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The sad truth is, Obama is a centrist at best. He's been one lousy Democrat so far. The Dems and the GOP are both in bed with corporate America, and Obama - flowery rhetoric aside - is evidently willing to do nothing to meaningfully rein in the excesses of Wall Street and corporate America. So yeah, we're duped, monkeyed, all of that.

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Fuck you Volvotool

Ive been reading this bullshit from you, and its just BS,

Collective bargainnig and unions have inflated cost of manufacturing.

This is a Republic not a Democracy, so start there.

Over regulation and taxation has driven companies over seas. Its stiffled ingenuity and investment, and chance taking.

You and your kind are the reason this state , and this country are fucked up.

You never call out Barney Frank, or Chris Dodd.

Or the dumbasses that decided they can afford a house they cant afford.

NO mention of Freddie and Fannie, or Obamas boy that ran 'em into the ground.

Pull pin and throw, duck bitches. BOOM.

ANd your an asshole for the mosque comment too. I lost 2 friends in that mass murder, and its a historical fact that Muslims build Mosques on sites of their conquests. Like the temple mount in Jerusalem.

I'm an ignorant fucker with a ton of street sense and experience, the position you and others have taken in this thread is comical.

When the bottom drops out again next year, look for somebody else to blame.

And I bet your portfolio is filled with stocks of companies that moved work outta states.

I will be back in a few days to read the rest of your nonfactual whiny progressive drivel.

I'm gonna go do some bass fishing and get drunk, then shoot some beer cans.

Your all so fucking smug it makes my neck turn red.

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monkey you right back, Pops. I've grown used to profanity-laced replies when I say things that come as a shock to people like you, who evidently never venture outside the circle-jerk of modern conservative sound bites, so your internuts don't scare me. You're in the NEC, so let's do this in person, over a beer or twelve. It's bound to be more civil and entertaining than this interweb I'm dumb. Plus you can tell your pals you met a real, honest-to-god flaming liberal.

Collective bargainnig and unions have inflated cost of manufacturing.

This is the only thing I'm going to address directly. Collective bargaining and unions deal with people, right? People who work for a living. You, I am assuming, work for a living, too. Do you consider yourself a "cost?" Something to be reduced or - better! - eliminated to boost corporate profits? I sure as hell don't. But this has been part of the conservative mantra for decades now, hasn't it? Controlling costs, union-busting and the like, which really mean nothing more than monkey you, American worker! Work for what I want to pay you, or I'm taking my plant to China. Tell me how the hell they tricked you into going along with that, will you? How the hell did the modern American conservative working man become a poking cheerleader for his own growing impotence and irrelevance?

Edited by volvotool
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Controlling costs is a basic function of business. Every worker, at the end of the day, is a cost on a balance sheet. Companies will go where they receive better benefits. Hell, it's human nature. You date someone who puts more into the relationship than others. You eat food that tastes better to you because it gives you greater pleasure than other foods. We live in a material world, and there will always be the "haves" and the "have nots". America provides the opportunity to take an idea and run with it. Some get that and others don't. Call it material survival of the fittest.

22 states are implementing some sort of illegal immigration laws akin to what Arizona (racist bastards right?) had lined up before Obamanation decided that the meaning of "illegal" in illegal immigrant meant something other than illegal.

The slew of recess appointments show the disregard for partisan debate, which at least ousts the true wingnuts and brings appointees of a more moderate nature, which represents the people.

Where are the claims of reduced costs provided by healthcare? How's it going to reduce the deficit? The Dems say not to worry, and that they are now going to focus on improving Obamacare. Obamanation is feeling the affects of rushed reform, and it's not pretty.

Government Motors, which is slated to release an IPO in lieu of "good" financial standing, has cut the most jobs this recession. The government controls costs too, but it's not saying Fuck You workers. It's business, and that's how it works. You can keep the workers on, but anyone with two hours in an econ class can tell you that's not good for business.

But in the end, most Americans don't even give a shit. That's the true problem. We can sit here and debate over what will work and what won't work (obviously everything I say is correct :lol: ), but what's the point if the majority of the United States goes out and en masse votes according to what news they see (which is also a business, meaning the stories must draw customers). We don't need a conservative movement or a liberal movement, we need an intellectual movement.

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Oh and on the Mosque note (I read this elsewhere)...there's the Constitutional right to do so. Then there's this little thing called class. You think setting up a Catholic Church next to a playground would be a good idea? NYC is huge. Show where the 100 million in funding is coming from (hasn't been done), and reiterate that it's a cultural center. Sure there's a lot of hype about it being built there, and yes people are concerned with the "offense" factor. I'd be more concerned about the rebuttal from citizens who will take it upon themselves to vandalize/destroy/harass the center. Again, it is their right to do so. But exercise a little common sense with this.

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That's ludicrous. That assumes everyone hates their job, and from the tone of the writing, that the free time after work and on weekends is nonexistent. If you hate your job to the point where you feel like a drone, or a "cog in the machine", you're either a)obviously not pursuing an appropriate career path (is that mandated? don't think so) or b)working during the industrial revolution when the assembly line became popular. Nobody is forcing you to work. That piece reeks of anti-industrial sentiments found in the industrial revolution, where Lowell and others set up communities that essentially mandated work time and free time to the tone of the town bell. Next.

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Martin Bishop, deputy chairman of the Republican National Committee, said: "I would just like him to have the courage to produce his birth certificate so that we can see once and for all what kind of car he is."

Stephen Malley, a sales executive from Atlanta, said: "I read that he just sits around all day drinking Castrol GTX and smoking reefer. Our president is a poorly maintained foreign death trap that talks hippy dippy stuff about moonbeams."

And Tom Logan, an electrician from Pittsburgh, added: "He sleeps in a garage and his full name is Barack Mitsubishi Obama."

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That site is the equivalent of The Onion.

PLANS to build a state-of-the-art library next to Republican catastrophe Sarah Palin are causing outrage across mainstream America.

What is interesting is that the percentage that think he is Muslim has fluctuated. Shows how people respond to surveys giving answers they view as negative in an attempt to belittle Obama through polls.

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Belittle Obama through polls? :lol:

He does it to himself

I am...uh...talking to you today about...uhh where did my teleprompter go

If you can't even speak to people without a teleprompter telling you what you say, we might as well have a monkey with a hat as the Commander in Cheif.

At least a monkey can do cool tricks

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idk jack shit about politics... but i might be the first with a gun rack in a volvo seeing how lovely the world will be in the next 10 years (shit maybe 5) :ph34r:

I will say that i am enjoying the sense of community that has come about with the shittay market blah blah... cant afford rent? you work at the farm & they put a roof over your head or feed you. Locally people are trading services (hookers havent caught on yet) & it is helping people save money or just plain live. My fav is one of my best friends. un-employment for 72 weeks or months or a very long time... im broke & strapped for cash 24/7 even though i make good money because i have bills & live the typical getting fucked middle class life. He lives at home with parentals, owes them tons of money, collects unemployment... but hes the one out on his boat every weekend... thats whats fucked up.

or when im buying milk & cereal for some breakfast & shes puttin it back because my taxes wont cover enough of her "needs" that she has to save her huge roll of $100's for her cigs & beer

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speaking of cigs and beer, food stamps are a joke

people never use them for what they are supposed to

also, its pretty simple you can't afford it, DONT BUY IT

"oh honey this house is so beautiful but its 3x higher than our budget. we can do it"

that's why we're where we are at now, fucking idiot americans that dont pay attention in school

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Belittle Obama through polls? :lol:

He does it to himself

I am...uh...talking to you today about...uhh where did my teleprompter go

If you can't even speak to people without a teleprompter telling you what you say, we might as well have a monkey with a hat as the Commander in Cheif.

At least a monkey can do cool tricks

You disappoint me kev, you're just like the liberal college anti-war stoners, alotta strong opinions but absolutely nothing to back them up. I just really wish you didn't choose sides in politics based on how someone speaks or their color, it's bad for america. The monkey thing is just immature.

But since you were talking about monkeys


two can play that game :)

Edited by weekendwarrior
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