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Don't you just love politically active celebs??!?!  So I think it's now official:  America does not care what Tim Robbins, Sean Penn, Madonna, Alec Baldwin, Barbara Streisand, Robert Redford, Ben & Jerry, Susan Sarandon, Pearl Jam, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Dixie Chix, Dave Mathews, or Michael Moore think.

The Dems had a ton of celebrity "star power", the full weight of the liberal media - complete with stories based on forged documents and incessant biased negative reporting...and they still lost.

The key for success for the Dems has been made quite clear by the American populace: change your views, policies, and platform.  We do not agree with you.

the democratic party has gone so far left in the past 25 years or so, that the disconnect between them and the majority of the country is getting pretty big. they have moved so far left that it has made the right look like it has been moving right (when it's been moving left as well). i think in the next four years or so we will see a centrist movement within the democratic party to regain power. which i am all for. i don't like voting for one party only, but when the alternative is so far removed from what i believe in, i can't see myself voting other than republican any time soon.

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I don't see why he thinks there is going to be an uprising. I would venture to guess that the average American thinks that Bush is a decent guy who they may or may not agree with but is fine nevertheless. People who hate Bush are such a minority, but you think everyone hates him beacuase that group is so vocal about it.

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Ontheheel hit it right on the head. If Bush was running 20 years ago he would have been a Democrat. Now he is considered "Ultra Right Wing." Give me a break. There is nothing Right Wing about him. Just a Democratic party in shambles trying so hard to convince people that they are mainstream. I'm torn because I'd love to see these idiots not figure it out and keep losing elections. However I would like a 2nd VIABLE party to vote for. The Democrats used to have a good party, but the cooks and whackos took over and now they are just a joke.

Here is an article from a Decent Democrat:


Here is an excerpt:

But the Democratic Party is no longer a national party. As difficult as the challenges are — both real and fabricated — Democrats offered no solution that was either believable or acceptable to vast regions of America. Tax increases to grow the economy are not a solution that is believable or acceptable. Democratic promises of fiscal responsibility are unbelievable in the face of massive new spending promises. A foreign policy based on the strength of "allies" such as France is unacceptable. A strong national defense policy is just not believable coming from a candidate who built a career as an anti-war veteran, an anti-military candidate and an anti-action senator.

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i disagree, i think a large portion of kerry followers were only kerry followers to get bush out of office.  And thats potentially a large crowd, kerry did lose by a large margin, but he still had enough votes to win past elections in this country.

I said the average American doesn't hate Bush. I don't even think the average Kerry supporter hates Bush. They had problems with the way he did things so they voted against him. Most of them didn't hate him.

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Guest Chuckvinlondon

I dont hate HIM, I hate the way hes gone about doing things. I think Id like to have him as a friend....just not a president. Kerry was the only alternative, therefore I voted for Kerry. Though Im hardly distraught about Bush winning, it could be much worse. And I wouldnt say he lost by a large margin... 2% is not a large margin. And 140,000 votes in one state is an even slimmer margin.

People really do hate Bush over here though. I think people would celebrate if he died. Though a lot of that is displaced anger towards a failed US foreign policy.

Some funny front pages though.

"The Sun" had a picture of W, and then in red writing "How 55,234,018 People be so STUPID?" I laughed pretty hard. Ive managed to explain to some people that some smart Americans do vote for him, because even though they might not like the everything hes done so far, theyre confident hell keep trying his hardest, and didnt trust Kerry at all. Then there are some that are sheep, and dont realise that at least 50% of whats coming out of their canidates mouth is true, and all they hear is "Ill protect you better from terrorism". They found the second explaination I provided slightly discomforting, so I then explained "a lot of Americans that have something to fear from terrorism, like New Yorkers, voted overwhelmingly against him, some people just dont realise that hes lying, or think that he lies less than the other canidate. He might, its hard to tell because of how much they both lie." It was that explaination people started to understand. Over here, the media is saying that the only reason he won is that most Americans are fanatical Christians that want Bush to wage a Holy War against Islam.... Yeah.... Ferenheight 9/11 is also excepted as Gospel....

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Over here, the media is saying that the only reason he won is that most Americans are fanatical Christians that want Bush to wage a Holy War against Islam....

lol, well I do remember hearing the word "crusade" come out of his mouth at some point (oops)

Edited by swdracr
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I dont hate HIM, I hate the way hes gone about doing things. I think Id like to have him as a friend....just not a president. Kerry was the only alternative, therefore I voted for Kerry. Though Im hardly distraught about Bush winning, it could be much worse. And I wouldnt say he lost by a large margin... 2% is not a large margin. And 140,000 votes in one state is an even slimmer margin.

People really do hate Bush over here though. I think people would celebrate if he died. Though a lot of that is displaced anger towards a failed US foreign policy.

Some funny front pages though.

"The Sun" had a picture of W, and then in red writing "How 55,234,018 People be so STUPID?" I laughed pretty hard. Ive managed to explain to some people that some smart Americans do vote for him, because even though they might not like the everything hes done so far, theyre confident hell keep trying his hardest, and didnt trust Kerry at all. Then there are some that are sheep, and dont realise that at least 50% of whats coming out of their canidates mouth is true, and all they hear is "Ill protect you better from terrorism". They found the second explaination I provided slightly discomforting, so I then explained "a lot of Americans that have something to fear from terrorism, like New Yorkers, voted overwhelmingly against him, some people just dont realise that hes lying, or think that he lies less than the other canidate. He might, its hard to tell because of how much they both lie." It was that explaination people started to understand. Over here, the media is saying that the only reason he won is that most Americans are fanatical Christians that want Bush to wage a Holy War against Islam.... Yeah.... Ferenheight 9/11 is also excepted as Gospel....

Yes, then you agree with me. I'm talking about those people that hate Bush so deeply that they think he is evil. You are an informed individual who understood both candidates. I'm talking about people who hate Bush. Its a pretty small minority but the media would have you believe that that percentage is much higher.

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Yes, then you agree with me.  I'm talking about those people that hate Bush so deeply that they think he is evil.  You are an informed individual who understood both candidates.  I'm talking about people who hate Bush.  Its a pretty small minority but the media would have you believe that that percentage is much higher.

Very true. I don't any informed person could come to the conclusion that he's evil. Truth be told, the vast majority of those who voted for Kerry are just like *shrug* "Oh well, could be worse."

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