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Everything posted by Oreo931

  1. Congrats! Looks like a beautiful property!
  2. Money sent. How many units are you going to send to the US total?
  3. Can't believe I haven't seen this until now. Definitely want to purchase a defloater!
  4. Flickr. The image I downloaded was 25+ megs IIRC.
  5. Thanks for posting that pic LOL. I usually get my SS people posters of their own cars, but Mike unfortunately has never uploaded any poster-worthy photos of his wagon. I actually had a hard time finding high res shots of the saff VR, only came across a handful, including yours.
  6. Can't tell from your picture, but there are supposed to be two separate laminated posters, not one long poster... What did you receive?
  7. Also not working for me with the above users on chrome.
  8. Thanks Mike (scumcity). Your gift was 100 times better than the gift I got last year (a giant bottle of lube and an ass-lube-injector).
  9. 1. Patrick - FaultyPiston2 - size small 2. Mat - MattyXXL - 6 months or 3T 3. Michael - RBoy8 - youth L/XL 4. Kevin - Kevin. - Regular L 5. Matt - mattb - medium/large 6. Timo - Timbo Slice - Medium 7. Jon - Survolvo - L/XL 8. Erik - L 9. Tiberio - Tizio, medium?/L 10. Shackman - Shack Man XL 11. Brandon - Volvoskiah- N/A 12. Kalvin - kalvin - M 13. AJ - Honeyman - XL 14. Adam - Oreo931 - L
  10. So can you give more info about the tune? Did you just buy it on eBay and throw it in, or is it custom?
  11. Very nice. Thanks for the update and pictorial.
  12. Currently using 3m double stick tape but it's not a perfect solution so I'm looking for alternatives.
  13. What did u use to secure it to the dash?
  14. You guys are so dumb. Porpus wheels have fish porpoises on them.
  15. It's not simply a possibility that Brown robbed the store, it's fact. And Dorian Johnson is not a credible witness. He changed his story many times. He also has a criminal history for offenses involving dishonesty. There are only two reasons why I credit the portion of his testimony before the grand jury that Brown robbed the store. First, because that's the only reasonable conclusion one can reach in light of the security footage. Second, because he threw Mike Brown under the bus in order to separate himself from Brown's conduct and avoid being charged himself. Whether he actually knew Brown was going to rob the store is irrelevant to me -- the point is, he testified that Brown did not pay for the items (i.e., stole them), and pushed/shoved the store owner out of the way. The fact that you won't accept what the security footage clearly shows, and what is corroborated by Johnson's testimony, makes your overall position less credible. The fact that Brown was casually walking in the middle of the street following the robbery does not demonstrate that he didn't commit a crime. Remember - Dorian Johnson testified that Mike Brown stole the cigars, which supports what the security footage shows. It's not like Brown had just carried out an elaborate jewelry store heist, he simply ripped off some cigars from a convenience store and strong-armed the clerk. His walking in the middle of the street after doing so just demonstrates his tough-guy mentality and thuggish character. Also, remember, Brown was found with 2+ grams of weed on his person. If he was scared of being arrested, as you speculate, he certainly wouldn't have been walking around carrying drugs. I would suggest that you read the transcripts from the grand jury proceedings for a better understanding of what actually happened and what the physical evidence shows. The media did not accurately portray what happened for both sides of the spectrum. Edit: And as far as my views on police are concerned, I know there are good cops, and I know there are bad cops. I've had my fair share of encounters with both -- I wasn't the most responsible teenager growing up. I am in agreement that unfair racial profiling occurs, and that it may even occur more often than not in high-crime areas. But, in my opinion, the person being mistreated can avoid being killed in almost all situations. There are also number of avenues available to pursue claims against bad cops after the fact.
  16. If you're not willing to admit that Mike Brown robbed the store, I am not going to have a discussion with you. Did you even watch the security cam footage??? Read Dorian Johnson's testimony -- he confirms that Brown robbed the store. FYI, the owner of the store that Mike Brown robbed has had his store targeted and looted two additional times, not including the time it was robbed by Brown. The store was likely targeted because of the store owner's cooperation with police. Remember, there was graffiti on a nearby building that said "Snitches Get Stitches." If I were him, I wouldn't want my face plastered all over the news either.
  17. Ok, I have two questions for you. First, is it your honest opinion that the scenario you gave is just as likely to have happened, given all of the physical evidence? The physical evidence I'm referring to is: (1) Mike Brown's propensity for violence, as demonstrated by the security footage of him robbing a store; (2) the bruising around Wilson's face and neck; (3) the training that police officers receive which would instruct against pulling an individual into your police car; (4) the blood trail from Mike Brown and the placement of his body, showing that he was moving towards Wilson as he was being shot. Second, how do you explain the fourth piece of evidence I referenced above?
  18. Fair enough. And that's sound advice.
  19. Do you deny that Mike Brown had his hand(s) on Wilson's gun?
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