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fastboy last won the day on December 12 2012

fastboy had the most liked content!


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  1. Can I get in early, aside from helper glasses I'm there.
  2. They are near Front Hill Rd, I think it's the last house before you get to the beach on that road. Their last name is Braden, they only stay for September, they have been doing this for about the past 5 or 6 years.
  3. yes. or in that area. the house is on that road and another one is further up the hill. They also were there when the bridge to Santa Barbra got smoked last September, or that might have been 2 yrs ago.
  4. Happened in front of my parents last year by Sycamore Canyon Rd
  5. I don'y blame you, it gets out of hand on there. I just block everyone and lump other into groups that I will rarely look at.
  6. I'd like to see how they acquired the weapons... it's awful. I can hardly read about this shit.
  7. only 2500? It will still be new by the time your kids get to drive it.
  8. you can never see too many of these. pure hawt sex
  9. sometimes I hate people more than usual. EDIT: Also, wtf is with the word filter? I paid good money to tell people to go suck on a donkey cock on here in any sort of colorful language. pussy fuck shit piss cock cunt finger blaster bitch bastard Portuguese omelet second edit... yes GIANT PANDA!!!! fuck yeah! CUNT!
  10. This has always been the one on my wishlist, although I wouldn't say no to the ken mary style either.
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