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Everything posted by resa850

  1. it appalls me to see that someone who calls himself "a man of got" can have so much hatred inside. that is one of the most disrespectful things i have ever read. it doesn't even make sense. why would you protest a military officer who is fighting for something that has nothing to do with homosexuality? i'd love to see what the afterlife has in store for those bigot a$$holes.
  2. mmmmm our hotela is down the streedt from a brewayry mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bicheas
  3. i'm not sure if i know what you mean by forced busing. I agree, the teachers can only go so far, but its the same for a parent, they should take a responsibility in thier child's education. then again all children should be receiving an equal education which they aren't. the gov't and school districts are spending too much time and money altering cirriculum to the point where children are over worked and learning isn't fun anymore. teachers don't have the right to make their own additions to curriculum anymore. instead they have to waste their time writing sections and objectives on the board, like the kids even know what its supposed to mean. it takes the passion out of being a teacher, which the kids can sense. its the fault of many. testing is a joke. why is it so important for a kindergarten child to go through standardized testing? instead of helping the schools with low scores, the schools with high scores are rewarded with more money... seems kinda backwards. what do i do for my district? I'm a recreation supervisor, but i'll soon be a high school english and math teacher. being an elementary school teacher is probalby the hardest job ever!!!! my dad just retired from the same district, my mom still has a few years left. they way teachers are treated is getting rediculous. why would someone with a four-year degree work like this when they can be treated better with some lame job for the state? because they have passion. and all the "higher ups" are taking that passion away. leaving the crappy teachers who care more about the perks of being a teacher instead of what its really about. end rant. thanks for sparking that razor
  4. yeah it doesn't work that way. even so, it would be better to have the parents decide as opposed to the kids. in the district i work in, a parent has the option to move their child to another school if they provide transportation, have daycare near by, and if there is space in the school. a lot of the kids in this situation don't have that benefit. most of them have parents who are too busy trying to earn money to put bread on the table instead of worrying about their child's education. the single parent family is becoming even more common today which makes it even harder to support a family. ts sad, but true. they aren't bad parents, they just have too much over their shoulders.
  5. ^ did you ever get a chance to see the pics from SD? i'm going to take some of them off my pbase soon to free up some space.
  6. This is part of the title of a book by Jonathon Kozol. I saw him speak at my school a few weeks ago, and have been meaning to post about it. This man is a very passionate educator!!! His first year of teaching (1964), he was fired for teaching poetry to his 4th grade class. He has spent the last decade or so visiting inner city schools. He has found that not only are children being academically judged on a higher gamnet, but they are beginning to be racially segregated. I haven't read his book, but I plan to. http://shows.airamericaradio.com/lauraflanders/node/2890 edit: i've had a few glasses of wine, so please excuse my poor grammar and spelling.
  7. only 34%? i thought it would have been lower by now.
  8. The Political Discussions forum has been changed to only allow mods, vendors, and supporting members to post. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you would like to voice your opinion you can do so by supporting the site. Thanks, Theresa
  9. jesus thats horrible!!! its hard to imagine what those poor children are going through. no penalty on Kony could ever come close to the damage has done to those kids. :(
  10. why does everyone hate Hillary so much (aside from the above explanation)? Being on the west coast, i am not as aware of her policies as those in the east. I mean, she's not my favorite, but i wouldn't say i hate her
  11. i don't know a lot about this issue either, but i think that we are the ones who should be controling our ports, not any other country. i find it even more irritating that bush is refusing to sign any bills stopping this. the things that this administration has gotten away with is mind boggling.
  12. i swear to god i did not edit his post. i'm guessing it was kevin since he posted shortly after.
  13. even if we did go towards, Iran we wouldn't have enough troops to make it feasable. they're all tied up. and on that note.......... CUT!!!!
  14. hey guys i haven't had a chance to read this entire thread. i've been busy with school. if anyone is being rude, please pm me and i will close it. theresa
  15. whlie the average hourly rates may have increased, keep in mind that the national minimum wage has not changed in quite a while. its astounding, but i think it was something like 9 years theresa by the way you guys are doing a very good job at not flaming. i'm glad to see that i haven't had to ban or close a thread. its shows your ability to have a mature conversation.
  16. Its not like they HAD to elect him. It was their choice. If they didn't want an 18 year old as thier mayor, they wouldn't have voted for him. If so many people thought it was wrong for an 18 year old to run for an office, there would be laws forbiding it. There's always a chance of a recall in the case that he does horribly. If we can survive with our government spending 8 billion dollars a day. Surely Hilsdale can handle an 18 year old mayor for one term.
  17. You forgot to mention how Jean Schmidt had to retract her comment
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