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Everything posted by swdracr

  1. Sweeping generalizations ftl. I guess "calling it how I see it" means "abandoning reason and speaking out of ignorance/fear". Sorry, I have too many Muslim friends to put up with b.s. statements like this.. (And then you say "no offense". LOL.)
  2. Swede Racer lives!!!! I spent all day waxing/changing oil/flushing coolant/listening to all the Strokes albums. I think she is ready for the streets. Actually I know she is ready si nce I drove her to Stillwater. What a shithole. But for anyone who knows the plight of the Swede Racer this should make you happy - shje is ready for action. I've probably already missed the TX meet, but if not, my drunk ass will be there.
  3. I have to be at work in 6 hours.... this is going to be bad.
  4. your residence hall is called Isengard? ...so, like, is your RA a wizard?
  5. not my undergarments.. I think I just found the gogo thread like 3 days after everyone elese. like friggin sharks to blood, good lord
  6. Patrick is way drunk. notorious B.O.N.G. > me. did I just talk in third person? p.s. - I spanked my legal studies final. <--(cause for drunkeness prior to sundown)
  7. Many a moons ago? I'm older than you fool New pegs indeed..
  8. I dunno.. a chick with three boobs sounds a little scary to me.. you probably did the right thing. Nevermind I read that wrong. I thought you said 'I turned three of those down tonight'. <--- still drunk from last night.
  9. Blah.. Alright, for all the people saying we're being made to embrace minorities' cultures and to hate the American culture in the name of political correctness, give me a break.. The "American" culture is diversity. This country is built on immigrants. You guys have turned "don't be ignorant and bigoted" into "hate yourself for being white". You're just sounding paranoid/overly defensive.
  10. okay houston.. the moon is.. essentially, grey. (some JTB fan better back me up on this one or I'll feel dumb.)
  11. No one ever posts back to me on here anymore.. What ever happened to the oldschool drunk crew? Must be jealousy that no one else can play drinking games with tornadoes. Well, we can't all live dangerously.
  12. Welcome to Oklahoma: Gary England Drinking Game By Canada and Moose Pregame 1. Everyone selects a storm chaser other than Val Caster. Every time Gary talks to your storm chaser, you take one drink. Take two drinks every time we see footage from your storm chaser. Take four drinks if your storm chaser says "tornado on the ground." 2. Everyone selects a county other than Pottawatomie County. Every time Gary mentions your county, you take one drink. Take two drinks every time we see footage from your county. Take four drinks if a tornado touches down in your county. One drink 1. Take one drink every time Gary says the following: "Hook echo" | "Updraft" | "Metro" | "Doppler radar" | "Wall cloud" | "Ranger 9" | "Underground" | "Mobile home" 2. When Gary gives a list of counties, take one drink for every county in the list. 3. Take one drink every time Gary interrupts a program. Take one drink if Gary says "You're not missing any of [program name]." Take one drink when Gary says "We'll keep you advised." Two drinks 1. Take two drinks every time Gary says the following: "Baseball-sized hail" | "Waterloo Road" | "Pottawatomie County" | "Deer Creek High School" 2. Take two drinks every time Gary mentions the following towns: Altus | Burns Flat | Dill City | Gotebo | Hydro | Lookeba | Meeker | Mulhall | Oktaha | Olustee | Shattuck | Slaughterville | Tryon | Vici | Waukomis | Wayne (or Payne) | Weleetka | Wetumkah 3. Take two drinks every time Gary talks to Val Caster. Three drinks 1. Take three drinks if we see footage from Val Caster. 2. Take three drinks if we see footage from Pottawatomie County. 3. Take three drinks if Gary mentions the following: "Immediate tornado precautions" | "National Weather Service" | "Mesocyclone" | "Portable Radio" | "Take shelter" | "Tornado warning in effect until …" Four drinks 1. Take four drinks if Ranger 9 must land to refuel. 2. Take four drinks if Gary issues his own tornado warning, not recognized by the NWS or says the following: "Will someone please answer that phone?" | "Do you see power flashes?" 3. Take four drinks if a shirt-less tornado victim is interviewed. Finish your drink 1. Finish your drink if someone uses the word tornado as a verb or if Gary mentions the nearest cross streets to you. 2. If Gary says "We've lost Val," pour a little out for your homies and finish your drink. TORNADO SEASON BABY! lol
  13. Moderate Hangover + Contract Law = Massive Hangover
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