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Everything posted by Oreo931

  1. Why is that your sole focus, rather than recognition of Mike Brown's responsibility for what happened? I am asking sincerely. Yes, I recognize that you wrote "made some really bad decisions," but all of your posts relate to the unfair treatment of minorities by the police. In my view, both issues are equally important, but it seems like people are focusing only on one, while ignoring Mike Brown's conduct.
  2. What if Michael White was 6'6" and weighed 292lbs? What if Michael White demonstrated his propensity for violence by robbing a convenience store and strong-arming the store clerk immediately before the encounter? What if Michael White refused to comply with the officer's orders? What if Michael White grabbed the officer's gun? (this has been verified by DNA evidence, FYI) What if Michael White charged at the officer, and continued to do so despite being shot at and hit with bullets? (this has been verified by physical evidence, FYI) I feel pretty comfortable saying that Michael White would be dead right now. Edit: If you're talking about the facts surrounding the officer's initial approach to Mike Brown vs. Mike White, I can't comment on that. You could be right, you could be wrong. The encounter could have happened a number of different ways, and no one (besides Wilson) knows what actually happened. But if, following the initial approach, the events unfolded like the physical evidence shows, I believe the individual would be dead, regardless of race.
  3. Lol this is a car forum on the Internet. If you people get offended by the phrase "you people," whatever the context, you people need to take a break from the Internet. Thanks for pointing that out to me :rolleyes:
  4. Oh yeah, Alain, you really got me good! I'm SO fired up that I called you a know it all! /sarcasm
  5. You still upset that I called you a know it all? It's true. Now grow up. Any idiot can pick up a book. Congrats on your collection of law books, btw. There's a difference between being able to read and being trained in the law. Had you actually gone to law school you would understand what I'm saying. You're using the dictionary definitions of terms that have legal connotations. You also need to do some reading about the grand jury process and how it works. It's not the same in every state. You also need to consider that information in the context of the present circumstances: what the physical evidence showed vs. politics and public [mob] pressure. Frankly, I don't think you would accept the grand jury decision even if the prosecutor had presented the evidence as you would have. I.e., nothing less than an indictment is good enough in your mind.
  6. You people are nuts. Mike Brown was NOT a victim. And re law degree, no, one is not required to engage in a discussion about the issue. But Alain is bringing up legal concepts and talking as though he's an expert in the area (like he does in all of the threads on this site )
  7. Alain, I forgot you went to law school and practice law. I'll stop arguing with you now.
  8. There is physical evidence demonstrating that brown was running towards Wilson as he was being shot, and he ultimately landed on the ground roughly 8ft from where wilson was standing.
  9. I don't have enough knowledge of McCulloch or his prior decisions to answer your question. All I can say is that, in this situation, he did not feel there was enough evidence to charge Wilson. He turned the case over to the GJ because of politics and public pressure. He gave them every piece of evidence in order to make an informed, fair decision. And I would say "fair" no matter what they decided, even if I diagreed. And you're still doing what I previously said you were doing. Making excuses. Now you take issue with the way Wilson allegedly told these men to move from the road. There's no rule of law that requires police officers to be nice. I'm not saying that it's alright for an officer to be rude or disrespectful, but what I am saying is that, no matter how an officer tells you to do something, it doesn't give you the right to ignore him, let alone attack him physically.
  10. Alain, you're missing the issue here. No one is arguing over your general side points about police in the context of minorities. The issue is THIS SPECIFIC CASE, i.e., whether Wilson was justified in shooting Brown. And while you admit that the shooting was, in fact, justified, you seem to backpedal by adding your own, sometimes irrelevant, commentary to mitigate Brown's conduct like, Wilson "escalated" things by pulling his car around the wrong way or, look at how bad police treat minorities in St. Louis, etc. The point is, everyone screaming injustice over Mike Brown is an idiot. If they are screaming injustice over something else - even if it's related to the general subject matter of police treatment of minorities - fine. But using Mike Brown as a platform to do so is just wrong, and it makes them (and their respective positions) look stupid and less credible.
  11. Like everyone else in this situation screaming injustice, you ignore the facts and change the focus. What you said may be 100% true, but it has no bearing on this specific case. Nevertheless, people are using this case as a platform for their agendas. If you want to bring awareness to something, be my guest. But it's ridiculous for people to ignore and/or twist the facts of what happened here in order to further their messages.
  12. The "public" wanted an indictment. That is why McCulloch passed it along to the GJ. Had McCulloch felt there was enough evidence to charge Wilson, he would have done so. The only reason this went to the GJ in the first place is because of politics, and public pressure. Before an individual is charged with a crime, there must be a determination of whether there is probable cause to believe that a crime was committed. There is no reason this should have gone to trial. It's easy to second guess an officer's actions and play devil's advocate. Hindsight is always 20-20. And I disagree with your statement that Wilson escalated the encounter, especially if it is based simply on the manner in which he reversed his car and where he positioned it in the roadway. That's BS. The bottom line is that Mike Brown had countless opportunities to obey the commands of a police officer, and he chose to disregard those commands and attack a police officer. Anyone who claims this incident involved racism or excessive force is ignoring facts and the physical evidence.
  13. In your opinion, was Darren Wilson justified in shooting Mike Brown?
  14. Gotcha, thanks. Nice build. I've been following this thread closely.
  15. How did you get the older style intake manifold to clear the top vent hose of the MY2000 crank ventilation box?
  16. Oreo931

    Eriks 850

    New dash as in brand new, or used but new to you?
  17. I wish it were possible to do this with an 850 remote
  18. The guy charged at the cops while holding a steak knife, screaming something like, "kill me." WTF did you expect them to do? Throw him a steak?
  19. Really??? How about: 1. Anything done by Jim aka Faultywarrior 2. Anything done by Macminter aka that kid who wears a snoopy dress
  20. Last 5 pages of this thread are amazing. Also, when will Howard realize that he is a neckbeard?
  21. I'm not taking sides in this, but there are some pretty serious accusations being made in the SS and t5d5 threads. I'm curious to hear Lucky's response.
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