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Who Do You Think You're Going To Vote For.... And Why?


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No one said you were voting for anybody. Where you get you stats on overhead and plummeting physician incomes I have no idea. Indirect government contol? Have you looked at your paycheck lately? You pay for national health care whether you have insurance or not.

I am not writing to someone I do not support.

Growth in income yes, but plummeting in the sense that if you were to graph that against a national average its much less (try 3-5% growth compared to 15%-20% growth of the national mean).

Let me reiterate "OVERHEAD"....... When I speak of overhead I am also speaking of what one must charge you due to the numbers. You have malpractice insurance which in some stats comes close to ones annual income, a staff plus equipment used solely for the purpose of insurance billing, and the factor that payment is often received months later from a insurance company. You take all of this and the fact that health care insurance is nothing more than a bid and acceptance with a medical care provider, and you have a bill that is huge! Leaving you to pay the magical 10%-20% deductible, which is really 30-50% of the actual cost.

Indirect government contol? Have you looked at your paycheck lately? You pay for national health care whether you have insurance or not.

Thanks for proving my point ;)

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Bottom line is a national health care plan Will Not work in the United States... and it's completely stupid to even think that it will. Doesn't mean shit if it does or doesn't work in Canada, England or France, or where ever else, it's completely irrelevant, cause we're not Canada, England or France. It's pathetic and shameful that a national health care plan is the best we can come up to attempt to solve the issues.

This whole country is fucked, imo, and the morons we have running for office offer nothing in the way of making it better... and the united states has no one to blame but themselves.

+1000 FINALLY someone who agrees with me. Once the average American's comfort level is disturbed, shit will happen. Until then, this is what will continue to go on.

It is very sad how our leaders today are "stuck" and won't to do anything.

To the Heallthcare point, IMHO, the solution to health care is to remove the HMOs from completely controlling it all.

I propose:

1. Government funded preventative and routine care: Checkups, antibiotics, routine tests, emergency, tax credits for "fit" people, no sales tax on healthy foods, etc.

2. Competitive system for doctors, hospitals, and prescription drugs (to serve item 1 above), no insurance allowed until a cost or treatment threshold is reached (like cancer, etc).

3. Health insurance is encouraged for major medical costs and programs.

4. Clear healthcare policies must established on tough issues, such as Euhtanasia and access to high-cost treatments for those who cannot make payment.

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+1000 FINALLY someone who agrees with me. Once the average American's comfort level is disturbed, shit will happen. Until then, this is what will continue to go on.

It is very sad how our leaders today are "stuck" and won't to do anything.

To the Heallthcare point, IMHO, the solution to health care is to remove the HMOs from completely controlling it all.

I propose:

1. Government funded preventative and routine care: Checkups, antibiotics, routine tests, emergency, tax credits for "fit" people, no sales tax on healthy foods, etc.

2. Competitive system for doctors, hospitals, and prescription drugs (to serve item 1 above), no insurance allowed until a cost or treatment threshold is reached (like cancer, etc).

3. Health insurance is encouraged for major medical costs and programs.

4. Clear healthcare policies must established on tough issues, such as Euhtanasia and access to high-cost treatments for those who cannot make payment.

lol, that will be an issue.... your definition of healthy foods is different from mine... and it would be different from the Government's idea of what is healthy.

so that will not work

Taco bell is not healthy...but for a 300lb man who eats lard straight it is considered healthy. yeah... think again :)

just cause someone eats healthy does not make them healthy

I can eat Healthy Choice fozen foods no problem... but if an overweight person eats 8 of them... yeah thats not healthy

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Guest 850T-5

McCain vs. Obama

I'm a registered republican but if it comes down to McCain and Obama, and I don't like Obama much either, I'll vote for Obama in a heartbeat over McCain.

McCain is a disgrace, a "fake" war hero who intentionally interfered with and blocked the finding of what happened to other POW's and MIA's so people wouldn't find out what really happened.

The fact that the reason the other POW's saw so little of him is because he was telling the Vietnemese everything they wanted to hear. He made 35 propaganda videos for them talking about how bad the U.S., we target little children and all kinds of stuff.

Then they let him go, but he couldn't return home because his daddy was an Admiral at the time and it would look bad. So he was put up in a Hanoi Hilton where he was kickin' it and got two prostitutes until they faked his "war hero return".

OK, fine he did what he needed to do to survive but he interfered with family of MIA's and POW's finding out what happened to their loved ones and the whole war hero thing was a lie to help jumpstart his career as a politician.

John McCain is a piece of trash neocon. Most veterans actually hate him but the maintream media doesn't report that.

McCain vs. Hillary

If it comes down to McCain vs. Hillary, I just won't vote because I don't know which one is worse, they're both awful in different was and I couldn't stand to have to look at them leading this country for any period of time.

Forced heathcare and the Clinton criminal enterprise back in the whitehouse with Hillary as a dictator, or more wars and less jobs as promised by McCain?

It would make me sick knowing everything I know about those corrupt pieces of trash.

McCain pretends to be a conservative, right. Well I guess Bush pretends to be as well. Only him and his homeboys could outspend the democrats.

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McCain vs. Obama

I'm a registered republican but if it comes down to McCain and Obama, and I don't like Obama much either, I'll vote for Obama in a heartbeat over McCain.

McCain is a disgrace, a "fake" war hero who intentionally interfered with and blocked the finding of what happened to other POW's and MIA's so people wouldn't find out what really happened.

The fact that the reason the other POW's saw so little of him is because he was telling the Vietnemese everything they wanted to hear. He made 35 propaganda videos for them talking about how bad the U.S., we target little children and all kinds of stuff.

Then they let him go, but he couldn't return home because his daddy was an Admiral at the time and it would look bad. So he was put up in a Hanoi Hilton where he was kickin' it and got two prostitutes until they faked his "war hero return".

OK, fine he did what he needed to do to survive but he interfered with family of MIA's and POW's finding out what happened to their loved ones and the whole war hero thing was a lie to help jumpstart his career as a politician.

John McCain is a piece of trash neocon. Most veterans actually hate him but the maintream media doesn't report that.

McCain vs. Hillary

If it comes down to McCain vs. Hillary, I just won't vote because I don't know which one is worse, they're both awful in different was and I couldn't stand to have to look at them leading this country for any period of time.

Forced heathcare and the Clinton criminal enterprise back in the whitehouse with Hillary as a dictator, or more wars and less jobs as promised by McCain?

It would make me sick knowing everything I know about those corrupt pieces of trash.

McCain pretends to be a conservative, right. Well I guess Bush pretends to be as well. Only him and his homeboys could outspend the democrats.


and move to Canada for christ's sake ......

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Guest 850T-5

and move to Canada for christ's sake ......

typical neocon response. what, are you going to accuse me of being some liberal although I am a registered Republican, or of hanging out with the french? love it or leave it huh? let's not expose frauds for who they are, let's not discuss the truth, it's "un-American".

how about this? if you don't even care so much as to find out the truth about the candidates before supporting one of them or don't like it and don't care about the truth of what is going on in this country . . . .

"you go move to Canada"

maybe if neocons and their cheerleaders or those who just accept it like you moved away to another country, we could reclaim the United States of America for what it was, throw out all the neocons, mindless neocon cheerleaders, corporate elite who run things, the special interest controlled corrupt politicians who influence our broken policy.

I care enough to actually research and find out the truth about what is going and share it with others and will continue to. If others did the same and weren't so naive, gullible or just plain didn't care this country would be a much better place. It is a free country, not a facist society, at least not yet and I will continue to expose frauds and discuss the truth about what is happening. You don't like it, you leave, it is my right as an American, one that actually cares about my country.

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"you go move to Canada"

You don't seem very happy here. It was a suggestion. There are not very many "Truths" in our Universe .... what truth do you speak of? That Politics are inherently self-serving? That we are all human, filled with fault? Sorry to break it to you pal, but life is a tradegy .... and this isn't exactly news.

You are a registered Repubican, but the only person you would vote for is Obama? If its Clinton and McCain you won't vote? With all your vigor I have to say your sounding a bit preachy and hypocritical.

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lol, that will be an issue.... your definition of healthy foods is different from mine... and it would be different from the Government's idea of what is healthy.

so that will not work

Taco bell is not healthy...but for a 300lb man who eats lard straight it is considered healthy. yeah... think again :)

just cause someone eats healthy does not make them healthy

I can eat Healthy Choice fozen foods no problem... but if an overweight person eats 8 of them... yeah thats not healthy

I meant mainly grocery items. And I think there is no debate on taco bell. Somethings are not relative. And broccoli is not relatively healthy. It is healthy. Zingers are not relatively healthy. They are unhealthy. But I love em.

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Guest 850T-5

You don't seem very happy here. It was a suggestion. There are not very many "Truths" in our Universe .... what truth do you speak of? That Politics are inherently self-serving? That we are all human, filled with fault? Sorry to break it to you pal, but life is a tradegy .... and this isn't exactly news. You are a registered Repubican, but the only person you would vote for is Obama? If its Clinton and McCain you won't vote? With all your vigor I have to say your sounding a bit preachy and hypocritical.

Some of the comments I've heard from you closely resemble a neo-conservative hypocracy. Listen, I was born an American. Maybe, you need to simply understand it is my right as an American as I've already stated and leave it at that.

Don't go tell someone they should move to Canada, which is basically insinuating that they are un-American for caring enough to find out about what is really going on and to spread the word about some of the frauds like our presidential candidates.

Maybe you should stop trying to interpret how other people like myself feel, what we should say, what we should do and where we should go and act is if others don't have a right to discuss these real things, they should just go move to Canada.

doesn't sound like you even know much about McCain yet you question "my" decision to not support him and discuss it and why.

you actually believe the he is a Conservative Republican and that he was actually a war hero? I have news for you, McCain is basically a Democrat and a documented, proven traitor to this country, MIA's and POW's as described above.

Just because someone labels themselves a Repblican doesn't mean they hold Republican values. McCain is a traitor to this country as I already explained above, it is proven by witness accounts and other POW's. He is trash, if you want to vote for trash, vote for trash. I'd rather vote for some Democrat myself, I don't vote for traitors and those who are for opening up the borders and basically granting amnesty to illegals claiming to be Republican not to mention endless wars and less jobs.

Vietnam Veterans Against McCain Video Clip

John McCain Flip Flop Express Video Clip

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How do we vote for you when you don't post the presidential banner up with an image of you? :lol:

There's images of me all over the internet... just gotta know how to find them... and pay the price for accessing my website.


I accept credit cards.

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