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Everything posted by WhiteT5

  1. Repost! http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php?s...c=54112&hl= You suck, now go find me some interesting news.
  2. WTF? I have to do that all over again? Meh, I'll do it later. Damn, at least I won't be at the top of the "Most Money Spent" section anymore.
  3. I know whatcha mean. What amazes me even more is that there are times when none of the billions of web pages out there are entertaining.
  4. May I suggest something in the form of online news from The Guardian, Reuters, Spiked, The Times, or even The BBC.
  5. 0.0505 sec -- 6 queries GZIP Enabled Time is now: 30th June 2006 - 01:34 AM ^^^ That is mine. I guess the extra time is just browser overhead and traffic.
  6. Hhhmm, didn't really seem to get any quicker. It seems a bit slower than some sites, but then again, I'm sitting on an FO line. It's certainly not unbearably slow. Most page loads take 1 second or a tad over.
  7. Whoa, very cool. Wonder how this would work out on the 850 hood. *Goes and looks at hood*. Hhhhmm, forget I ever said anything about that. It would look like ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD; much less of an angle in the 850 hood.
  8. Oh, let's make this fun! Someone add a poll and see how many get it wrong. :sheep:
  9. And that's why I say, when this man speaks, you should listen. Iterating my earlier point, the wideband is one of the most useful tools you could possibly have. It is worth every dollar. Don't even think about touching any component of the fuel system until you have sufficient data to say that it's necessary. Even then, the effort is futile if the fuel program is not reprogrammed.
  10. Unfortunately, most seem to go for the bigger injectors before the wideband.
  11. Dealer should be able to set adaptives w/ the VCT tool.
  12. I think it's pretty well known that Volvo drivers have a reputation for being yuppies.
  13. It typically costs more to have someone executed due to all the red tape legal procedures than it does to keep them in prison for life. Plus, this way, he can rot away spending 23 hrs a day thinking about how much of a douchebag he is.
  14. There was a flag ban thing in a little redneck town about 45 minutes southeast of here the past couple weeks also. All the good 'ol boys went and bought themselves some American flags and dun flew them things on their lifted 4x4's. Several of them got expelled from school, so that pissed off the rest of the student body, so apparently they ended up w/ a couple hundred students walking around w/ American flags, so they just said screw it and gave up.
  15. I have a hispanic friend who told me that he received a txt message calling for all hispanic persons to not go to work and to not leave their homes on April 10th in an effort to show the rest of the country what the life would be like w/o them here. Of course, most probably won't follow through with it due to fear of losing their jobs, but still, it's an interesting thought. I'm gonna be pissed if I go to McDonalds and no one is there to give me my french fries .
  16. Oookkay, nevermind about that little bit. Everyone here is talking about it now.
  17. Wait, you mean bars aren't meant for getting drunk ? I wonder which suburb of Dallas this was in. It seems that it would've created quite a local media uproar and I've not heard anything about it. Then again, I rarely watch the news anymore.
  18. WTF? If this doesn't point out the ignorance on the part of these people, nothing will.
  19. Taking action against all the crooked politicians would never work. We'd be left without a government .
  20. Whoa.... am I.... dead? Where am I? What's going on???
  21. Hillary Joke: HILLARY'S FIRST NIGHT AS PRESIDENT in January 2009 Hillary Clinton gets elected President and is spending her first night in the White House. She has waited so long.... The ghost of George Washington appears, and Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?" Washington says, "Never tell a lie." "Ouch!" Says Hillary, "I don't know about that." The next night, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appears... Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?" Jefferson says, "Listen to the people." "Ohhh, I really don't want to do that!" On the third night, the ghost of Abe Lincoln appears.. Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?" Lincoln says, "Go to the theater."
  22. Makes me wonder what would happen if the shot had been fatal....
  23. Fixed for you. I don't know anyone personally that likes Bush. It still boggles my mind how he got re-elected if everyone hates him . As for Iran, I don't know much about the country. If what Kuzia just said about them not having any oil though is true, I don't think that's enough to stop the war pig in charge of this country from starting another bloodbath. If doing so would lead to a more "secure" middle east in his mind and allow for even further western control over the region as a whole, then he'd justify it somehow. But really, he's gonna have to think of a better excuse for his retarded actions. You can't use "harboring weapons of mass destruction" twice, especially when it was complete and total BS the first time around. That's like using a condom twice .... it's just not cool. To answer your question about the general mood here: I'd say that most people are fed up with Bush's crap and don't want him to start, yet another war. What's the general opinion over in jolly old England?
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