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Everything posted by exexpat

  1. Welcome to the custom C70 club! TME springs should be enough drop, if not... B&G lowering springs rated at 1.6" drop. 225/30/20 on a 7.5" wheel (245 is too wide). If B&G do not not claim to have a C70-specific spring, the coupes use the same spring as 854/S70 and the cabrios use 855/V70 springs. You definitely will not rub at full lock, unless the wheels are 50mm offset or higher. These cars turn like tanks at low speeds to avoid the full lock rub unfortunately.
  2. To continue Kevin and my disagreement trend... I bet Kevin likes the fuel door treatment. That just killed it for me, but in the unrefined, caveman times of watercooled VW tuning (1993) these fuel door covers were hot! I can live with the window trims and tips sticking out, but ugh.
  3. nice work - the post paint wetsand/plastx steps are key. ...constructive criticsim - I would have done the clear section, too. ;)
  4. Seems like an odd decision if you want to take over the company some day, but I suspect you have your motives and I trust your judgement - on non-cosmetic, non-tuning issues.
  5. wow, I thought the rock was so bad it cracked the internals out of both of your lower bumper vents. I, too, would do the pan yourself. I used to have an aircooled VW with 9 inches of drop and lost oil pans quarterly.
  6. I need this for the C70 cabrio. The front bar all but eliminated scuttle shake from the front, the rear bar should get rid of the rest.
  7. +1. it's all about being understated with cheap mods.
  8. Close to what I would say: Edit: For the record, I love this mod and actually called Carson to say that versus posting in here ;)
  9. Exactly. Blank check, you just don't want to write it for $17k when wholesale is less than half of that.
  10. Anyone with decent credit and $5k cash should be able to come up with it.
  11. Nice cars and Pras' car is in a state of continuous improvement. Love the refinished the Tritons.
  12. Just means an increase in the relo package ;)
  13. Paint the spoiler yellow! :ducks from the paint everything black brigade:
  14. NWC management is looking into relocation packages for you and Greg to ensure total domination. :D
  15. Ivan and I have fused our opinions on stuff these days Your wagon looks awesome and great seeing it at Evolution.
  16. sweet, thanks for posting.
  17. I love them! I have seen so many cars now in Europe with them. One day, they will be mine.
  18. Love it! Both cars look very nice and photos are superb.
  19. Kudos for getting out of homeless status! The problem is that most do not and seek other means (usually criminal) to support themselves. You would be surprised how the macro quality of life increases without destitude being a reason for criminal activity. The key is to find the right balance for hand-outs to keep people off the streets and marginally content and also communicate with transparency what the benefits of the taxes you pay for provide. Again, visit somewhere where this works and remember ye of little social healthcare faith, the good models support a mix of governmental and private insurance so that you have the option of buying up into the service priority queue so that same day triple-bypass is still available to those in the upper income brackets (i.e. those with medical coverage in the US). Honestly, I was upset coming back from 5 years abroad with $40k in savings and having all of that evaporate in six months because there were no affordable programs to get my family insured without employment. That would not be the case had we elected to move to my wife's home country of Australia.
  20. Again, you haven't spent significant time abroad in these places, and what you hear on Fox News can't be taken literally. Go to Australia and walk through downtown Sydney or Melbourne an entire weekend, I guarantee 0-1 beggars will ask for money, now try this in any US city. Don't argue, just go try. Also check out violent crime rates per capita in Australia, New Zealand, Germany or most of Western Europe; we do pretty well against South Africa and parts of the Middle East, but that is about it. I like it here, too; albeit I hope to spend more years living and working abroad when the kids get older. And if I made more than $200k per year or owned a farm or business, I could justify moving to a more Republican platform view. What I don't understand is why the lower to middle income blue collar demographic refuses the security nets provided by the democratic platform. They would benefit more under Democratic leadership than under Republican leadership. The Republicans in this sense have a huge advantage with the whole Nascar bubba tough, outspoken views and religion angle to appeal to the naive, while the tax beneficiaries in upper incomes reap the benefits. I respect the Republican model for it's beauty and competence to strike this balance. I realize as long as this persists, Republicans will not be dethrowned until the population becomes more educated, but continued pulling of education funding in general keeps it going. Beautiful!
  21. Liberal democrat and fall into all steretypes stated. I've lived abroad enough to know that there are better systems. Australia seems to have the best balance of social system and capitalist freedom and reasonable taxation (excellent free health care and running budget surpluses also at the moment). In my opinion, Germany went a little too far, but I did enjoy 35 hour work weeks and 6 weeks standard vacation per year. Did I mention that poverty is virutally a non-issue in these countries and guns are controlled, so personal safety levels are much higher and crime is much lower than we're used to here (on a related note, for my wife and me, China had higher levels of personal security, too. i.e. one would never feel at risk walking in a dark alley at night in Shanghai). I could keep going, but unless you have experienced other systems, countries and cultures, you won't agree with me. Ok, back to my latte and NPR.
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