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Posts posted by 33eggharbor

  1. What is your point? A 15 year old boy shot and kill 3 people in a high school this morning. "At least he was using his own Gun." :rolleyes:

    You must be Republican, because a Republican can't stop dreging up Clinton anytime a Republican does something wrong. What does Clinton have to do with Cheney in this matter? This isn't a difference on political views, and the only reason this story is even in the political forum is because it is a political figure. If it was a democrat or someone from any other party, we would still making fun of them and discussing it.

    But, since you want to bring up Clinton and gave us a little story on him, lets compare. Did Bill shoot anyone while hunting? No. Who cares if it was his gun or not? In fact, if it wasn't Cheney's gun that he was using, there might be a case that he wasn't used to the trigger or something.

    Actually I am not a Republican, Just a Federal Firearms Instructor. The point was not even realy aimed at the Former President, but his wife the NY Sen. who made several comments regarding this issue over the past several days regarding the current VP not having the proper ($7) perimit and his lack of acceptance of responsiblity in this particualr incident. My pont is that the current VP has far more experience as a shooter than the Former Prez, and this occured. This same incident could have easily occure in a 2000 Duck Hunting Trip as well.

  2. Sorry but 70 years old, drinking and guns- sounds like he's still after a fun time. Must beat the yeast out of hangin' out with Hillary and Barbie Boxer.

    At least he was using his own Gun. Does this sound safe?

    ABC News: THIS WEEK, March 12, 2000

    SAM DONALDSON Debate over public issues can be an intense and tough thing. Everyone knows that. But the debate over gun control has suddenly turned very mean and very personal. We resume our interview with President Clinton. By the way, do you own a gun today? You used to, I know.

    BILL CLINTON Yes. But I don’t have them here in the White House. I have owned— when I was a boy I had a .22— when I was 12— and then I had a shotgun and I’ve owned a handgun or two that had been given to me.

    SAM DONALDSON Do you still shoot them today?

    BILL CLINTON No, when I— I’ve gone hunting a few times since I’ve been president, but I’ve always just gone with friends and borrowed a shotgun when I got there. SAM DONALDSON Recently?

    BILL CLINTON Oh, I— when was the last time I went duck hunting? Couple of years ago, I guess.


    President Clinton went duckhunting at Christmas, 1993. The news reports started, "Eventhough President Clinton supports gun control he nevertheless went duckhunting." These people make seven digit incomes and want to be taken seriously.


    SAM DONALDSON OK. Well, we started by...

    BILL CLINTON But let me say that, you know, I grew up in this culture. I’ve never called for banning guns, banning hunting. I’ve never been against sport shooting. I— I believe that people ought to have the right to do these things. The thing that— you know, I even had a good relationship with the NRA at one time when I was governor. They did a lot of good things in my state. They helped train people and gun safety courses, young hunters, for example. They helped to resolve property disputes in rural areas of my state where we were worried about people hunting in various areas. They— you know, I just think that their knee-jerk reaction to any gun safety measure is wrong.


    The NRA knows what it wants. It knows what it wants has no validity in constitutional doctrine or historical practice. It has to respond hysterically to anything that might threaten its ideological house of cards. Its success is a measure of the dysfunction in its opposition.


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