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you cant' be serious.  your saying U.S. needs to find better use of its land.  we're the US for a reason.  we don't want to live like a 3rd world country.  you think we shouldn't be allowed to have our own homes, just apartments.  over population is a serious problem.  maybe we should be like china and have a quota on how many children a family can have.  at the rate the mexicans and other illegal aliens are coming into our country it won't be far off.  besides cheap labor they don't offer anything to our country.  i agree with programs that allow work so they can get money back to their families.

in college i read an article that explained that the only way our world will ever go on is through massive nuclear bombings.  basically destroy large amounts of the world so we all can rebuild.  over population is whats is going to destroy us.  using up all the resources.  i'm not saying i believe in nuclear war, but it does show how serious over-population is.

so if you want to share you home with a illegal mexican family of 9, then feel free to do so............  you can pay for all the bills, health care, etc........because i sure don't.

Over population?? over population my (Filter is smarter than me) I barely see anybody walking on the streets and the traffic jams here are manageable. What about states wlike wyoming, are they over populated??? America is a accustomed to more luxuries than any ohter nation on earth, including your bigg asss homes. Make more high rise building and the non existent over population problem will be solved. Oh, and if it wasent for their cheap labor, you would not be living in your bigg asss house right now. This country is built on illegal immigration and thats a fact. Take that a way and this nation's economy will collapse.

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I would list to state my position on this once again... oh wait, it was the first post in the thread.

- Enter MEXICO illegally.  Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.

- Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.

- Demand bilingual nurses and doctors.

- Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc. Procreate abundantly.

- Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behavior with, "It is a cultural U.S.A. thing.  You would not understand, pal."

- Keep your American identity strong.  Fly Old Glory from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper.

- Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise.

- Demand classes on American culture in the Mexican school system.

- Demand a local Mexican driver license.  This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal, presence in Mexico.  Drive around with no liability insurance......and ignore local traffic laws.

- Insist that local Mexican law enforcement teach English to all its officers.

Good luck!  You'll be demanding for the rest of time or soon dead.  Because it will never happen.  It will not happen in Mexico or any other country in the world... except right here in the United States... Land of the naive!

Whoever wrote that is smart for a hater.

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logistics makes overpopulation a problem.. u should some of the metropolitan areas in the world, most cities in america pale in comparison.

My name is ILYA. ...U know u r a soviet when...

3. You know more than 30 Lena's, Olga's, Anna's, Natasha's, Vika's, Sarah's Monya's and Shloma's lol :)

i'm working on that :P ... but i'm gonna add marina and lydia :)

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Over population?? over population my (Filter is smarter than me) I barely see anybody walking on the streets and the traffic jams here are manageable. What about states wlike wyoming, are they over populated??? America is a accustomed to more luxuries than any ohter nation on earth, including your bigg asss homes. Make more high rise building and the non existent over population problem will be solved. Oh, and if it wasent for their cheap labor, you would not be living in your bigg asss house right now. This country is built on illegal immigration and thats a fact. Take that a way and this nation's economy will collapse.

i said i believe in a work-release type program. ship them in and them ship them out. as long as we know who they are and where they came from.

just because we have comfortable states like wyoming doesn't mean we need to over populate the US with millions of mexicans and other illegal aliens. as time progesses the population in those states will increase naturally. think long term not short term.

and i hate when people say that " your great grandparents were immigrants." or "this country was founded by immigrants". times have changed get over it!!!

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i said i believe in a work-release type program.  ship them in and them ship them out.  as long as we know who they are and where they came from.

just because we have comfortable states like wyoming doesn't mean we need to over populate the US with millions of mexicans and other illegal aliens.  as time progesses the population in those states will increase naturally.  think long term not short term.

and i hate when people say that " your great grandparents were immigrants." or "this country was founded by immigrants".  times have changed get over it!!!

Times have changed? what are you talking about. Look at how many legal immigrants enter this country and then tell me that. One again, i cannot emphasize enough that if you get rid of the illegla aliens in this country, the economy will simply collapse.

And the word filter is not smarter than me, because i have another asss in there.

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Times have changed? what are you talking about. Look at how many legal immigrants enter this country and then tell me that. One again, i cannot emphasize enough that if you get rid of the illegla aliens in this country, the economy will simply collapse.

That's a bunch of bullshit. There are enough people that are coming into the country legally (to the tune of about 500,000 per year I believe) vs the estimated more than 10 million illegal immigrants that showed up here last year. There is not an employment shortage, so the people that are here legally would fill jobs, even the low-end and poor paying jobs because they are still better than nothing.

And whether you "think" that our economic system relies 100% on illegal immigration or not, why do you use that opinion to justify the unlawful act of illegal immigration. Just like Matt said, try hopping the border into Mexico, or any other country, and demanding what the illegals are demanding in the U.S. and see how it flies. You'll either be shot or deported immediately. Illegal immigration is basically them squatting on our property...not to mention eating up money in social programs (especially education).

Bottom line, the U.S. is the best country in the world for a reason, and does not need 10+million illegal immigrants showing up and invading our country every year. In any other country in the world it would not stand. Why is it that people think because our country is the best, they have the "right" to invade it, squat on our land, and steal our money?

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you get rid of the illegla aliens in this country, the economy will simply collapse.

i am not sure that it will collapse, but it will get even worse than now. because a lot of mex guys work for 1000 per month! 7 days a week, 10 hours everyday.. and 1000 is almost a top. so people who live in the middle of nowhere, may be just dont understand the reality.

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work release programs..................they can still make money for their families back in mexico, just not able to rape our country.

the canadian border has its own problems as well. allowing terrorist to enter our country freely. but thats a whole other debate.

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- Enter MEXICO illegally.  Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.

- Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.

- Demand bilingual nurses and doctors.

- Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc. Procreate abundantly.

- Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behavior with, "It is a cultural U.S.A. thing.  You would not understand, pal."

- Keep your American identity strong.  Fly Old Glory from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper.

- Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise.

- Demand classes on American culture in the Mexican school system.

- Demand a local Mexican driver license.  This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal, presence in Mexico.  Drive around with no liability insurance......and ignore local traffic laws.

- Insist that local Mexican law enforcement teach English to all its officers.

Good luck!  You'll be demanding for the rest of time or soon dead.  Because it will never happen.  It will not happen in Mexico or any other country in the world... except right here in the United States... Land of the naive!

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work release programs..................they can still make money for their families back in mexico, just not able to rape our country.

the canadian border has its own problems as well.  allowing terrorist to enter our country freely.  but thats a whole other debate.

ohhh please, allowing terrorists to enter your country! Yer right, im a fing terrorist, white male conservative, who likes to own a home in sarasota florida. Im on the no fly list? You just watch me and my canadian beef come to your country! by the way im not a terrorist "just so the cops dont come to my house b/c some parnoid vs member reports me for the post". You really think that canada has to do with how terrorists get into your country, yes they may come in through canada but they arent picking it b/c we support the killing of americans. They come in b/c we are the 2nd largest place to directly goto the US. And personally it may serve you better not to have us involved in your crack foreign policy so when the rest of the world comes "female dogging" to you we can actually say we like your country and they dont hate you as much.

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work release programs..................they can still make money for their families back in mexico, just not able to rape our country.

the canadian border has its own problems as well.  allowing terrorist to enter our country freely.  but thats a whole other debate.

:lol::lol::lol: lol. You think that terrorist are getting through canada?? lol. I could be a terroritst for all you know, your neighboor who was born in america can be a terrorist. Terrorist can come to america from any country and fairly easily, if i might add. But thats not the point. The point is that terrorist dont have to come from a different country. Timothy Mcveigh. The DC Sniper, all american. It is ignorant on your part to say that canada allows terrorist to enter in the U>S>A

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  lol. You think that terrorist are getting through canada?? lol. I could be a terroritst for all you know, your neighboor who was born in america can be a terrorist.  Terrorist can come to america from any country and fairly easily, if i might add. But thats not the point. The point is that terrorist dont have to come from a different country. Timothy Mcveigh. The DC Sniper, all american. It is ignorant on your part to say that canada allows terrorist to enter in the U>S>A

come on guys, lets not be stupid now............of course anybody can be a terrorist. but unless things have changed, Canada allows anybody to enter their country freely, no questions asked.

between the two borders, mexico is definately a bigger problem. i was just stating the Canadian border isn't picture perfect. and the problem really isn't the border its the immigration policy.

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Short on land? you guys ever drive through the states between the east coast and the west coast? There's more than enough land to spare, it's just that no one wants to be the first to develop those areas into something resembling a mini metropolis. If I recall correctly, one of the midwestern states was GIVING AWAY land in turn for a guranteed stay of X amount of years by whoever took on tha deal. You also had to become a resident of that state, and claim address as your primary address.

As far as illegal immigrants go, sure their attitudes and demands are ridiculous, but many of them sure are hard working people compared to a good chunk of the legal, american citizens.

What can we do about it? Come up with the answer and you could be the next best politician and world leader.

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the whole thing about illegal immigrants, from a fundamental level, its easy to say, illegal immigrants is a bad thing blah blah blah

but...from a real world perspective, its pointless. At this stage, illegal immigration is just as big a part of american culture as legal immigration or even native born americans. WHen you take an overall inprint of a country, you ahve to take the good and the bad.

think this to yourself, what would you prefer:

1. That America is such a desirable place to live that we have millions of illegal immigrants coming across every year? causing all the issues as you say?


2. That America is such a undesirable place to live that virtually no illegal immigrants come?

the example of mexico is a bit twisted cuase mexico is not even close interm of how desirable it is to live.

throughout history, up to today, and i am sure in the future, illegal immigranttion has been, is now, and forever will be a problem of the most prosperous and free countries in the world.

why are we even debating whether its right or wrong or how we should stop it is just pointless....its like if we all got tgether and debated how road rage is bad and how we need to stop it, we all dont like road rage, but we all accept the fact that as long as there are cars on the road, there will be road rage. so getting all worekd up about illegal immigration is kinda pointless...

and i am not going to put on my audio hat here...i will instead wear my Carnegie Mellon BS in History (Military and Cultural relationships), MS in Multicultural relations policy and Management hat ;)

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