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Everything posted by HPTDoh

  1. Hey dudes. how do I line up the cams before putting the valve cover on? Pic somewhat unrelated
  2. Pretty much "don't get any more moving violations for 6 months or 1 year and it won't be recorded on your record (which means your insurance company won't find out about it)" Not sure what you mean by "grace period." Hope I helped.. good luck!!
  3. Attention everyone: MN doesnt have a point system! Best advice I can give you is to ask to speak with the prosecutor at court and work out a deal where you get probation for probably a year and it doesn't get put on your record. I did that a few years ago without my insurance going up. I don't know which courthouse you have to go to, but at the Dakota County one, most people were really nice and it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Good luck! Wish we had something like ticketassassin.com :(
  4. Reserved a spot for ya right here!
  5. Ooh! get the one where you have to bounce the ball with a paddle against bricks! i forgot what its called, though
  6. Thanks for another cool feature, Chuck :D
  7. Still had this one on my photobucket lol
  8. The important part of this whole debate is that we can all agree, despite whatever party you subscribe to, DC is a helluva party town :D
  9. I can't believe no one asked you what you were doing..? Regardless, shitty situation.. g/l bouncing back
  10. Nice! How'd you unload it in TX? Ebay? I'm uber jealous, btw :P
  11. Yea, no R bumper? Pfft.. I'm taking my $7K elsewhere
  12. Nice! Makes me wish I had the space for a project. ...and the cash for it! lol
  13. I just recently bought the 6.5" version of the Infinity speakers and I have to say I love the 'plus one' woofer feature. It made the Kenwoods I was replacing (same size) look puny!
  14. I heard it reduces the governor to 100 mph
  15. :o Wow! Best of luck getting everything straightened out
  16. There's threads about it, where you could just steal people's designs.. I would, but I never see any cool Volvos :(
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