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Everything posted by merlin390

  1. What change? The change we have in our pockets after he taxes us to death to pay for the pork.
  2. The only reason some people are alive because it's illegal to kill them. Bring back public executions (hanging, firing squads, etc.)
  3. America... born July 4th 1776 died Nov 4th 2008..... well yall it was a good run while it lasted..
  4. Hey stranger.. we need to discuss 10mm again

    1. EastsideR


      yes. sorry, just seeing this now. lol

  5. To much corruption in politics. Our Representatives in office are career criminals and do NOT represent the common person and how could they understand the common man/woman when they (reps) live in mansions? I am not advocating socialism or anything I just want to actually have people in power who have had to struggle and who have not been born with the silver spoon in mouth disease.
  6. Those are two of the smartest things I have heard today!!
  7. I might catch some flak for this but pull our troops back to an area(s) surrounding the middle east and just let them kill each other. Do not pick a side to support and let nature take its course. Yes I know a good chunk of the worlds oil is in the middle east but hell there is a good supply of oil and gas in Russia so lets drill there. Once the fighting in the middle east has slowed down we can look at it and see if we can mend bridges. on a side note. WE (the US) have spent more money by keeping a military presence in the middle east than we have recovered in benefits (read oil), so the law of deminishing returns is still alive and well.
  8. If we were to leave Iraq now then things would really go to hell fast. Show me one thing the UN hasn't screwed up. We need to get the reporters out of the warzone and let the soldiers do their jobs. The reality of war does not need to be pumped into every livingroom in America so people can watch it over dinner.
  9. If we turn it into glass can we still get the oil? Yes I know that is a horrible thing to ask but if it's there we might as well use it. The collateral damage would be big and many innocent people would die but would it really bring peace? Sure if they were all dead it would be less terrorists but as long as humans are on this planet there will always be hate, greed, jealousy, etc etc thats just part of the human condition. In the movie "the marix" where agent smith is telling Neo that the human race is a virus ...the longer I live the more I believe that to be true. Someday the virus will eventually kill itself some way.
  10. read the sticky threads at the top of each forum
  11. I still stand by my statement to let them arm themselves and just have at it. Kill the other side to the last person and whoever wins WINS! There will never be peace in the Middle East as long as the two sides are there. Let them fight to the death and be done with it once and for all. (harsh but oh well)
  12. just because you followed the service schedual doesn't mean its going to prevent everything. Did the service dept tell you all your coils were shot or were just one or two shot and they "recommend" replacing them all? As for the fuel pump well stuff happens. you could have seized the moment and upgraded the pump instead of putting another stock pump in it.
  13. check out how many people Stalin killed off..... "The number of people who perished in the purges is subject to hot disputes with death toll estimates ranging from 1 to 100 million people, depending on who counts and what is counted as a purge" Source: here
  14. why does it have to be a celebrity? For the MOST part I find celebrities obnoxious and fake.
  15. i finally watched it all the way.. its not a humane suggestion but how about we just let them fight it out and whoever wins.. WINS!
  16. the land did belong to the british government. does imminent domain ring any bells?
  17. I support Bush, but I do have to agree it was a dumb move to veto the stem cell research....
  18. He is right, the British looked at the leaders of the revolution as terrorists and had we lost they would have been hung as traitors. Did our forefathers fight fair? yes they did. there was some friction between groups but they did not run around bombing markets and beheading POWs. The American colonies revolted on reasons of taxation without representation and freedom (to name a very few, also the revolution was a minority revolution). They fought to gain freedom. Terrorists might call themselves freedom fighters but look at how they treat their own people once this "freedom" has been fought for. It's usually one oppressor after another until the people, economy, and country are ran into the ground. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The so called freedom fighters hide behind civilians and then blame the other side for killing the civilians they were hiding behind. As long as there are humans on Earth there will never be peace.....remember that line from the Matrix movie where agent smith calls the human race a virus... well the longer I live the more I believe that statement to be true. some viruses are worse than others though.
  19. All sides suffer, even the sides that are not directly fighting. the world has become too small for an issue to effect just one "group" or region. The sooner something is done about terrorists and radicals the better off the world will be.
  20. well you said "to argue about who is right and who is wrong" and the thread is about the Middle East/muslim extreamists/terror. By most accounts terrorism is "wrong" Then you said "who decided your word as right, you? Who are you? I believe what I believe, and it is different from what Charlie believes, but that doesn't make Charlie incorrect and me right, it makes us different... " what I got from that is we are all different (which we are, and thats good) but if Charlie wanted to kill someone simply because they are jewish(ie different), does that still make him right? (if terrorists think they are right for killing someone just because they are Jewish does that make them right since they[terrorists] are just being different?) I guess you ment something else and I just took it a different way. but, I do have several friends in the middle east, and they are on both sides of the battle lines. I have gone to israel and seen the steps Israel has had to take due to the constant threat of attack.
  21. Jena I really do respect your opinion but you can not appease terrorism. terrorists are a cancer that has to be killed.
  22. I'll watch it tomorrow. just curious but elaborate on this part "Since I don't have the permission to post a new topic on this forum, I'll just post it here. (maybe the Admin. can make it a seperate thread)"
  23. we have a seperation of church and state (sometimes I think it has come to the point it is too seperated but that's another debate) where as their church is their state....
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