anyhow the passenger side is not as bad as the driver side upan closer look but still i need to go beef up my structur as my door closes bit stiff like the other side was doing hopefully i can also get my suspention mounting point beefed up also as the local potholes will take their toll on it if i don't
after pulling up the carpet and sound damping i grabed this eek what a mess
after taking the tar damping off i find i am left with this
front passinger side floor i found the floor in way better shape then the driver side but still the damping pading was soaked not surprizing but still surprize how well the floor and subframe is just need to pic up some silica and get to sand blasting i gues and see how bad it realy is and get some new peaces welded in
after diging and scraping and vacuming out all the crap this is what i'm left with still have a bunch more prop work to do befor i can put any new metal in but so far its looking prity good and i found what apears to be a plastic bag being used to patch some sorta previous hole in the floor
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