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Nut Job America Is Aiding Al Qaeda.


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You are scarily wrong there. Muslim leaders who condemn any form of islamic inspired violence outnumber the nutjobs by a huuuuge amoumt. They just dont normally get any airtime. This kind of misinfirmation is outrageous.

And on the burning books thing, I couldnt give a toss what they burn but you have to admit that the whole idea behind it is a shambles. The only real intent is a "fuck you" to Muslims and that America can do without.

Its not like you'd escape unharmed from the bible belt either if you spray painted "jesus was a fag" on your car.

I disagree, if you have read anything on Islam you would know the first of the five pillars is Shahada. Shahada is basically accepting everything as written in the Qur’an as it is written. However, when you read the Qur'an (I have not read the whole thing but I have skimmed a few passages posted by members in another forum) you find that the Qur'an has a very much different set of rules then that of the bible when reading. That is Abrogation in which later passages void out the earlier passages so if there is a topic that has conflicting ideas you always follow the later. As such if you read it correctly you find that Islam isn't a religion of peace at all because all the peaceful messages are voided by hateful ones in later readings.

-Your Pal


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I disagree, if you have read anything on Islam you would know the first of the five pillars is Shahada. Shahada is basically accepting everything as written in the Qur’an as it is written. However, when you read the Qur'an (I have not read the whole thing but I have skimmed a few passages posted by members in another forum) you find that the Qur'an has a very much different set of rules then that of the bible when reading. That is Abrogation in which later passages void out the earlier passages so if there is a topic that has conflicting ideas you always follow the later. As such if you read it correctly you find that Islam isn't a religion of peace at all because all the peaceful messages are voided by hateful ones in later readings.

-Your Pal


Fishey Pal,

While the point you make can be argued both ways until the cows come home, that was not what was being talked about. The claim was that no Muslim leaders speak out against violence and terrorosm and that is utterly wrong. There is proof all over that islam inspired violence is very broadly condemned by muslim countries and muslim leaders in general.

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Fishey Pal,

While the point you make can be argued both ways until the cows come home, that was not what was being talked about. The claim was that no Muslim leaders speak out against violence and terrorosm and that is utterly wrong. There is proof all over that Islam inspired violence is very broadly condemned by muslim countries and muslim leaders in general.

We sure can but the Qu'ran has already answered this for us as well.

Generally, speaking in the Qu'ran

There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

This subject is well documented in writing and in historical events

So, when the religion itself says it's not only approved by encouraged to lie to non-believers to advance the faith I can't help but counter point that any condemned action by any Muslim is in fact a lie approved by the faith in order to gain trust.

-Your Pal


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He's not alone. Millions of people here watch Fox 'News' and suffer the delusion that it's an actual news network! The tragically funny part is that when they go out in public and repeat the network's "talking points" verbatim, they seem genuinely surprised to encounter actual disagreement from other people. In their worldview, though, we've all been brainwashed by the "liberal media."




Nice blanket statement. Yeah yuck it up, cuz I'm delusional..., no BFD, I considered the source.

You are perhaps the most cynical person in Political Forums...and that saying a ton coming from me.

The guy didnt burn the Quran. And the Govt did get involved, Sec. of Def. Robert Gates called the minister.

If no one burned the church down from Arizona that protests at soldiers funerals... not sure what would incite the crazy right wing nuts more than that.

The mosque will be built in Manhattan, 2 blocks from the WTC site.

And those folks have every right to protest its building with out being called wackos.

NO violence, no big deal. I guess it takes SEIU to bring violence to a protest/rally... :P

Fudgie is going to hell for putting up a pick of Him... :rolleyes:

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The guy didnt burn the Quran. And the Govt did get involved, Sec. of Def. Robert Gates called the minister.

Robert Gates is God? According to the minister, God told him not to.

The mosque will be built in Manhattan, 2 blocks from the WTC site.

And those folks have every right to protest its building with out being called wackos.

NO violence, no big deal.

The community center that isn't really a mosque? There is only one reason this is an issue at this time. After Nov 2nd, all the "issues" will suddenly vanish and it will drop out of the news.

The violence has already started. Still 6 weeks left.

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...There is only one reason this is an issue at this time. After Nov 2nd, all the "issues" will suddenly vanish and it will drop out of the news.

Bingo. The "issue" was reported inaccurately from the get-go by (...wait for it!) Fox 'News' because it's the sort of story that plugs into their keep-folks-outraged! template so readily.

Tell you the truth, I would have no problem at all with Fox 'News' if they started every newscast with a screen crawl that said "Based on a True Story" just like those chick flicks on the Lifetime Network. :lol:

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Bingo. The "issue" was reported inaccurately from the get-go by (...wait for it!) Fox 'News' because it's the sort of story that plugs into their keep-folks-outraged! template so readily.

Fox News has an agenda and they stick with it. They report "news" that furthers that agenda and leaves out anything that hinders it. The community center story is something they have done this on. You would think that they only discovered this "mosque" this year, but that isn't true. They reported on the center over a year ago and it was done in a positive manner as a way of healing the wounds of 9/11. Now that it can be used to further their agenda, they call it the Ground Zero Mosque, (even though it isn't) and are totally against it. There are mosques that are actually closer to the WTC, but those are never mentioned at all because they already exist. They talk about the funding coming from a Saudi prince, vilify him by saying his funds radical Islamic groups, but never actually say his name. The reason for this is that he owns Kingdom Holdings, which is the second largest stockholder in News Corp, Fox New's parent company.

MSNBC has an agenda also, they just aren't as good at manipulating the facts as Fox is.

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What violence George?

Not in NYC. Not protesting the 'community center'.

Your opinion on FOX is taken with knowledge of your position. Its relative to your goals.

I keep wondering how they kill every one in ratings...must be millions of misinformed racist gun owners out there.

Meh, this Tea Partie thing is just a fad...oh wait, I better tell all those establishment politicians that got there asses handed to them this month...

Its rolling and you cant do a thing about it, so be afraid I guess. The media, establishment pols, and special interests are going berserk right now.

Your surrounded. Small govt run by 'we the people' not special interests and the establishment, thats what will prevail.

I'm stoked by the response of America, they had enough and are doing something about it.

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What violence George?

Not in NYC.

Cab driver being slashed.

Your opinion on FOX is taken with knowledge of your position. Its relative to your goals.

Fox reports news relative to its goals. It is NOT an unbiased new source, unlike what they say.

Meh, this Tea Partie thing is just a fad...oh wait, I better tell all those establishment politicians that got there asses handed to them this month...

The Tea Party isn't a real party, it is a movement. The interesting thing is they are like what the Republican party used to be.

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Meh, this Tea Partie thing is just a fad...oh wait, I better tell all those establishment politicians that got there asses handed to them this month...

...and ironically it probably equates to shooting oneself in the foot. Nominating redneck populists who invent their own words doesnt do so well on a bigger scale. If the Rebublicans would run with anything like moderate people they'd make a killing. Anyway the funniest part is the power that people think politicians have. Doesn't matter who you elect things are going to be shitty for a good while longer.

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I keep wondering how they kill every one in ratings...

Since you evidently don't know any liberals, I'll fill you in: Liberals don't tune in to watch people scream and rant. Whether it's Bill O'Reilly or Keith Olberman, it doesn't matter. It's also helpful to remember that television is a medium that thrives on stupid spectacle. Whether it's O.J. driving around in his white Bronco, or Glenn Beck crying like a circus clown, it's all good on TV if it attracts eyeballs.

...must be millions of misinformed racist gun owners out there.

Has Obama come for your guns yet? :blink:

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