicans who enter the US. Bush after meeting with Pres. Fox, he's against it. so yeah you did find one thing Bush is better at...pat yourself on the back
  20. wow. where do I start? I prefer to get mt information from a source thats not government controlled and funded. Maybe you should expose yourself to the knowledge of the information superhighway. Use your own critical thinking skills. by what "they sold you" I meant the govt. ...genius. you should all go to U.S. newswire more often and find real news like that http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=34104 do you have kids? if they killed someone would you cut their allowance? if you didnt deal out some form of punitive action I think you WOULD be condoning their behavior?..no? stop lying to yourself. and if you were following the thread there was a comment on how the israeli jewish ppl have been the most persecuted throughout history. I didnt ask for your sympathy, i dont need it. I'm doing fine, no thank you. I was proving your bias and willingness to talk out of the wrong end. Not belittling the Irish struggle either, I'm sure you, as an American, are also doing fine yourself. How about addressing the healthcare worker shortage? what will Bush do? I dont care what any of you think, but I'm for socializing medicine. This would kill more than two birds with one stone. We have no chance for this under Bush. Noone has said anything about Bush's environmental policies...please someone defend them. Name one thing Bush has over Kerry, but you have to prove it. no biased republican conservative whatever crap. 3 purple hearts + 1 brain = 4 better years in my opinion
  21. figure id post this seperate...as far as kerry lying about his war record. well, Kerry had already served A FULL TOUR and got out after four months of his SECOND TOUR to pursue a career in politics. Voluntarily enlisted in 1966, voluntarily signed up for second tour in 1968. And how long was Bush there? Right. Sounds to me like we're going after the wrong guy, aren't we? we in the military call (yes we IN THE MILITARY) anyone not present for 30 days AWOL ...yeah a deserter...so instead of attacking kerry we should be COMPARING kerry to bush. is there anything , short of having a fatcat father to get him out of serving in the US military, that george w. has done better than Kerry? i vote for Bush in the Pussying out category for sure.btw im gonna lift something a friend said...ready? "I consider myself environmentally aware, and generally for enviromental regulation. I am hereby stating I wiped my bum with two or three wads of toilet paper this morning. If I run for president in 30 years, I wouldn't at all be surprised if the Republicans go digging in the cesspool to count the wads. And if they find I actually used FOUR WADS they'd be cranking up the presses... ' "So called environmentally-aware candidate wastes paper and lies about it in writing." ' In fact I wouldn't be surprised if they did no investigating at all and got the talking heads to say it anyway. It's the republican way." -name withheld...but he's right, ask a real POW (like John McCain), not some paid off vet, one of which recanted cause he got in trouble, what the real story of VIetnam was...and you know what im saying.
  22. please refrain from the tree-hugger comments. oh by the way im 1/16th native american...if you want to talk about persecution.
  23. even if you don't like my opinion, think of the FUTURE. how will your grandchildrens quality of life be?...great granchildren?http://www.nrdc.org/bushrecord/
  24. ha ha yeah whatever, support for israel only partially responsible? yeah ok, stuff. if we had not been supporting israel it wouldnt have happened. period everything else is nothing at all. and i wish the labels like liberal would cease its just an attack labels are just trying to put someone far to the left or right. ...dont mind you being for the support if israel. but 14,000 dollars per israeli? isnt it enough weve given them our military support ensuring that they will not be wiped out? what do they produce? ....uh, nothing. I wouldn't mind supporting them if as you say they are only just a persecuted ppl. only innocents subject to persecution. however,there are 149 substantive articles of the Fourth Geneva Convention that protect the rights of every one of these Palestinians living in occupied Palestine, right, in case you didnt know, The Israeli Government is currently violating, and has since 1967 been violating, almost each and every one of these sacred rights of the Palestinian People recognized by the Fourth Geneva Convention. Indeed, violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention are war crimes. So this is not a symmetrical situation. As matters of fact and of law, the gross and repeated violations of Palestinian rights by the Israeli army and Israeli settlers living illegally in occupied Palestine constitute war crimes. Conversely, the Palestinian people are defending themselves and their land and their homes against Israeli war crimes and Israeli war criminals, both military and civilian. and that is fact. ....belive it or not, palestinians dont want to invade israel. They want to have their freedom. In operative paragraph 1 of its 19 October 2000 Resolution, the U.N. Human Rights Commission then: "Strongly condemns the disproportionate and indiscriminate use of force in violation of international humanitarian law by the Israeli occupying Power against innocent and unarmed Palestinian civilians...including many children, in the occupied territories, which constitutes a war crime and a crime against humanity..." And in paragraph 5 of its 19 October 2000 Resolution, the U.N. Human Rights Commission:"Also affirms that the deliberate and systematic killing of civilians and children by the Israeli occupying authorities constitutes a flagrant and grave violation of the right to life and also constitutes a crime against humanity;..." Article 68 of the United Nations Charter had expressly required the U.N.'s Economic and Social Council to "set up" this Commission "for the promotion of human rights." and i totally lifted that part. ....so you support giving money to criminals? They have been in active pusuit of a holy war...if youre for that, ...well. has nothing to do with our future leadership....which might be a choice of the lesser of two evils. as a disclaimer, I have Jewish friends and even a few Israeli Jewish friends who do not support the current Isralei prime ministers Al Aqsa Intifada. Hey wanna hear something ironic?...bet ya dont. The whole idea of "crimes against humanity" and the criterion for these said crimes were established in the Nuremberg Charter of 1945 for the trial of the major Nazi war criminals. These criteria, adopted by the U.N. human rights commision, fits what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people..... this is no lie, this is legal fact....so you know what you can go do with your kinda sheep-like logic:lol:
  25. you guys can attack each others politics all you want but the fact is all you really know is what they sold you. issues like N korea and the vietnam war have little bearing on who will be the better leader. 9/11 happened because of our allied union and funding of Israel. Most of the muslim people know this. so to justify the Iraq war as retribution is going to be met with ridicule by anyone who isn't an ethnocentric american. Invading Iraq was a convenient way to help fight a holy war that we are all too familiar with. It is a way to take out one of the most prominent muslim countries in the area because, in the american mind Israel is the good guy and the muslim fundamentalists need to be put in check. well, it has spilled onto our doorstep now. I have never supported our foreign policy on the coddling of ariel sharon. hes a prick. Not saying I have an answer on how to restore peace in the middle east, but I did see this coming. I have arabic friends that are scared for their families because they realize Hamas are among us. Its a scary thought, but they are guerillas. we've been giving Israel a lot of money for a long time that they have been using to fight their enemies, and squandering without a proper democracy in place. like thats not going to piss someone off? tell me we couldnt use the money for ourselves http://www.wrmea.com/html/us_aid_to_israel.htm read a little on > this site for me I dont think kerry will pull funding from israel, or that he will be a good president in my opinion, but I already know that Bush IS a liar ,whether or not he knows it , and I CAN attack his character, or lack therof, because he is the most public of figures. I do know what he is trying to sell me, its I&#39;m dumb. I dont need any more of that ive seen enough under this topic, i want what bush cant give me, a more efficient fuel source, cleaner air and a better waste management system. cleaner water... . i vote for people who can think for themselves, I vote for the environment and i think kerry is a step in the right direction. oh,..and die hard republicans are so one sided they lack depth. nothing wrong with shallow ppl though it takes all kinds. sorry for the long post but i was bored. ...
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