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Everything posted by WhiteT5

  1. Yes! Idea: Put some sort of sperm killer in everyone's water and then you have to get a license and an "anti birth control" pill to have kids. Not that it'd ever happen, but it's fun to think about.
  2. Stupid law limiting presidents to two terms...... I wasn't old enough to vote either of the times that Clinton was running for office, but if he were to run again, I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. I wonder what would happen if we disallowed all of the people with intelligence quotias of less than 120 from voting....
  3. Ahh, who cares? I kid, I kid. I love Canada. Paul Martin is doing a pretty good job right now, no?
  4. He did say something to that extent due to the fact that all he saw in science was so perfect, he refused to believe that a god was just "rolling dice" so to speak. Keep in mind though that Einstein was not Christian. He was in fact rather annoyed with organized and conventional religion, saying "Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts." For this reason, he strayed from organized religion, but certainly did not revert to the other end of the scale, atheism. He began to take the two (personal spirituality and science) hand in hand in his later days. He is quoted as saying, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." I too feel that the masses participating in organized religion (i.e. going to church, practicing orthodox-like behaviors) are being led blindly. This does not make me an atheist though; far from it. Einstein was right in saying that things are far too perfect. I'm not a gambling man, but the chance of the world today being coincidence is faaarr from good odds. It didn't just all fall into place. I think that science only further verifies the existence of a supreme being. I mean, really, the more I learn, the more I study in all fields, the more beauty I see in the world around us, the more I feel that my beliefs are confirmed.
  5. So true. Throughout high school, I was always told "Don't do it, or else...". Of course, I always did it and nothing ever happened. I mean, what can they do? Kick you out of school for something that they don't even know the meaning of?
  6. Hey Pras, clear your temp internet files and cookies; should fix the problem.
  7. The physical cost of execution isn't what costs so much money. It's all the court proceedings, lawyers, and years of legal mumbo jumbo that cost all the money.
  8. Believe it or not, life in prison costs taxpayers much less than putting someone to death. Plus, the death pentalty gives the government an excuse to be hypocrites. Uncle Sam says don't kill, then closes the curtain and fries the inmate. :huh:
  9. I have a comment about the new layout boss. I used to like how when a page was refreshed or whatever and you had a new PM, it would show a preview of it. Now I don't know I have a new PM until I check my email and that whole moving my eyeballs to see if I have new PM's in the upper right hand corner is just too much work .
  10. I'd like to see some non-bolt on engine work 'cause we don't get to see enough of that around here. Some port 'n polish work on the head, maybe some custom ground cams from VMS, other cool stuff.
  11. I hate to sound like a pessimist, but I couldn't agree with you any more on this one John. It really is sad. 50% of Americans have an IQ of less than 100. That fact alone is disgusting. I mean, I just want to scream at everyone, "Put the remote down. Get off your lazy arse and quit watching the filth referred to as reality TV. Go read a F_ing book or do something to better yourself and the world around you". </rant>
  12. Agreed. There is plenty of censorship on the TV news and in the newspapers, which sucks, but it's not like we can't go read the BBC or whatever other publications we feel like. While much of this would still be possible without the internet, it would be MUCH more difficult.
  13. Scorage ness. Ya know Charles, I had this brilliant idea for the forum last night, but I can't remember what it was now . I'll remember later though... maybe. Night night everyone, time for some shut eye.
  14. True, didn't read the whole article the first time. It doesn't make me happy even when they do it just to build another highway to relieve traffic congestion, but what they've done here just seems like they're letting bullying take place.
  15. Weee! Me be a supporting member! If you get the whole NW crew to do this, you'll be rich!
  16. Believe me. The best way to run from the cops is on a motorcycle, more specifically a trail bike. You have to have plenty of vegetation around though. I've done it more times than I can count on one hand . EDIT: Pretty soon, we will have 9000 members!
  17. A very nice page indeed. I went to a very liberal public school district for 13 years total and I know we never learned any of this stuff. I'm by no means arguing against prayer in school, but America is the melting pot of the world. There is more diversity of cultures here than in any other place in the world. There is so much diversity and difference in opinion that one group of people will ALWAYS disagree with the actions of another. On the other hand, I do think that everyone can learn a lot from scripture and that it certainly has no negative effects on it's readers. It teaches us patience, virtue, good will, selflessness, and kindness. I think the world would be a much better place with a bit more of those things.
  18. You guys have no idea about illegal aliens until you've been to texas. That's why you have to know how to speak Spanish here.
  19. These pictures are not the face of war. These pictures are a reminder that the numbers we hear on the news every day are more than just numbers, they are lives. We might all hear on the nightly news Private major Joe Pederson was among the dead. That means nothing to any of us and we never think twice about it. But this, this reminds us of the significance of a single life and a single person, and how much of an impact they can make.
  20. Dude that game is incredible. I've gotten 50 m. EDIT: New record 60 m
  21. There are parts warehouses in the states, but 99% of the parts are still made somewhere in Europe (Mostly Sweden and Germany), which means that the U.S. warehouse still has to buy parts from the part manufacturers (Volvo, Bosch, etc.). That means that the results of a weak dollar are passed on to us in the form of higher prices. The person you were talking about is probably taking advantage of the weak dollar by buying parts from the US to save money versus just buying parts locally.
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