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New North America

steve s

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lol, I've seen this one:



i've had long conversations with my roommate on how to make the world part of the republic of texas. either dallas or houston would be the capitol of the world. probably dallas, so the yankees could feel at home when they visit the most powerful city. :pizza:

oh man, you give texans too much free time and the right to assembly and free speech, and we spend them thinking about how to take over the world and convert it to texas :lol:

the national anthem would be on a rotational basis between zz top and stevie ray vaughan songs.

the national mascot would be either an armadillo or a jackalope

everybody would carry sidearms and at own at least one pickup

to prove your citizenship you have to wear boots and a texas belt buckle

also, every house would be required to fly a texas flag in their front yard

all yankees would be required to incorporate the word, "yall" at least once into thier daily speech.

there's alot more, but i have yet to pen an official constitution, so this is merely a sampling.

half the fun of it is just getting reactions from northerners ;)

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Canada spends less than the U.S. and yet has a better Birth rate, higher birth weight and a longer life expectancy plus it covers every citizen. What more could you want in Healthcare.

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