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FUCK. Laptop hard drive took a dump. Luckily I had rsync running every 5 minutes to backup all my work. Lost some downloads, but nothing I can't replace quickly.

Got a new 500GB going in right now.. albeit one known for poor reliability.

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While sitting at your desk pick up your right foot and move it in clockwise circles....Now draw the number 6 in the air with your right hand...Your foot will change direction and you cant stop it!



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Ugh, the Seagate drive is louder than the original Fujitsu. I can hear it seeking, oh well. Went from 160GB to 500GB, gives me a bit more room to work with now.

I can't stress enough to everyone, BACKUP your stuff. If you can't do a live backup type thing, atleast do it once a month. I would be in a massive panic if I lost the stuff that was on that drive.

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fuck drunk drivers. Left pasadena today (about a 30 minute drive from home) and when i went to slow down for a red light the guy behind me honks about 5 times...I think ok asshole theres an empty lane to my left. As we continue on i notice he is riding my ass i couldnt even see his tail lights at this time im doing 55 in a 50 so I do my normal slow down to 45 or even 40 to hope he passes and leaves me the fuck alone. No he stays behind me, at this time i notice him swerving back in forth in his lane and think oh great some guy who thinks hes a race car driver is behind me. He finally passes and we end up on the same highway. I decide im going to follow about 500 ft behind since hes cruising at 75 in a 55 and if he passes a cop ill hear my detector go off. This is when i notice he can not maintain a steady speed he fluctuates between 50 and 90 mph like clock work. I also start to notice he keeps crossing the white line as if hes going to change lanes but always swerves back. We hit very light traffic and this is when I see him run 4 cars off the road. I pull up next to him get the plate MD 3EG T62 and call the local pd and funny enough followed him basically the whole way home staying on the line with them letting them know exactly where he is. Where i exited was <2 miles from the station so i hope you got whats coming asshole you drove 30 minutes obliterated drunk reaching 90 mph.

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