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Who submitted the nomination?

That person should be held up to the fire. Prolly Rahm Emanuel.

Hey, check out the countries on the U.N. security council, why are you surprised by this?

Libya and Uganda are the notable losers.

They are lying about taxes and fee increase with this healthcare bs.

Pay attention and read deep or be fooled and regret it.

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Who submitted the nomination?

Can't find out for 50 years.

They are lying about taxes and fee increase with this healthcare bs.

Pay attention and read deep or be fooled and regret it.

HR 3200 It will take a couple minutes to load.

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Yeah, and all 535 idiots in Congress have read every page also. There are 5 separate bills from different committees, so the confusion and different bills are basically virtual. Makes it difficult to pin any thing down, or on an individual.

I'm 50, and we pay good money for a great plan. I'm getting worried they will make it impossible for us to keep our plan, and force us into a govt option.

My wife and I feel we are being punished for being hard working, successful, with foresight and planning going for naught. This is income redistribution no matter how you slice it. Unfair and un-Constitutional. The tax on good benefit programs will make it untenable for many and force folks into cheaper,less effective care, with govt wonks making decisions, stifling competition because the f-ing Feds control the market dynamics.

And not a mention of tort reform. Lawyer money went to the Dems in overwhelming %'s. See what happened in Texas after moderate tort reform was enacted.

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in January BHO promised transparency, yet they run from FOX, keep bills secret, appoint czars in the middle of the night.

Russia is now not adverse top using preemptive nukes. They are pushing Obama around, just like I said. And they will not do anything about Iran. Ever. Not only does it create a hassle and a distraction for us, Iran has the second largest natural gas reserve in the region. Number 1? Russia. They will put a strangle hold on European Nat Gas and wield a heavy hammer over countries like Germany, heavy nat gas users.

$250 for seniors to supplement SS. SS trax inflation. Is this gonna help or is he buying votes. Seems like lotta older folks were angry at town hall meetings.

We pay.

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haha, they were all the old and not so good looking members. and yes they were paid apparently (overheard it) to be there. Yea, I live in So. illinois and we wen't up to the capital (which isnt Chicago laugh.gif) to try and meet with legislators on why we need our grant back. The un-elected gov that is in is quite a peice of work. I just have to say this state is a piece of work, at 4:05 later that day they pass a bill giving the money back. Which in itself sounds good, students happy since 137,000 "low income" students would get the grants back so the $200 million is back in but somehow there is an added $5 million more than is needed. Still sounds good, but then we find out that they don't know where the money is going to be coming from so we are back at square one.

My question is where is that extra $5 million going....dry.gif

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I know it's not Chicago, but they have been playing the same game there for 100+ yrs, payola.

Hand out ten dollar bills to buy votes in the ward. Obama is from that school, so I expect nothing less from him and the people he surrounds himself with.

More promised transparency- Obama, Reid, Baccus, and Dodd the Doosh behind close doors hashing out Un-Healthy Care reform. Looks like big Pharma and medical facilities get the cash, and insurance co's get the shft, stiffling competition.

All the BS about BIg Pharma being the bad guys, and their getting paid...DC= Hypocrites and liars.

Wake up folks.

Where are the Obama supporters? This is getting boring preaching to the Choir!

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Pretty obvious, most media has been in the tank for a while.

I continue to be disturbed by the people Obama surrounds himself with. It now defines his personal intentions and political preferences.

Who was the knucklehead who said I shouldn't judge him by Ayres, Wright, or others he has had for company over the years? Thos elosers obviously shaped his attitude.

Mao as a philosophical reference? He killed more folks thru murder and collectivism than Hitler and Stalin combined.

Hugo Chavez is to be admired? ( Czar Mike Loyd)

CHe Guevera is a murderer on a tshirt.

ANd oh wait CAstro is nice guy?

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honestly it just seemed like strategy for me. I would have no issue with people only wanting live interviews, in fact, I would be concerned if no live sessions were offered. Absolute control in this case I think makes sense -- your issues are your responsibility, why would you want to comment on something that wasn't in your hands?

This whole news article I think was taken out of context, the title of the article "Obama Team 'Controlled' Media Coverage" just is begging for people to think that if an issue wasn't what exactly the spin they wanted to be on TV the "Obama Team" would go kill someone or something.

I'll disclose that I voted for Obama because he was most in line with my political views.

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honestly it just seemed like strategy for me. I would have no issue with people only wanting live interviews, in fact, I would be concerned if no live sessions were offered. Absolute control in this case I think makes sense -- your issues are your responsibility, why would you want to comment on something that wasn't in your hands?

This whole news article I think was taken out of context, the title of the article "Obama Team 'Controlled' Media Coverage" just is begging for people to think that if an issue wasn't what exactly the spin they wanted to be on TV the "Obama Team" would go kill someone or something.

I'll disclose that I voted for Obama because he was most in line with my political views.

The press is the only check the public has on govt. denial of access to information and questioning of policy is fundamental to keeping the bastards from seizing total power and control. We ignore most of the info and take it in the ass and ask for more all the time. To exclude a media outlet from a presser because they don't like the coverage smacks of state controlled media= Communism.

You are hiding something if you don't want full disclosure. fuck the "tactics" are you doing whats best for the country or are you doing whats best to keep you in power?

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The press is the only check the public has on govt. denial of access to information and questioning of policy is fundamental to keeping the bastards from seizing total power and control. We ignore most of the info and take it in the ass and ask for more all the time. To exclude a media outlet from a presser because they don't like the coverage smacks of state controlled media= Communism.

You are hiding something if you don't want full disclosure. fuck the "tactics" are you doing whats best for the country or are you doing whats best to keep you in power?

you realize that the article has nothing to do with the presidency, right?

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