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  1. Bush said they went missing before the war. Another lie apparently. I'm sure he will try to blame the troops for this.
  2. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...osives_abc_dc_2
  3. According to Cheney it's factcheck.com There are many internets though.
  4. So where's the proof? hilarious. It's Israel BTW. Maybe you'll learn that next semester?
  5. If Saddam were in power it wouldn't have happened at all. There were no insurgents or terrorists running around Iraq when Saddam was in power so there was no need for civilian forces like this.
  6. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...id=540&ncid=716 They were ambushed after just finishing basic training. No weapons? If they can't protect themselves how are they going to protect Iraq? Warning! The image in the link below is graphic, you may not want to see it. There are dead people involved. People should post graphic things like this so people who don't feel like seeing dead people before they go to eat dinner don't have to! http://www.bartcop.com/halli-deaths.jpg
  7. Can't prove any of it wrong? Look it up and you'll find it's all true.
  8. No one died when Clinton lied about a blow job. The region is more unstable than it has ever been. Atleast with Saddam in power the borders were secure and the opposing factions within Iraq were under control. Now neither is true. Terrorists come and go as they please in Iraq. The U.N. told him flat out there were no WMD's and he chose to ignore it. Guess what? the U.N. was right. Using your approval rating as an excuse to send troops into harms way for nothing is sick.
  9. I'm sure you weren't complaining when the media was tearing apart Clinton 24/7. For some reason it's ULTRA important that Clinton lied about sex but not so important that Bush lied about Iraq. Typical liberal media for you.
  10. If it ain't that bad than why aren't you over there fighting or providing aid?
  11. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,114489,00.html
  12. Only a fool would vote for Bush in 2004. Let us recall all the wonderful things the Bush administration has accomplished. -ate the surplus Clinton created -created a HUGE national deficit. The White House predicts that by the end of the year we will have the highest deficit in U.S. history. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nati..._deficit31.html -1.9 million jobs lost(highest in 10 years) http://www.economist.com/world/na/displayS...tory_id=1772963 -lied to us about the immediate and future threat of WMD attacks from Iraq on U.S. soil http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/3135932.stm, http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/20...02-un-wmd_x.htm, http://www.canadiancontent.net/forums/abou...html&highlight= -lied to us about Iraqs ties to Usama Bin Laden http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/16/911.commission/, http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/20...n-alqaeda_x.htm -Over 1000 U.S. troops dead based on the current administrations lies. http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/07/09/iraq.main/ -created even more unrest in a already very violent region of the world. -More than likely has created a larger future generation of terrorists who hate America. -failed to stop the 9-11 attacks. -outsourcing American jobs http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nati...bushecon10.html this could go on forever but i'll stop for now.
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