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Exactly, the president is at the very top of the chain of command, and McCrystal was his subordinate. I know the concept of authority is difficult for some civilians to understand, but the military isn't your local domino's, you don't bad mouth the boss in public and get away with it. IN FACT I think Obama should of not let McCrystal keep his four star rank, he should have "retired" as a two star. If I was to say I disagree with my commander's policy to a local news paper I would be fired instantaneously. Also you guys are very very confused about who McCrystal is and what he has done, first off his ROE policy really fucked shit up for the ground troops in the hot zone. You have to go through like 100 people in order to drop one bomb, now imagine yourself ducking behind a rock getting shot at by 30 some dirka dirka's and having to wait and sit on your radio for 20 minutes just to get approval for close air support. In a firefight five minutes can mean the difference between life or death, I'm extremely happy with Obama's decision to put Petraeus in charge, he's already changing the policy to make the ROE more clear so decisions can be made quickly, and save lives/put steel down range.


It wasn't McCrystal's first offense, he was slapped on the wrist the first time it happened.

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We can never let military trump civilian rule. Thats what a well maintained civilian militia is for.

Unless some wacko takes over WH, and runs up massive debt, forces socialistic ideals, hires 'progressive' czars that dont have to answer to the congress, debases our values, weakens our borders, destroys our currency, and controls the media to thwart his opponents ideas and opinions...

Wait a minute...

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We can never let military trump civilian rule. Thats what a well maintained civilian militia is for.

Unless some wacko takes over WH, and runs up massive debt, forces socialistic ideals, hires 'progressive' czars that dont have to answer to the congress, debases our values, weakens our borders, destroys our currency, and controls the media to thwart his opponents ideas and opinions...

Wait a minute...

By god, WINGNUT is actually.... GLENN BECK!!! :o Tum!Tum!Tuuuuuum! :lol:

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We can never let military trump civilian rule. Thats what a well maintained civilian militia is for.

Unless some wacko takes over WH, and runs up massive debt, forces socialistic ideals, hires 'progressive' czars that dont have to answer to the congress, debases our values, weakens our borders, destroys our currency, and controls the media to thwart his opponents ideas and opinions...

Wait a minute...

ding ding ding, we have a winnah!

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Unless some wacko takes over WH, and runs up massive debt, forces socialistic ideals, hires 'progressive' czars that dont have to answer to the congress, debases our values, weakens our borders, destroys our currency, and controls the media to thwart his opponents ideas and opinions...

Unlike the last wacko to take over the WH who gave away the budget surplus to raise his ratings, ran up a massive debt, started a second war the nation didn't want, instituted the 'big brother' state and removed rights, hired incompetent friends to run government agencies, let the VP operate outside the government without oversight and controlled the media to thwart his opponents ideas and opinions...

Precedent was set.


Scariest nutcase on TV. Even Palin thinks he is out there and she is #2!

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Now George, he hasnt been prez for 19 months its alllll Obamas now.

ANd the debt number from the new guy is outta control.

Plus we havnt seen the bill for health care yet or the damage from it either. Wait till the the VAT tax is implemented after the election this year. And of course cap and trade will lower the cost of goods and services, plus I'm sure energy bills will go down too...

Stop blaming Bush folks, he's gone...Its not like these assholes are cleaning up his mess they are shoveling more garbage on it and lighting it on fire.

ANd every policy seems to be going threw an organization called The Institute for American Progress. Or Andy Stein former head of SEIU/ACORN purple shirts.

Beware any organization that has the word progress or progressive in it.

Cept I know this stuff before Beck goes on the air. Its all public knowledge and record. Just start googling them and their speeches.

Edited by WINGNUT
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Stop blaming Bush folks, he's gone...Its not like these assholes are cleaning up his mess they are shoveling more garbage on it and lighting it on fire.

Really? Because Beck is still blaming Clinton.

I simply put Bush out there as a counter example to yours.

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I know, I try to live in the present. I was never a cheer leader for Bush and Co. realize that. No one really represents my position and beliefs.

We're so civil.

But during Bush I never worried about my security. Just the Constitution a bit, but these guys really scare me , no kidding.

Hmm haven't heard much Clinton shit from him, but his team invented the art of personal destruction.

And Bush ne3vfer hung with Jeremia Wright, or bomber bill ayers, or commie van jones. You should look into who he mentored with, some scary people.

Unless you are a Socialist or progressive, then hes your guy.

1000th post in Obama Nation!

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The thing is, Bush was never a fiscal conservative, like a good Republican would be. The Conservatives took over the Republican party and steered it away from its fundamental values.

Cheney scared me more than Obama.

People change. Obama wasn't "hanging out" with them during their radical phases. If people didn't change, then why wasn't Jane Fonda deported in the 70s? :)

Obama spends too much, but keep in mind that part of what is going out is to suppor the two wars that Bush started.

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The bullshit that passes for 'conventional wisdom' among conservatives would be laughable if it wasn't so dangerous. Oh but wait, you're not a conservative. You're a completely independent-thinking dude who just happens to regurgitate Fox 'News' narratives verbatim. :rolleyes:

Don't confuse him for Dave. :)

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...so, are we all dead yet, or did the nation crumble because Obama is still in office?

...no? We're all still OK?

Hmmm. All these republiwhiners couldn't have been crying "the sky is falling!" about Obamacare, etc. for nothing. Surely the apocalypse is near. I'll keep checking back!

Its amazing I bet all the thieves and douchebags think exaclty like you .....

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