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OK - most everything external has been removed. Now for the fun fun stuff! Ladies and Gents - boy and girls of all ages... this is what my pistons look like after 105K miles of service. The cylinder walls are actually in really good shape probably due to all that good ole Alaskan Mobil 1. Here is an interesting part. I confirmed today that yes indeed, I was running NA cams unbeknownst to me. Anyway, when I removed the head I found that #5 cylinder exhaust valves were hitting the piston. Check the picture above real closely (#5 is all the way to the right) and you will see two shiney marks on the upper portion of the piston head. I also confirmed this on the valves as shown below: I also found that the intake valves on #2 were hitting the piston as well. Well, tomorrow it another day. I need to get a 12 point socket to get the con rods off and everything should be broken down by then. Plus I ran outta beer and it was too late to crack a bottle of Cab. Take a look at my garage and you wonder why my wife is on my a$$ all the time Scott C.
Someone has been in my CAMS? How does on visually determine an NA cam from a Turbo cam? No real part numbers on them. Here is the reason I ask. The cam gears have written on them (painted) AND inscribed with both "E" and "I" which tells me someone was doing something. Then I'm looking at the grind and it looks pretty aggressive and I have painted bands on the cams. Any ideas? Also - just for giggles, I slapped the S60R Ex. manifold on to see what is looks like. This is much better than the stock one, but wait until it gets all ported and polished! Scott C.
Ok guys - you're keeping my honest. I said I'd do it... albiet I'm an hour late. But I scored some free 2nd row hockey tickets so my priority changed. I did get up the gumf to get in the garage at 11 pm after the hockey game and give this a whirl. So - GOOD NEWS!!! IT FITS!!! Tight, but no problemo! Here are some pics. I always thought the original color of my subframe was BLACK??? IN!!! Notice I have the front engine mount bolted up. Sorry - need more light in there. About the same clearance as the previous auto tranny. Ok - note that I had to keep the chain on the engine as the rear tranny mount will need to be modified slightly. There was nothing holding the engine on the back, but the motor mounts were connected. I will have to cross this bridge during final assembly on the subframe prior to install. Yet again about 1/2" of clearance like the previous tranny. Time to call it a night. Will start the engine teardown tomorrow. I'll probably slow down on the posts and pics as I don't want to bore everyone with engine pics and oily hands. HOWEVER - IF ANYONE HAS A PDF OF AN EXPLODED VIEW OF THE M66, THAT WOULD COME IN VERY HANDY FOR ME!!!!! Thanks. Scott C.
OK - so today I got the engine block cleaned up a bit so I'm not spreading grease around the garage, etc. The wife is not really speaking to me lately... but that means I can spend more time in the garage - right? So - I got the M66 bolted up to the block today. IT FIT LIKE A GLOVE!!! Here are some pictures of it. Tonight I will try to clean up the engine bay a bit as I've not touched it since the engine came out. I still need to get a few things outta there. Tomorrow I will try to pressure spray the engine bay and THEN - try to drop in the motor with the tranny. I am doing this to see the "fit" onto the motor mounts, etc. I want to figure out what modifications I will have to make BEFORE I start working on the engine. That way, when parts are out, I can work on some of those items, etc. and minimize the down time. If I can get all of this done tomorrow without catchin hell from my wife, I'll hopefully be able to post pics of the engine in along with the tranny so you can all see what it looks like. For final install though, I will probably follow CJ's lead and bring the engine/tranny assembly in from the bottom on a nice clean subframe. OK - the pics! It is so nice of Volvo to supply a Swedish Pine transmission stand with every tranny you buy!! OK - trying to line them up. Almost there... Swedish Engineering Perfection!!! Solenoid will fit perfectly!!! More perfection!!! Some better angles. Should I start polishing that tranny housing guys???? Thats all for today guys. I gotta go make some brownie points with my wife! Scott C.
I also traveled to Dallas earlier this year to take a look at an S60R (M66) that dyno'd 540 WHP and the trans was not the issue although he had a stage V clutch. He did put enough torque into the front wheels (was in FWD mode) that it tore the entire passenger side shock assembly out and the wheel proceeded to enter the fender and door area. So - his problem wasn't the trans! Yes - I even work on Christmas so here are some more pics! We've all lost a knuckle or two while working on our engines. Nothing that a couple Heinekens won't cure!!! Slowly breaking it down... Take a look at my Exh. Manifold gasket(s) which are probably original. This is how it was when I took the manifold off. If you look close enough, you can see that I had a tad bit of exhaust leak on one and five. Also notice that white gummy stuff along the head gasket! When I get a bit bored with the Engine stuff, I throw stuff on the buffer. I took the RIP that I got from Doug K. last week and threw it on the buffer for a mirror shine. Also put a bit o' spice on the Thermo housing that was originally polished by VolFan (quality work). Look for a bunch of clean polished stuff on this engine. It's theraputic! Although, seeing CJ's powder coated gear sure makes me rething things a bit!!! Merry Christmas Guys!! Scott C.
Some of you may have heard this already but I just officially kicked off this project. To put the M66 six speed into a '97 850. Top that with an engine build up that will hopefully push past 500 HP. So - Started the engine pull this week and I got the auto tranny off. Here are some pics, hope we can make this a running thread. I'll accept pic requests if they are within reason. Almost there. Also made sure there was plenty of ice cold beer within reach for this project! OUT!!!! So here they are - side by side with auto on the left and M66 on the right. Notice the bolt pattern is very similar but the M66 as a few more. I also found that both are 13.5" in depth which calms my fears a bit about getting the sucker in there... but we're not home free yet. Notice the depth is the same. This is the best pic I could take to show the equal depth. See on the M66 (right) those two circles off center to the right? That whole section creats one big "hump o' metal" that you don't see over on the automatic. If ANY where is going to be a problem , this is going to be it. Just getting started and the target is to have everything (engine included) by May. So no more BBQs until then - OK??? Scott C.