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Everything posted by EMDII

  1. Courage is facing your fears, and doing something when everyone else loses it. The soldiers Psalm- Psalm 91 We live within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the God who is above all gods. This I declare, that he alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him. For he rescues you from every trap and protects you from the fatal plague. He will shield you with his wings! They will shelter you. His faithful promises are your armor. Now you don't need to be afraid of the dark any more, nor fear the dangers of the day; nor dread the plagues of darkness, nor disasters in the morning. Though a thousand fall at my side, though ten thousand are dying around me, the evil will not touch me. I will see how the wicked are punished, but I will not share it. For Jehovah is my refuge! I choose the God above all gods to shelter me. How then can evil overtake me or any plague come near? For he orders his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will steady you with their hands to keep you from stumbling against the rocks on the trail. You can safely meet a lion or step on poisonous snakes, yes, even trample them beneath your feet! For the Lord says, "Because he loves me, I will rescue him; I will make him great because he trusts in my name. When he calls on me, I will answer; I will be with him in trouble and rescue him and honor him. I will satisfy him with a full life and give him my salvation."
  2. Where's everybody getting the jewels? (oh boy)
  3. Correct. We and our military are a society of laws (althought he lawyers often get in the way). The only 2+1 he gets is if he persists in resisting or threatening other troops/innocents. Then, make certain.
  4. The media won't tell us any good news unless it cannot be ignored. I have many friends in several echelons of action over there Iraq and A'Stan. They honestly report on brutal issues like we see. They also report the items the mediatainment won't tell: - schools open - media outlets - cell phone use - Iraqis awarded Fulbright scholarhsips and attending school s in the US - succesful Iraqi Battalion stand-ups and deployments An example- This is a Captain whom I had the privelege of mentoring as a young LT during one of my commands. I have another friend/classmate (USMA 1975) who is the CO of the security detail responsible for Sa'd'Am Hussein. He has recounted from personal interviews, evidence reviews, and travel to death camps the brutal horror of this man. he also recounts that the material is prima fascia evidence of Hussein's attempts (albeit bumbling in hindsight) to become the linch-pin in the new axis of evil. This man and his henchmen deserve every punishment man can deliver. He will sit in judgement one day, even if not soon. Think for yourselves. Use all the outlets you can. Refuse to be an intelligence sheep. God have mercy on Al Zarqawi's soul. Mercy is NOT getting what you DESERVE.
  5. We cannot take the gloves off. But we can make them (the insurgents) fear us more than they hate us. Inevitably, occupying forces have to leave (Germany and Japan are good examples). It took over 56y for Germany, and there were insurgent ex-Waffen SS and SS who did exactly what the insurgents in Iraq are doing now. The Iraqis have better explosives, but we have better tehcnology too. Having a Liberal political entity will not change the fanaticism of the Islamists, only delay it, if even that. Those who would turn their heads are sheep against the wolves. We sheepdogs are out there, doing what it takes to protect the sheep (who are not bad or stupid, they just can't do it for themselves). Ignoring the Islamist won't make them go away, regardless of your political color. See Europe and Charles Martel for reference. Iraq is not Vietnam, despite what the Liberals would have you think. Read some history: the news media are NOT FN historians.
  6. Soccer moms, yadayada. - I am a "Conservative" by some liberals' reckoning - I support pre-emptive wars - I support the notion that inaction is a greater sin than mis-action - I like sushi - I love steak - I hate those who would protect me from myself (you know who you aren't) - I believe marriage is an institution ordained by God - I believe that all are sinners, including me - I opine that all politicians (ALL) should be forcibly retired after 6 years I drive an Audi TT, an M-B C230 SS-K, and a Volvo 855 Turbo. I don't need protecting. You might. I am a sheepdog in a world of sheep and wolves. Most of the world are sheep: they would rather I wasn't around because I have teeth like a wolf, and bark and smell like a wolf. But when the wolves come for you, you cry for the sheepdog.
  7. "Never Will I Fail My Comrades" Say a prayer for the families of those who have not, and who have returned. They are changed forever.
  8. You are represented by the School Board, ergo a self-governing body. Not fed.gov. Since the 1st Amendment ONLY guarantees that you canot be 'pwned' by fed.gov, it does NOT apply in this situation. All that schmuck about federal dollars affecting your school is tripe. So, as the Eagles say: Get over it. Congress had no part in your little mellee. Get your school board involved IF you must, but this ain't no 1st Amendment problem. They may not suspend you, but they can require you to behave IAW their rules on school property. The Board has been empowered by the local vote to act as the representative of the parents and government.
  9. These lyrics are nearly apocryphal for us Road Warriors-
  10. Is he not a POW and Enemy Combatant? Should my citizenship deter the court fom holding me if I constitute a Clear and Present Danger. Yes, this is a tricky Q. Expound on.
  11. - The state and local governments hosed this from the git-go. Ignored warnings, and then acted too late. - FEMA is a resource management and coordination agency. Where's it going to go BEFORE the hurricane comes to town? - where you going to send rescue eams when there are no airfields inside the disaster area, no fuel tosupport them, no electricity, and no water for life support? - You can't turn anything bigger than a dime in the space of a dime. Even the CDN government can't. Suppyling hundreds of thousands of evacuees is not done w/ the snap of a finger. The mediatainment create news and controversy. That's how the sell advertisisng. Ergo: criticims of 'big government' is an easy no-brainer for them. Essentially, NO got hit by energies far in excess of ANY nuclear weapon in inventories of the US or the Russians. THAT cannot be overcome instantaneously. PERIOD> - Rule #1: when the governemnt says evacuate, and sends busses, get your @$$ in gear and move out. - Rule #2: Government cannot protect you 100% of the time - Rule #3: Park your city below sea level, and natural selection will clear the gene pool. - Rule #4: mother nature is a oh yeah!.
  12. The ACOE that administers the navigable waterways of America never went to Iraq/A'Stan. Different organization from the Combat Engineers who deploy to theatre. If congress-critters diverted funds, the ACOE still had responsibility for oversight of the river. The Construction Engineer BNs use DA/DoD funds, while ACOE is DoI (Dept of the Interior) funding If I recall Correctly.
  13. You're right: he was a Marxist- <_<
  14. Those Lieutenants I have grown and sent to the Stan all report wonderful relationships w/ the "normal" Afghan. Only the Tangoes dislike American soldiers. :lol:
  15. Another intelligent indication of the intellect of our college-bound youth. :lol:
  16. How intelligent! :blink:
  17. et al- There is 'some' tongue-in-cheek within. :P
  18. I associate, for good or poor, that all too often liberal institutions practice revisionist history 'education'. Ergo, some revisionists go so far as to assert that the Holocaust never occurred (that is an extreme example of revisionism), or that Japan didn't deserve an atomic bomb. And too often, Conservative revisionists assert that it is all government's fault. I try to be 'fair and balanced' in my assessments. :lol:
  19. BULL SH*T. You are the product of a liberal education, I surmise.
  20. So tell me A- would you have turned a blind eye to saddam and his sons as they raped an pillaged their people? Would you hav continued to ignore them as they commited internal genocide, and by the way, continued to acquire WMD technologies so that sometime in the near future they would've destabilized the entire region, and thereby the entire world? You sound like Neville Chamberlain in 1938: Substitute Iraq for Germany, Kuwait for Austria, oil for lebensraum, and you get my picture. So, you're an appeaser in my book, one who sniffs about the dogma of peace, while wolves bay in the darkness. You haven't an FN-clue, have you? Just becasue you wish there weren't bad people in the world who need killing, doesn't make it so. Why don't we have an icon for "CLUELESS"?
  21. More in Afghanistan and fewer in Iraq? Who cares? Pointless to even mention it, as the forces on the ground are determined by Canada's government, not the military. Whereever the CDF serves, it serves well. Canada's contribution to the War on Terror is significant. But your notion that America is somehow dishonorable by fighting for the stability of oil supplies in the ME is a fine hubris on your part. Should that region go Tango Uniform, you'll see real fighting over oil, not this nasty street war we engage in every day. Neither is pleasant. But it'll make the 70s look like Woodstock. America and its allies are fighting the war of industrialized nations against those who wish to return to the mysoginist middle ages. It is a war that is inevitable, one of culture and ideas as opposed to wars of territory or access to some seaport or over some asssassinated Archduke. But in a way, it is reminiscent of Japan's causus belli for WWII: it had no natural resources. Including oil. Germany wanted land, lebensraum, and slaves to service the Greater Reich. The terrorists and their major supporters want to be pashas and princes, and control fiefdoms like Black John of medieval England. That is not a pleasant future to contemplate. America desires unfettered access to oil, in a competitive marlketplace. I am not ashamed to fight for that. Neither are my peers. It is the Iraqi people who should benefit from the sale of their oil, not Saddam Hussein, or his terrorist post-apocalyptic thugs. But we see the world differently, with less nuance, and some 'liberals' claim we are unsophisticated . Bugger them: there are sheep, wolves, and sheep dogs. I happen to be a very lethal sheepdog, as is America. Complain about it when they blow up Toronto? It'll be too late.
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