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Posts posted by jroot

  1. I think everything is back up and I addressed all the major concerns. Quota issue on the rep system was addressed and I changed the justification on some of the pages. Overall speed, especially with the searches should be faster. I think I have addressed all the issues with MSIE8 at this point. MSIE7 should at least work now and screw MSIE6.

    Did you fix the bad CSS/HTML problem in threads? Where you just get long blank parts of the thread before seeing anything? (I'm on IE7)...

    Also RE: IE6 - take this with a grain of salt but it's still being used widely (obviously numbers are going down though):


  2. Ingenious.  Those photos are all photoshopped and factcheck.org is way the sh*t off on all of this to begin with.

    I bothered to check up on all of this because this seems like a load of stuff to me, so here are the facts:

    The US President's funds are managed by the government, and at some point before Bush's 2001 tax statement was due the government purchased a stock in an oil deal for George W.  This oil company also in some manor or another (I'm sure if you really care you can look it up) dealt with timber.  George Bush did not privately purchase any stock in a Timber company, and is not an owner, he is a minor shareholder as a result of the puchasing of stock in that company.  It wasn't even a direct transaction.

    The bottom line, Bush is not a small business owner, Kerry should have checked his facts first.  Even if he was the government had made the purchase for him, and chances are high Bush would have had no idea.

    Just curious if you have some links?

  3. No, no, we have a plan and it's being acted out now, I'm sorry to disapoint you with the inevitable anarchy that is taking place, but it's minimal.  I invite anyone to come up with some sort of solution, there's nothing you can do to prevent this kind of anarchy.  When a regime is taken out of power you have anarchy, and the only way to handle it is the way we are handling it now.  If you have an example of a more peaceful process, please, by all means.

    Don't go into a country where we had no business being. But too late for that...

  4. The bush comment was hilarious I thought, even though I'm not huge on Bush but I'm not a anti-bush person.

    But :

    “President Bush himself would have qualified as a "small business owner" under the Republican definition, based on his 2001 federal income tax returns. He reported $84 of business income from his part ownership of a timber-growing enterprise. However, 99.99% of Bush's total income came from other sources that year. (Bush also qualified as a "small business owner" in 2000 based on $314 of "business income," but not in 2002 and 2003 when he reported his timber income as "royalties" on a different tax schedule.)”


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