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About 855T

  • Birthday 04/07/1987

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    Cars, R/C cars, computers.

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    Los Angeles, CA

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  1. Poor word choice. My bad. Wrong and wrong. Like I said, Israel was willing to give the state back in the Rabin era.
  2. I, unlike you, am not blind to a simple fact: Radical Palestinians don't want their own state as long as Israel exists. They want Israel destroyed. Period. I do not, as I stated previously, dislike Palestinians as a group. I dislike the radical ones who proclaim to be seeking a homeland when they merely desire the destruction of Israel.
  3. One thing needs to be made abundantly clear: Regardless of what they say, Palestinians do not desire their own land. Rather, they want the destruction of the Jewish state so they can take the land on which it used to reside. They had the option of having the land several years ago, but Arafat obviously turned it down because the state of Israel still exists.
  4. I have no problems with Israeli arabs, or any arabs for that matter. I do, however, have a problem with morons acting as though they're being righteous Muslims by blowing themselves up in pizzerias and lobbing rockets into cities.
  5. I'll say this: I didn't get it for a while. I didn't understand why there was all this bloodshed over a stupid, small piece of land with, arguably, little value. I'm not horribly religious, but I still can't conceive how a holy site can play such a huge role in so much death. Then I went to Israel. And now I understand. Say what you want, but I say this unabashedly, with no doubt in my mind and with nothing to convince me otherwise: if Israel is destroyed, every Jew in the world is placed in extreme jeopardy. For years I thought my place in the US would be a place where I could be safe forever. I still feel that way. But then again, so have Jews in every other place they've been persecuted. I'm not calling anyone here, in Canada, in Saudi Arabia, or "the disputed territories" a Nazi. All I'm saying is that Israel forces the world, one way or another, to care about the Jews. And while many countries want it destroyed, its mere existence ensures that the Jewish people have a voice on a national level. It's a difficult concept to understand if you're not Jewish. Hell, it's even a difficult concept for me. But having been to Tel Aviv, having been to Jerusalem, having seen the 19-year old soldiers walking around, I do understand. I don't claim that everything Israel does is right. I do say that the countries around it seek to destroy it, and to destroy it quite possibly spells the end of Jewish civilization. Which, really, is what that area of the world wants.
  7. A-'s for both Cali and Mass, both my states of residence. I'm glad.
  8. i neds top stop drinking every night this is so bad for me at leas i can type btter now
  9. omfbg i ned to stop drinking im afraid im gnna becme an abvolhic but its ftugn though EDIT: pj and budd liget is nasty along with vodka, athgh both get me hammered reallt fasttt
  10. omgh i lvoe ollege i neber drank in igyh schol si this is nutes
  11. I like Dean. At least he's not a tazzy like the rest of this Darn party is these days. I'd rather hear stupid stuff yelled than nothing said at all. Makes me feel like the Dems still have a chance. ...I miss the West Wing.
  12. Meh. The guy has always scared me. Now is no different. And people, what the hell is it with this "support the troops!" mantra?!?!? If you want to support the troops, then you want them at home with their families, not dealing with roadside bombs. In fact, you're doing a better job supporting the troops by wanting them home rather than saying "No, it's bad if we don't like the war, 'cuz like, then, we're like, not supporting the troops." Wrong.
  13. That's pretty cool. I like how I'm a Democrat, drive a Volvo, and want a Subaru. :lol:
  14. My friend, a funny kid, remarked "You know what you do with vegetables? Eat them!" Jest aside, it's retarded what's going on. Honestly, I don't give a flying monkey what they want to do wither her. The only person I can speak for is myself, and I'd rather die than be sitting there as a vegetable. And don't give me any crap about how she isn't a vegetable. She is. So shut up. Go watch her brain impulses on a monitor. My issue is that this is an issue. What the HECK is the Supreme Court doing getting involved in any of this? What, for that matter, is any government getting involved in this for? It's NOT a governmental issue, sorry. It's between the husband and parents, and they're the only ones who should be invovled. Period. I always thought it was the policy of conservatives to favor smaller, less-intrusive government. This is about the most intrusive government I've ever seen. By the way, even if she does get her feeding tube reinserted, we're gonna see that she *still* won't come out of her vegetative state. The record is like 20 months, and it's already been over 10 years. She's gone, guys. For the record, both of my grandparents died this last summer. Both were put on hospice and allowed to die. Think of it this way: When you digest food, or even drink water, certain bodily functions need to ramp up energy consumption to perform their tasks. With no feeding tube, your organ systems can shut down while you are, essentially, asleep. You feel no hunger or thirst. Now, if you continue forcing food and water down your throat, all of those systmes have to operate, using energy and, presumably, causing pain. In fact, putting her feeding tube back in now would be just about the creulest thing you could do.
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