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Everything posted by zimmy77

  1. wow... I've been away for a couple of months and things get crazy around here... I'm glad I changed my sig pic before I posted a comment or anything else.
  2. thoseshirts.com <--- not my site, but very enjoyable!
  3. it's always someone else's fault and someone else's problem... just ask him! he'll tell you who to blame... he'll point that one finger at the accused while the other four are pointed back at him.
  4. more reason to "invade enemy countries and kill everybody".
  5. I dont think we need to "engineer" ourselves. By moving forward with stem cell research, we are leading ourselves to decide what is an important gene and what is not. We would be throwing evolution out. No growing your own genetic organs. I'm also not a fan of organ transplant, either. I'm glad people would like to help each other out, but I'd like to see the human race run it's course and flitter away just like any other extinct being and make way for the new one.
  6. I'm a proud supporter of the Rear Flaps! (mine were already on there when I obtained the car)
  7. I'm a blue collar, extremely middle class Republican. I DO NOT WANT A HAND OUT!!! All I want is to be able to keep what I earn, and not have to support some low life pile of crap that wants to leach. I work to pay for my education.... in cash. I dont take hand outs from the government for my education. You are what you make of yourself. I've been homeless.... Feb '97. It's not fun. You need to be resourceful and work with what you have. Get a job. Keep your job. Make enough money to get a place to live. Sustain. Save money for more education for a better job. Climb the damn ladder. EVERYONE can do it. The opportunities are there. You just have to have the drive to do it. AND, the government shouldnt have to bail you out like your parents would.... it's not their job and it's not society's job to babysit deadbeats.
  8. Any other NASCAR fans out there? Not me. Any other card-carrying Republicans? Yes. And NRA member Any others who believe welfare does more harm than good? Yes. Any others who support the War on Terrorism taking an offensive and fighting them in the Middle East rather than waiting for them to attack us on American soil on their terms? God Bless our Troops that do what some of us cant/wont Despite my passion for Volvos for several decades, I wonder if I oughtta be driving a fire-breathing Mustang GT or 4WD Powerstroke diesel F250 pickup. Only if you grow a mullet, wear a trucker hat, and make sure that you have at least 2 unoperable vehicles in your front lawn.
  9. That story makes me worry about our future as The United States of America. America- Love it or Leave it.
  10. Guest worker permits are ok. If they want to reap social benefits, they MUST pay taxes. Tight border controls. Shoot to kill. Illegal immigration WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! Registered immigrants, if not gone when visa expires will be jailed into a work house program. after a reasonable amount of time is spent to appease the offense, they will be deported with NO HOPE OF RETURN!! Immigrants in the US for more than 4 years will be expected to denounce their former national allegience and become a US citizen within 3 years after the initial 4. If not, they will be deported with NO HOPE OF RETURN!!!
  11. I grow tired, as a taxpayer, having my hard earned tax dollars spent on teaching kids that it's not ok to disagree. That it's not ok to be proud of yourself (as a straight, white, male etc)... That it (fill in object) can only be acceptable once everyone is happy with it and it offends no one. I grow tired of everyone saying lets be equal, but then, pointing out our differences. For F's sake, I dont care if you're black, gay, jewish, french, immigrant whatever, If I dont like you as a person, I simply dont like YOU. I dont want to pay teachers to tell my kid that everyone is a winner. BS!!! In life, there are winners and losers. If you suck at something, get better. If you want to make more money, get a better job. If you need more education to get a better job, f'ing go to school. I dont want to hear that BS that the man is holding ANYONE down that is a citizen. You make your own destiny. New thing in St. Paul public offices, recently... Everyone had to take down anything referring to Easter.... no easter bunnies, easter candy, or easter greetings. They were afraid it was going to offend non-christians.... What the h3ll does a friggin bunny have to do with Christ? long story short......... I'm tired of the politcally correct movement. it needs to stop. be morally responsible. people are people. move on.
  12. as long as restrictions are also removed on the public use of deadly force to protect themselves. ie: Old Wild West style society. Yeee Haaa!!!
  13. dude... the Nuge will tag Walken with his bow and arrow!
  14. Volvo named in Oil-for-Food scandal !?!?!? "Beatrice Cardon, a Volvo spokeswoman, said she was unaware the company was listed in the U.N. report, or what the alleged payments were for. “This is the first I hear about it,” she said. "
  15. I do like his dance in Fatboy Slim's "Weapon of Choice" video B)
  16. this is where I read it... dont know where "he" got it, though... the numbers seem bloated, but I'm bothered by the rest of the statement pertaining to most of the firearms being legally registered. Walken 2008
  17. "It is no secret that I am opposed to guns. I am no enemy of gun owners, but no friend of guns. Our lives are constantly wrought with terror and violence brought on by guns, on a massive scale. Guns are not for protection, they are for killing. And by purchasing a gun, one gains the power to kill without learning the responsibility to control it. In the year 2000 alone, over 30,000 people were killed by guns in our country, most of them legally registered. It’s unlikely we’ll get guns off the streets, so we need to focus instead on where the violence is coming from. By offering proper education and treatment of drug use, mental conditions, and depression, combined with a crackdown on gang organizations and gunownership qualification, we may begin to stem the tide of firearm deaths in this country. And only though extensive qualification procedures and strict ownership laws can we keep guns away from their post dangerous place: the hands of children." Nope. I'd never vote for anyone that threatens my Second Amendment Right. "In the year 2000 alone, over 30,000 people were killed by guns in our country, most of them legally registered." Sure they were registered legally, but I can almost guarantee that the people doing the shooting werent the legal owners. How many criminals do you think actually do things by the book and buy their firearms from legal firearm dealers? they buy stolen firearms from hoodlums in the street that were purchased by law abiding citizens. guns ARE protection from the people who do the killing. and from tyrannous governments. Protect yourself, cause who's gonna do it for you? "Our children are our future, and to abandon them is to give up on this nation. Our public education system is failing and our children are being left without direction or life skills. To fix this problem is not to throw more money at our schools, but to restructure how they support and promote the growth of our young generations." Try focusing on the parenting. it's not the government's responsibility to raise our children, it's the parents. unfortunately, a lot of what's failing our children is the lack of fathering. some men do not believe that they can do much in raising their children and are better left with their mother. the lack of fathers in the household is destroying the self worth of our children. they then focus on the need for acceptance. not their future or education. WE are failing our children... not the government. I like Walken, but I would never vote for him to run our country. I'd find it hard to have someone call the shots for the future of our children, when they dont have any of their own. for me, now, parental instincts account for a lot of my decision making (ie: not doing drugs, not drinking and driving, not spending frivilously, being even tempered, squirreling money away for their future, my mannerisms, etc...) Also, to have this guy take firearms from the law abiding citizens and allow the criminals to be the one's with all of them, seems a little.... off. I guess I dont understand the reasoning behind that one. "yes, you can trust me. you can trust the government to take care of you and all of your needs." yeah... that's exactly what we want. <_<
  18. Exactly. capable people need to start caring for themselves and stop relying on others to do it for them. the federal government can only protect you as long as the state government calls on them. they wont step in without a state of emergency declaration from the governor. who, by the way, said she needed an extra 24hrs to decide what she should do, thus delaying support efforts further. certain states rights are given up when declaring a state of emergency and allowing the federal government to take over the situation.... unfortunately, my knowledge base ends here, and I'm not sure exactly what is given up. :unsure:
  19. imagine this for a second... you are a skinny 6'2" 160lb guy in high school. glasses. crappy hair do. oily skin. and book smart. you dress like crap and dont have much for friends. girls wont talk to you 'cause your a dork, but you try anyways. they blow you off in a considerate fashion. however.... their "Johnny Football star" boyfriend decided he doesnt like you. why? because you're smaller than him and he needs to feel good about himself by kicking your rear end in. so he does. and it happens over, and over, and over on a daily basis. now you're afraid to go about your daily business. you lose hope. you have thoughts of suicide. but you hold on. and you grow up. you work out. get stronger. you now have confidence. you are making a name for yourself, and it's a good one. people look up to you. now, you find yourself walking along some day and you see one of those prick arse "Johnny Football star" types shoving some skinny kid around. you see the poor guy just get beat down. you get furious. what do you do? do you let the guy kick the kids arse over and over like had happened to you? do you turn your head and look away? do you assume that it's someone else's problem to deal with and leave? No. you stand up for that kid... who used to be you, and you kick the living sh!t out of "Johnny Football star". you stand up for the under privileged and defenseless... why? because you can. because it's right. because nobody should be put throught that. now...... you try and tell me that America going over to Iraq and to Afghanistan is any different than you standing up for that skinny kid. France (I still dont like them) was our hero when we(america) were that skinny kid.if you say it's not the same, then you're kidding youself. do the right thing..... dont be that chicken sh!t that turns their head and assumes that it's someone else's problem. we are all in this together.
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