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Perfect Example Of Dem's Being Chilidish Fools


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Except that's not the case at all.  Nice try.  It's the way I said it and only a fool would look at it any other way, because only a fool would ignore the fact that this is all political stuff and nothing but.

lol, so why did you start this thread if you can't handle another perspective on this "political stuff and nothing but"?

Edited by swdracr
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Oh yeah, I must've forgot. You're right - Bush is the best president EVAR! Didn't you vote for him becasue he seemed like a nice guy? Guess those are your requirements for presidency.... :unsure:

I didnt' say he was the best president ever, smartass, nor did I say I voted for him "cuz he seemed like a nice guy." I hate a plethora of different reasons to vote for Bush and NOT to vote for Kerry.

If you DON'T think the kind of response the democrats gave the president is chilidish you need to go back to like... hmm... lets think here. 8th grade? Sounds about right.

They are just refusing to do the work and just whining, then when another plan gets passed they'll all whine and complain that they had no say. Totally an 8th grade girl thing to do.

You are a fool if you truely think Bush is a m0r0n.

Guess I'm a fool then.

Well do you really think a complete idiot can become president of the most powerful country in the world?

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I didnt' say he was the best president ever, smartass, nor did I say I voted for him "cuz he seemed like a nice guy." I hate a plethora of different reasons to vote for Bush and NOT to vote for Kerry.

If you DON'T think the kind of response the democrats gave the president is chilidish you need to go back to like... hmm... lets think here. 8th grade? Sounds about right.

They are just refusing to do the work and just whining, then when another plan gets passed they'll all whine and complain that they had no say. Totally an 8th grade girl thing to do.

Well do you really think a complete idiot can become president of the most powerful country in the world?


Was that a direct quote from the Democrats in your first post? A press release? Oh, you embellished slightly right? Thats what I thought. I don't agree with everything the Democrats stand for, nor do I think they are always right, but your first post was idiotic and juvenile.

If that is a direct quote, or a press release, then I do think that was a childish resonse. Or maybe it was your post, which would make you the child.

- Cut from other post - "George seems so much friendlier than Kerry, too." This is what YOU said. So sorry, not nicer, friendlier. My bad dogg. Did you have reasons to vote FOR Bush? Or just against Kerry? And I think voting for a President because he is a "Family man" or "friendlier" and against "Botox man" is pretty 8th grade girlish.

As to a complete idiot being president, let me remind you that for half of First Actor Regan's term he had Alzheimers. Now I actually liked Regan, but it still makes one wonder...

I don't have anything against you personally, I understand that people have different point of views. I think it was your post where you called my perspective "wrong". I don't mind other people opinion, but when someone tells me what I think is wrong, I'll get defensive. Especially if its abstract, like political theory. Its like asking what someones favorite color is, and then telling them they are wrong.


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Oh yeah I definitely embellished, it was the general attitude summarized, but it was NOT exagerated. If you knew anything about politics at all you would know that these kind of issues usually involve the controlling party not giving the opposing party any chance at all by just writing and passing the bill without their input for the most part.

The democrats, rather than accepting Bush's offer to write this bill together, are trying to turn it around on him and politically assasinate him with his own bill.

I'm not the only one who thinks this is the case though, there was an AP article about a week ago stating pretty much the EXACT same view as mine. I tried to find it but I couldn't because social security is such a hot and publicized issue right now (next to celebrity phone numbers).

If you read my question and full statement in the thread you cut from you will see that I am asking if anything OTHER than policy went INTO your decision. People have all sorts of reasons for voting. I was wondering what some people's reasons were other than policy since we always argue about policy on here and no one seems to know what they are talking about there on either side. I wanted to see what people's opinion of the two candidates character was. Most people I know who voted for Kerry were either Stauch Democrats or just hated Bush, none of them that I recall actually LIKED Kerry except for one, who is an idiot and if you argue with him about it you will see that I'm not saying it BECAUSE he liked Kerry, but because he is an idiot about politics and believes everything he is told. I still like him though, if he ever happens to read this.

BTW, Alzheimers doesn't exactly make people idiots. It's a BIT more complex than that!

I posted what I posted about your opinion being WRONG because I got the impression you have no IDEA what is going on on capital hill with the social security revamping at the moment. If you did you would realize that what I am saying is COMPLETELY right, and the democrats aren't even trying to hide it - because hey, "That's politics!"

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Please don't delete this thread. I enjoy laughing at it. Are you a senator? Becasue you seem to know everything about politics.

And obvisouly Alzheimers doesn't make people idiots. But if there was a person with such diminished mental capacity in the White House, what makes you so sure that America won't/couldn't/didn't elect an idiot?

"The democrats, rather than accepting Bush's offer to write this bill together, are trying to turn it around on him and politically assasinate him with his own bill."

Now here is a statement we can actually discuss. Had your first post contained this statement, I might have responded completely differently. I do think its a shame the way politics are handled in the US. This is a good example.

Anyway, your antics in the LA post have proven to me (at least) that your thoughts are to be taken lightly. Nice work!


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