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Search For Wmd's Over - Nothing Found

brick babe

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certainly funny it ended right after the election. Looks like Bush squandered 1300 american lives and 100,000 Iraqi lives for nothing. Clinton and the U.N. apparently did disarm Iraq of their wmds because 2 years later nothing has been found.

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Did you forget your medication this morning?

yea, actually I did... but i would have said the same thing even if I was on the meds.. :P

look at this person's last post.. this is the second. here is the first


total posts 2. all in political discussion. no other posts at all.. in fact.. they just post the topic, and then they never post again. it's chickenshit, and stupid.

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Sorry that was kind of harsh - let me refrase:

who cares?  WMD's were only a small part of the problem in Iraq.

What were the other "problems"? secure borders? cities with running water and electricity? Iraqis living their normal lives? Iraqis owning guns? Iraq not being a psycho islamic state? Don't tell me it was humanitarian because 2.5 million have died in the Sudan and Bush hasn't lifted a finger to stop that. It's pure and simple ethnic genocide and far worse than anything that ever happened under Saddam.

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Sweet I was so wasted I couldn't spell.

There is a plethora of reasons to go to war in Iraq. I'll give you my personal top 10, though there are probably deeper reasons I can't contemplate in my current state of mind:

10. So that Team America: World Police would be made.

9. Regime Change and to Liberate the Iraqi People from Saddams Dictatorship

8. Because Iraq has links to Al Queda.

7. To be ABSOLUTELY sure that Iraq doesn't have weapons of mass distruction. Do you really want to take that risk? Would you want to have been the president who believed Saddam and allowed us or the middle east to fall under attack? One that could have been prevented if we had followed through and made ABSOLUTELY sure (because, you know, he's never lied before)?

6. To show that even though the U.N. doesn't usually enforce it's own resolutions WE WILL.

5. To show that we are going to run an ACTIVE war on terror and to stay on the offensive in that war.

4. To scare anyone else who might be interested in weapons of mass destruction, or at least make them think twice and take us more seriously than they have in the past where we used sanctions and really really mean letters as our method to prevent their spread.

3. To create a major power that supports the United States in the middle east and hopefully begin to transform a hostile region into a less hostile one.

2. To finish what we started in 1991.

1. Because we can.

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