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Underage Drinking


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Yeah I pretty much agree with the handling the responsibility thing. I've seen my faaaair share of it not being handled well at all, even on my own terms but then again I think given the type of person, someone drunk at age 37 could act the same as someone drunk 16. I've seen it tons of times on both sides of the age spectrum.

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Think it should be like a learners permit. If your under 21 you can drink only if with someone over 25. And if you kill yourself or someone else, your sponsor is help responsable. And Noah.... we all wish your mom drank less.... or is we wish she drank more.... a lot more.... :lol:

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Think it should be like a learners permit.  If your under 21 you can drink only if with someone over 25.  And if you kill yourself or someone else, your sponsor is help responsable.  And Noah.... we all wish your mom drank less.... or is we wish she drank more.... a lot more....  :lol:

hahahaha i love it.

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Think it should be like a learners permit.  If your under 21 you can drink only if with someone over 25.  And if you kill yourself or someone else, your sponsor is help responsable.  And Noah.... we all wish your mom drank less.... or is we wish she drank more.... a lot more....  :lol:

I don't get it :(

But since you're admin I guess I'll assume it's funny ;)

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my family doesn't believe in age and drinking. however, i was raised to respect alochol and drink responsibly. i've seen a lot of my friends get in major accidents 'cause of underage drunk driving. i think the underage generation can't handle drinking today. kids today are getting drunk and having sex in middle school. it's amazing how times have changed. Europeans seem to be able to drink more responsibly, but they are also raised to respect alcohol more than americans are.

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i agree w/ something like charles' idea

its all aabout the individual, plenty of people can handle the responsibility way before 21. i'm a pretty big drinker but theres a big line that people often cross where you start to abuse alcohol. I think it is widely accepted in this country to cross that line. It's like a social norm to get drunk when your young it seems, and to break the law. i dont really know that i have a strong opinion one way or the other on the subject though. sometimes i think the idiots who waste themselves away so dangerously, then drive for example and kill themselves or someone else, probably would of done that later on anyway, when they were legal. but something like charles suggested would minimize the mistakes due to lack of experience i believe. I will say i do beleive, albeit in a controlled environment, everyone should have the oppurtunity to abuse alcohol once, to see what really happens and what is not all that glamorous about it. first time i got overly drunk and sick was quite a learning experience. I cant remember the last time i 'accidently' drank too much, or got sick from blowing my tolerance out the window.

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well said patrick....  There's nothing like a really bad jerk hangover to put things in prospective...  :P

LOL yeah. Think of all the poor girls that wake up next to Noah because of underage drinking :P

ROFL Noah I am just giving you a hard time for calling me a bitch

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