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nope... Bush did not start the war(s) it was terrorists.. you should no better than that

it scares the crap out of me if Obama becomes pres... he will not support our troops we are going to shrink to the size of Adam's sack and we will become a pushover. We did not become the strongest country in the world by laying down. Obama does not know the first thing about the military and support for our country.


Did you take debating lessons from Sarah Palin?

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nope... Bush did not start the war(s) it was terrorists.. you should no better than that

it scares the crap out of me if Obama becomes pres... he will not support our troops we are going to shrink to the size of Adam's sack and we will become a pushover. We did not become the strongest country in the world by laying down. Obama does not know the first thing about the military and support for our country.

Dave wants to force the world to conform by using military force. Btw, why aren't you in the military?

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Dave wants to force the world to conform by using military force. Btw, why aren't you in the military?

I went to college and played sports... Grandfather and great grandfather were in the military

I work for a consulting firm who's business is protecting assholes like you :D

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You really need to stop watching Fox News. You are the one living in his own delusional little world.

I agree with Jake. Deregulation caused the Wall Street issues, and that is all Republican doing. Clinton didn't start the wars we are currently in, Bush did. All of Bush's failure were caused by him and his administration; had nothing at all do to with any president that came before him. Bush is the one who appointed all these unqualified people to government positions and when they fail it brings GW down.

Did you pay attention to the Dems like Franks and Dodd, screaming at banks to let unqualified folks borrow in 2003-2004? Ever heard of the Community Reinvestment Act, Enacted in 1977 under Carters watch? Don't be so short sighted, do some research.

They strong armed banks to lend to less than qualified candidates, claiming racism and other class warfare tactics-that was not any presidents doing.

Google ACORN. Get the whole picture. This is getting very repetitive. Folks need to get more than there side of the story. It's laughable that Barney and Chris are presiding over this debacle. If your buried in Keith Olbermans lap you should get Hannities side too. Be fare or stay out of the debate.

If they used the airline banckruptcy plan only the investors in those companies would be hurt. This bill will hurt all the taxpayers.

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Did you take debating lessons from Sarah Palin?

Your being very trite. You know nothing about her other than what you see on CNN or MSNBC. She's a real person not a toy doll or a dumb blond. Find me a politician who you think is 100% You can't do it. Biden is a boob, she has boobs. I'm going with the mammaries. Bush ran your state and you still live there. Until Mexico takes over.

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I went to college and played sports...

Annapolis and West Point. Ever heard of them?

I work for a consulting firm who's business is protecting assholes like you :D

You aren't inspiring confidence in our defense capability.

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Did you pay attention to the Dems like Franks and Dodd, screaming at banks to let unqualified folks borrow in 2003-2004? Ever heard of the Community Reinvestment Act, Enacted in 1977 under Carters watch? Don't be so short sighted, do some research.

They strong armed banks to lend to less than qualified candidates, claiming racism and other class warfare tactics-that was not any presidents doing.

Google ACORN. Get the whole picture. This is getting very repetitive. Folks need to get more than there side of the story. It's laughable that Barney and Chris are presiding over this debacle. If your buried in Keith Olbermans lap you should get Hannities side too. Be fare or stay out of the debate.

If they used the airline banckruptcy plan only the investors in those companies would be hurt. This bill will hurt all the taxpayers.

So, you are saying the problem started with Jimmy? Ronny and George Sr. didn't fix it on the way?

I have no idea who Keith Olberman is.

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Dave wants to force the world to conform by using military force. Btw, why aren't you in the military?

Thanks a lot Zappo. I'm in the military and I keep wondering why my homie, Dave, an advocate for military violence (for power), isn't in the military. Rome was a powerful military state.......but that's all they knew. There is only so far military push-over can take you and I for once am more concerned by a well organized Al-Quieda killing 3000ppl (in the strongest country in the world) than U.S's military tactics.

I'm new to the political game, done some research, but of all the 4 candidates, Palin seems to be the worst of them all. Americans don't want to do researches, they want to skim thru the latest news. Seeing Palin on those interviews deters me from even thinking about researching about her. She was elected for political strategies.....to help breath life into the republican party and help recruit the women; help recruit the many pitbulls with lipsticks out there. I hope she does well in the debate....just so the presidential race doesn't go on so easily for the Dems.

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So, you are saying the problem started with Jimmy? Ronny and George Sr. didn't fix it on the way?

I have no idea who Keith Olberman is.

You conveniently left out Bubba Clinton. In 1992 he also was involved in softening regs for underqualified borrowers by insisting that welfare and unemployment compensation be counted as income when calculating debt ratio.

Olberman is a former ESPN anchor who specializes in propaganda, and mostly O'Reilly bashing (head to head O'Reilly crushes him), for the left on MS-NBC. Not really surprised that you don't know who he is. They are easily at the bottom of the ratings table, maybe less than 100K people watch the channel let alone him.

I mad a ton of money under Reagan, and bought my house and got educated on the G.I. Bill. Did ok under Bubba too. Actually, he's not looking too bad now! They were all making cash and getting cheap mortgages under them, why would they check the process?

How much power do you people really think the President has? Nothing gets done unless Congress and Senate say OK. Thats called checks and balances, and prevents Prez from acting like a king or dictator. Basic civics. If the Prez has to micro manage the financial industry, don't you think thats a distraction? Look at it with out 20-20 hindsight.

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Thanks a lot Zappo. I'm in the military and I keep wondering why my homie, Dave, an advocate for military violence (for power), isn't in the military. Rome was a powerful military state.......but that's all they knew. There is only so far military push-over can take you and I for once am more concerned by a well organized Al-Quieda killing 3000ppl (in the strongest country in the world) than U.S's military tactics.

I'm new to the political game, done some research, but of all the 4 candidates, Palin seems to be the worst of them all. Americans don't want to do researches, they want to skim thru the latest news. Seeing Palin on those interviews deters me from even thinking about researching about her. She was elected for political strategies.....to help breath life into the republican party and help recruit the women; help recruit the many pitbulls with lipsticks out there. I hope she does well in the debate....just so the presidential race doesn't go on so easily for the Dems.

Unfortunately Krato, thats true of most Americans. Then they get the govt they deserve. I would think as member of the Armed Forces you would want to know as much as possible about an individual that could send you into harms way. It's sound bites and gotchas. If we rely on mainstream media outlets we will never know whats up. Only by asking questions and doing some research are you doing the voting process any justice. Whomever you vote for now whats what.

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You conveniently left out Bubba Clinton. In 1992 he also was involved in softening regs for underqualified borrowers by insisting that welfare and unemployment compensation be counted as income when calculating debt ratio.

So, what you are saying is the Republican presidents are POWERLESS to change anything enacted under a Democrat president?

Olberman is a former ESPN anchor who specializes in propaganda, and mostly O'Reilly bashing (head to head O'Reilly crushes him), for the left on MS-NBC. Not really surprised that you don't know who he is. They are easily at the bottom of the ratings table, maybe less than 100K people watch the channel let alone him.

I don't watch either of the propoganda channels; Fox News and MSNBC.

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nope... Bush did not start the war(s) it was terrorists.. you should no better than that

it scares the crap out of me if Obama becomes pres... he will not support our troops we are going to shrink to the size of Adam's sack and we will become a pushover. We did not become the strongest country in the world by laying down. Obama does not know the first thing about the military and support for our country.

We became the strongest country in the world because of the free commerce clause in the constitution...

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Did you pay attention to the Dems like Franks and Dodd, screaming at banks to let unqualified folks borrow in 2003-2004? Ever heard of the Community Reinvestment Act, Enacted in 1977 under Carters watch? Don't be so short sighted, do some research.

They strong armed banks to lend to less than qualified candidates, claiming racism and other class warfare tactics-that was not any presidents doing.

Google ACORN. Get the whole picture. This is getting very repetitive. Folks need to get more than there side of the story. It's laughable that Barney and Chris are presiding over this debacle. If your buried in Keith Olbermans lap you should get Hannities side too. Be fare or stay out of the debate.

If they used the airline banckruptcy plan only the investors in those companies would be hurt. This bill will hurt all the taxpayers.

You are correct good sir, Reno and Clinton mandated that Fannie and Freddie stop their redlining practices and basically make loans to unqualified borrowers.

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