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Drug Testing For Welfare E/t/c


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I'm all for it. You wanna pay for your coke problem with welfare, then you gotta piss in a cup first.

heres the problem:

Common detection times:

Alcohol (Beer, Booze, Hooch, Liquor, Wine), 1 hour to perhaps 10 or 12 hours

Amphetamines (Biphetamine, Black Beauties, Crosses, Dexedrine, Hearts), 1-2 days

Barbituates (Amytal, Nembutal, Seconal, Phenobarbital; Barbs), 2-3 days

Benzodiazepines (e.g., Ativan, Halcion, Librium, Rohypnol, Valium; Roofies, Tranks, Xanax), 2-3 days

Cocaine (Candy, Coke, Crack, Flake, Rocks, Snow, Whitecoat), 1-2 days

Codeine (e.g., Fiorinal w/codeine, Robitussin A-C, Empirin w/codeine, Tylenol w/codeine, 1-2 days

GHB (G, Grievous Bodily Harm, Goob, Liquid Ecstasy, Liquid X), 1-2 days

Heroin (Horse, Smack), 1-2 days

Inhalants, just a few hours

Ketamine (K, Kit Kat, Special K, Vitamin K), 2-4 days

LSD (Acid, Blotter, Microdot, Yellow sunshine), a few hours or up to 5 days

Marijuana (Bud, Blunt, Grass, Herb, Pot, Reefer, Sinsemilla, Smoke, Weed), 10-15 days (the daily, heavy user can sometimes be detected up to 30+ days)

MDMA (Ecstasy), 1-5 days

Methadone, 1-7 days

Methamphetamines (Crank, Crystal, Desoxyn, Glass, Ice, Speed), 2-4 days

Methaqualone (Ludes, Quaaludes), 10-15 days

Nicotine (Cigarettes, Cigars, Habitrol patch, Nicorette gum, Nicotrol spray, Prostep patch; Smokeless tobacco, Snuff, Spit tobacco), 1-2 days

Opiates (i.e., Opium: China, Dreams, Laudanum, Paregoric; Dover's Powder), 1-2 days

Oxycodone (OxyContin, Percolone, Roxicodone), 1-2 days

PCP (Angel Dust, Boat, Hog, Love Boat), 1-8 days

Coke is an easy problem to hide, its just in your system for 1-2 days. So unless you are testing the person daily, you will have no idea. The problem with drug tests are the only thing they find is weed cause it stays in your system longer then anything else. All your doing is encouraging people to stop smoking weed and move onto harder stuff that is harder to detect.

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Coke is an easy problem to hide, its just in your system for 1-2 days. So unless you are testing the person daily, you will have no idea. The problem with drug tests are the only thing they find is weed cause it stays in your system longer then anything else. All your doing is encouraging people to stop smoking weed and move onto harder stuff that is harder to detect.

That's a pretty weak argument.

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That's a pretty weak argument.

Is it now? I have personally known two people who were former pot smokers until one of their parents found out and decided to start randomly drug testing him and the other got a job that drug tested randomly. So to avoid to detection one moved onto pills and coccaine and one onto meth. Turns out it worked cause they never got caught. But now they are both seasoned drug addicts who i have not talked to in years but I have heard how bad they are now and it breaks my heart cause they were both good friends of mine.

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yeah not to just be completely biased but one of my best friends who got a PCS for MJ and has been on probation the last 6 months has started doing so much other shit and it's completely changed him. not saying it isn't ultimately up to the individual but that exact same scenario plays out for a lot of people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah i'm not ok with that. mainly because it opens the door to the gov't drug testing whoever they want whenever they want. how would like to take a drug test every time you need a permit for something? or every time a cop pulls you over for whatever reason. or every time you take your car for inspection. before you get your tax return. on and on.

it has little to do with if i'd pass. i just don't think it isn't any of the gov't god damn business. there are plenty of drugs you can do that have minimal impact on your life with certain use.

the drugs are not the problem. it's how people use them. addiction and dependency on the drugs can lead to issues with work or life etc. but if i want to get high as hell in my house on a fri night and not come out until monday morning when i go to work (or the wellfare office) sober, what exactly have i done wrong? should i be fired or lose benefits for failing a drug test even though it hasn't impacted anything about my professional life and i haven't done anything to endanger anyone else?

i don't think so.

if someone is enough of an addict that it is impacting their ability to function in society, then people are going to notice, and those impacts should be more than enough cause to fire them or kick them off social programs. you don't need to have them fail a drug test. at the very least, the drug test is a search, and there ought to be cause for it. so if you really want your smoking gun test result, then get a warrant to test someone who is exhibiting signs of addiction/dependency.


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probably will end up costing more money in wasted bureaucratic bullshit and constant testing fuckups than it will save the tax payers.

yeah people do not realize how expensive that many drug tests would be.

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Just make it illegal to vote if you are on welfare or stop welfare.

great idea. we should also make people take some type of literacy test in order to vote unless their grandfather was white, owned land, and could vote. i don't know why no one has ever thought of our ideas.

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Since the Govt now runs GM and all the banks, piss test to work for GM, AIG, or take a loan out from the Central Govt Bank.

Seen food stamps used for buying jumbo shrimp, then the 2 got into a cab with fur coats on. The fact that the whole mess exists breeds graft.

I'm with FlyFishing3. You don't get WIC, food stamps or child assistance until you give up the dad's ID. Then he can be treated like every other dead beat dad.

What would really happen if tomorrow it all ended? Seriously, do you think folks would be dying in the streets and rioting? No bailouts, no unemployment, no welfare? I know that the budget would be balanced and and would probably show a surplus. I could so go off on this subject right now...Whoa, big fella.

Oh yeah, piss for the check. But who will pay fro the millions of tests? And then the cost of detox or rehab, because thats the natural offshoot of this. Another blow for socialized medicine. WE are doommmed! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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