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Posts posted by Jaxx

  1. If I choose to switch my 15G to a 16T, I would need to also change the downpipe to a straight flange since the '95s came with conical, right? Is there anything else that I would need to swap? Is it possible go up to a 3" downpipe while I'm at it, even though the cat and everything else is stock or is it not worth it?

    you can use whatever turbo with the conical flange. People even run the 19T with the conical. No need to swap downpipes if you only swap the coldside and actual turbo itself. Heck, you don't even have to unbolt the downpipe if you do that.

  2. I was married to my brother for a while, then things became complicated. :lol:

    hahaha nice.

    HAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH i am surprised i didn't see this.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    lol yeah, that's budekai on here. he doesn't post much.

    lol I looked at her profile and didn't know she was THAT young!

    So yeah uhhh...


    im pretty sure if you're married, it's okay... Just sayin'.

    it was fun while it lasted, she said she didn't want to sign prenup papers, so...

  3. The press is the only check the public has on govt. denial of access to information and questioning of policy is fundamental to keeping the bastards from seizing total power and control. We ignore most of the info and take it in the ass and ask for more all the time. To exclude a media outlet from a presser because they don't like the coverage smacks of state controlled media= Communism.

    You are hiding something if you don't want full disclosure. fuck the "tactics" are you doing whats best for the country or are you doing whats best to keep you in power?

    you realize that the article has nothing to do with the presidency, right?

  4. honestly it just seemed like strategy for me. I would have no issue with people only wanting live interviews, in fact, I would be concerned if no live sessions were offered. Absolute control in this case I think makes sense -- your issues are your responsibility, why would you want to comment on something that wasn't in your hands?

    This whole news article I think was taken out of context, the title of the article "Obama Team 'Controlled' Media Coverage" just is begging for people to think that if an issue wasn't what exactly the spin they wanted to be on TV the "Obama Team" would go kill someone or something.

    I'll disclose that I voted for Obama because he was most in line with my political views.

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