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Telling Kerry Supporters They Are Idiots Is Good.


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Alright, so I'm sitting in one of the computer labs and I don't know what came over me.

This girl next to me was talking to her friend, loudly and obnoxiously. The "official" transcript:

Girl 1: "Did you vote yet?!!"

Girl 2: "No, not yet but I'm going to."

Girl 1: "Good..."


Girl 2: "Kerry!"

Me: (Never seen these two in my life.) "Well we can't all be perfect."

Girl 1: *blank face*

Girl 2: *blank face*

Girl 1: "Who are you talking to."

Me: "I wasn't talking to you I was talking to him, " points to guy next to me who has no idea who I am, "I was pointing out that you're an idiot."

Girl 1: "I'm an idiot??"

Me: "Yeah."

Girl 1: "Why am I an idiot?"

Me: "Do you know where Kerry stands on all the issues."


Girl 1: "of course"

Me: "Well good, that makes you and Kerry who know what the hell he plans on doing if he's actually elected, because for the rest of us we all have to wonder when he's just going to change his mind again and do something else."

People then called me a jackass, wank and someone even called me a monkeybag. I sent them all links to various uberconservative anti kerry things and told them they were idiots and don't even know what they're voting for. After reading, the girls two friends were like "oh." Girl 1 left a few minutes later giving me the finger on her way out, but her two highly impressionable and horribly uneducated friends told me after leaving that they felt like idiots voting for someone with such a shitty record (the links I sent them were quite fabulous and biased and even had some lies in them). I convinced them to vote for Nader instead. :) The guy on the other side of me told me naders even worse, I led him to the constitutional parties website and now he's voting CP. I win. Conservatives rule. Pwnd.

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What is worse is that I used the "talking down" tactic and it worked, thats how impressionable these people are.  Use Kerry's own tactics against him like this and it works.

Not that it matters in NJ anyway, lol.

People impressionable to be talked out of voting for someone after theyve made up their mind because you sent them to some obviously biased website probably shouldnt be voting, heh. If I sent you to someplace like moveon or another obviously biased sight that talks about all of Bush's monkey-ups, would it change your vote? Hopefully not.

Actually, hopefully you've already voted, I know I did. Took me all of 30 seconds too because I actually knew who everyone on the ballot was, and what they stood for. I split an even 50/50 Repub/Dem. Kerry for pres, Fergusson for cong., dems for freeholders, repubs for sherrif, and all the local positions.

I have CNN on now, it's really sad to see the lawsuits flying already... makes me sick. Course with all the "poll-watchers" and whatnot on both sides, it's hard to feel secure in some places. Glad I'm not in a swing-state.

I'm flying out for London in a few hours...hopefully I'll be able to get results by the time I land. I'm Europe for 2 weeks, so I at least hope that I'll know who won by the time I get back, heh.

Edited by ChuckV986
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Doesn't that jut piss ya off!? Kinda makes you think... "Why the hell did I just vote?"

Yep. I just watched a speech today on C-Span by a professor of political science at I think Texas A&M and he talked about how bad the electorate system is. He had some pretty good points. He was basically saying that because we vote by state electors, some people's vote counts more than others. For example, a vote in Wyoming counts 4x what a California one does. Also, the information we use to decide the number of electors from each state is outdated. For example: in the 2000 election, we used information from the 1990 census. Also, non-citizens are counted too but they can't vote. Go figure.

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I know it doesn't count in NJ, thats why I don't feel bad about it in the slightest. :P

If I sent you to someplace like moveon or another obviously biased sight that talks about all of Bush's monkey-ups, would it change your vote? Hopefully not.

Heh, they were obviously not too brite.

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