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i think it is just absolutely true about the facts people wrote in this thread.. I am not American, but it is just shows that mex's are ........

Yeah man, NOVA is getting out of hand.

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Wow, I completely agree with the first post. I live in MA, and the town next to me is something like the second largest immigration spot for Brazilians in the country per capita. It's ridiculous and unacceptable. They should just go back to their own darn country so we don't have to pay for their dirty asses. Stupid god darn Mexicans, and most of the other third world countries. They should be so lucky to live here, and what do they do, they commit crimes and bring our society down. I mean, if they're legal, I have no problem. It's the ones that are free loaders that piss me off. I say that illegal immigrants running the border should be shot at first sight. I mean, if anything at all, it would only be cutting down on world over population. And don't even get me started on that stupid Tsunami relief stuff! It was probably the greatest thing that happened to those people. Now some poeple can eat because all those other dirty monkeys died!

But yeah, if they're legal, then welcome to the good old USA!

Edited by 850R Sleeper
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Wow, I completely agree with the first post.  I live in MA, and the town next to me is something like the second largest immigration spot for Brazilians in the country per capita.  It's ridiculous and unacceptable.  They should just go back to their own darn country so we don't have to pay for their dirty asses.  Stupid god darn Mexicans, and most of the other third world countries.  They should be so lucky to live here, and what do they do, they commit crimes and bring our society down.  I mean, if they're legal, I have no problem.  It's the ones that are free loaders that piss me off.  I say that illegal immigrants running the border should be shot at first sight.  I mean, if anything at all, it would only be cutting down on world over population.  And don't even get me started on that stupid Tsunami relief stuff!  It was probably the greatest thing that happened to those people.  Now some poeple can eat because all those other dirty monkeys died!

But yeah, if they're legal, then welcome to the good old USA!

Tell you what. Never post in the political section again and we will all ignore this. Other wise mods here will make your stay here an awful one, and we will sign you up for a Mexican room mate in your local paper. BTW Brazilian are not Mexicans. That is all. Have a nice day :)

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Some of My ansceters came from Mexico, but they did it legally. The problem that I have is with people in PRK (People's Republic of Kalifornia) and other places that get outraged when we pass laws to ban ILLEGAL immigrants from getting drivers licenses. Yes, there are Hollywood types that think it is a bad thing to deny Illegals drivers liscenses. Also they think that propositions to make English our national language are racially insensitive? To quote Edward Kennedy: "Hello?"

So what they are saying that if people break into my place and threaten to rape the women I'd better kill them on my property and not after they flee through the door? I figure if you threaten somebody with bodily harm especially with a knife and 4 to 1 odds and you get your jerk kicked that is your bad luck.

It is like the story that used to hang in our dojang about a guy who broke into a womans apartment to steal stuff and decided to try and rape her too. It ended with the robber calling the police to remove the woman who had a strangle hold on his nuts.

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Tell you what. Never post in the political section again and we will all ignore this. Other wise mods here will make your stay here an awful one, and we will sign you up for a Mexican room mate in your local paper. BTW Brazilian are not Mexicans. That is all. Have a nice day :)

I didn't know we couldn't freely state our opinion. My bad. I won't make such judgemental posts in the future.

I'm offended that someone called America "naive'" but I guess that's ok to you.

Oh yeah, and "room mate" is supposed to be "roommate." And obviously I know that "Brazilians" aren't Mexican; and I don't have a problem with them, or any immigrants, if they come here legally. That is all, have a nice day :)

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Tell you what. Never post in the political section again and we will all ignore this. Other wise mods here will make your stay here an awful one, and we will sign you up for a Mexican room mate in your local paper. BTW Brazilian are not Mexicans. That is all. Have a nice day :)

Wow, I didn't realize we had a Hitler wannabe running the forum...and I'm pretty sure it is, "Political Discussions, A place to express"...one's opinion, right? Whether you agree with him or not, there is no need to threaten him with unfounded retaliatory actions by you and the other moderators just because you do not agree with his views.

Why would we ignore his views? Because a moderator doesn't like them? Please. Forget about this PC bullshit. Let everyone speak their peace and everyone else not get their god-damned panties in a bunch every time they don't like what they hear.

Can't we all just agree that nobody wants illegal immigrants in this country, regardless of where they came from, and leave it that? Eloquently stated by 850RSleeper or not, that seems to be the consensus here among several individuals.

Edited by gmischenko
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Wow, I didn't realize we had a Hitler wannabe running the forum...and I'm pretty sure it is, "Political Discussions, A place to express"...one's opinion, right? Whether you agree with him or not, there is no need to threaten him with unfounded retaliatory actions by you and the other moderators just because you do not agree with his views.

Why would we ignore his views? Because a moderator doesn't like them? Please. Forget about this PC bullshit. Let everyone speak their peace and everyone else not get their god-damned panties in a bunch every time they don't like what they hear.

Can't we all just agree that nobody wants illegal immigrants in this country, regardless of where they came from, and leave it that? Eloquently stated by 850RSleeper or not, that seems to be the consensus here among several individuals.

Well I could start by saying don't bypass the word filter. But I will not even bother. And I don't really care what people think. But I will not tolerate total racist remarks. If you don't like it you can leave. Saying he does not like all the illegal mexicans, fine. Saying half his other thoughts fine. But comments like:

And don't even get me started on that stupid Tsunami relief stuff! It was probably the greatest thing that happened to those people. Now some poeple can eat because all those other dirty monkeys died!

Thats not ok for a public forum. Its not censorship either so get off that horse. Notice its not deleted. You compare me to Hitler? Thats great, hes is the one talking about "cutting down on world over population".

So again I will say if you are not happy here please feel free to leave. Here I will even cry for you :( /weep

If you have another problem and wish to take it up personally I'm not hard to find. his views are not what was intolerable, it was the manner in which he put them. And if you want to start being the typo police please look towards the person who spells people "poeple"

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My bad Hitler, I was typing too fast because I was so frustrated. That's one spelling error, how many for you in one post?

I got a good website for you though, it's www.dictionary.com. Check it out sometime, it might help.

And who are you to say that I don't express my views in the proper manner. It's a free country and I have the right to express them however I deem necessary. So now I cry for you no neck...for being so stupid...now I cry for you.


And for everyone else, I'm making a new poll. So go check it out. It's about how many times that you have stood next to someone of Indian background and said, "wow, what is that awful B.O." And I know it's happened to everyone at least once.

Actually you are not doing anything for a while.

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I don't recall bypassing the word filter...it doesn't pick up "bullshit" or "god-damned" which I guess should have been spelled "goddamned". Not my fault :) I really didn't try to bypass anything, that is really the way I type it when I talk to people online.

Yes, the world is overpopulated. Darwinism baby, survival of the fittest.

I don't have any personal problems with you whatsoever, and I would never want to leave this forum, and I do appreciate everything you do to keep it going, not to mention your helpful information. But I do enjoy playing devil's advocate and having political discussions, even the occasional heated one :)

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My bad Hitler, I was typing too fast because I was so frustrated.  That's one spelling error, how many for you in one post?

I got a good website for you though, it's www.dictionary.com.  Check it out sometime, it might help. 

And who are you to say that I don't express my views in the proper manner.  It's a free country and I have the right to express them however I deem necessary.  So now I cry for you no neck...for being so stupid...now I cry for you.


And for everyone else, I'm making a new poll.  So go check it out.  It's about how many times that you have stood next to someone of Indian background and said, "wow, what is that awful B.O."  And I know it's happened to everyone at least once.

You can't be serious?

Atleast I'm no longer the youngest on the board :D

:excl: The whole spelling thing is kinda' weak :excl:

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This is getting out of control, racism is not why I responded the fact is and the only fact is taxes and paying for the people of another country who's goverment is corrupt and and could care less about it's people or land.

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