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The Real Obama

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Fixed. First place with a nice little cushion for now :D

G-MEN FTW and Fuck all the naysayers from last year! Now if Plax would just get his head back into the game. OK back to the political BS.

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The absentee ballot BS happened to a bunch of people I know too and the Election Board said they had to overnight the ballots for them to count. Our system needs to be improved at some point. Of course, my friends could have just registered where they lived instead. It's too bad that the people who are affected the most by elections and had no other way to vote were screwed. It's pitiful. Too bad this isn't like American Idol and you can't just vote from your cell phone :lol: You'd think that military bases could have their own polling places but I can see where that could be bad under certain circumstances.

Anyone think it's odd that General Patreaus said he doesn't vote? It is possible to be loyal to the candidate that you didn't vote for, I mean I have been paying taxes for the past 8 years (and getting it all back because I was a student making less than my standard deductions :D )

Fixed. First place with a nice little cushion for now :D

He's trying to stay apolitical I suspect, hedging his"bet". Either one can be his boss. I get it. He's a soldier, not a politician.

Hmmm...Maybe we should end this stupid early voting, provisional votes, and just keep it simple. Seems too many ways to mess this up. If you can't get your vote in on time, maybe your not qualified to vote. Lots to consider here, and no simple answer.

+1 on the GINTS!

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He's trying to stay apolitical I suspect, hedging his"bet". Either one can be his boss. I get it. He's a soldier, not a politician.

Hmmm...Maybe we should end this stupid early voting, provisional votes, and just keep it simple. Seems too many ways to mess this up. If you can't get your vote in on time, maybe your not qualified to vote. Lots to consider here, and no simple answer.

+1 on the GINTS!

Yeah I see where he's coming from with that.

And I hate living in Redskins country, it's so satisfying when they lose and the Giants win :D

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Obama wins.

goodbye freedom

sucks that most of the people voting for him are voting for his race and the fact that he is not George Bush.

bye bye paycheck and hello freebies and unemployment in the next 4 years... really sad for this country right now and the direction it is going

it is sad that people are putting their instinct and morals behind them for a vote

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goodbye freedom

sucks that most of the people voting for him are voting for his race and the fact that he is not George Bush.

bye bye paycheck and hello freebies and unemployment in the next 4 years... really sad for this country right now and the direction it is going

Age was a bigger factor than race, interesting times ahead.

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