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Perry was a joke and should have dropped sooner.  Jindal, Pataki, Graham, and Santorum should all drop but you know they won't.  Nobody has a clue who Gilmore is and yet he continues to pursue a low key run.

Huckabee is just running to burnish his Fox worthy credentials so he can keep his day job as a talking head for a few more years.  Christie remains a blowhard with no chance.  Cruz wishes he could out crazy Trump and Paul should just join the Libertarian Party.

Everyone else is either a candidate with a legitimate chance or ringmasters of the wingnut circus. I personally think Trump and Carson are nearing the apogee of their ascents.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not the first one I expected but he wasn't gaining traction in the current mess that is the Republican pre-primary. Now for about 7 more to drop.

You know I'm talking about you Gilmore, Jindal, Pataki, Graham, Huckabee, Rand and Santorum.

Huckabee won't drop though, he's still burnishing his FAUX credentials.

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  • 2 months later...

really interesting to see stuff play out as of late:

-Trump is losing support (finally), the GOP is pretty silent about the shootings

-Realistically I think Rubio will get the nomination for the Republicans.

-Bernie seems to be winning in the online polls (unless the media has something to say about it). It might be Clinton but I don't think she will get it.....idk need to see more debates.

-Would be epic as shit to see Bernie and Trump square off in a debate


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You're drinking Mike's koolaid.  Bernie has no support outside of white people.  The polls don't tell you much at all at this point in time in the pre-Primary race.  Unless something dramatic happens in the Democratic race it's a solid bet that Hillary is their candidate.

Trump has no support among the Party faithful where endorsements are concerned and will inevitably stumble.

Your epic opportunity will only happen if both decide to make independent runs as the Orangutan Hair and Socialist party leaders.

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i think its amazing more people don't get FEEL THE BERN.  I believe he is the only one who is actually trying to do something for the people.


IMO, if you are not for him, your not knowledgable on the subject. 


the only acceptable retort to him i'll accept is the inevitable increase in taxes.  


i've been calling for warren for years now though.



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5 minutes ago, flyfishing3 said:

IMO, if you are not for him, your not knowledgable on the subject. 


Perhaps you meant: "...you're not knowledgeable on the subject?"


I fully understand Bernie.  The problem is that every example he raises of what should be done relies upon modeling based on very small and homogeneous democracies.  They just don't fit to the diverse and massive American model.  Something needs to be done but Bernie does not have the answer.  He's just a wild haired prophet standing on the corner with a placard declaring the end is nigh:


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i agree, but he is the only one offering anything that is meaningful to the masses, and not just slotted to a political party/ special interest group/fringe element.

at the end of the day, the ridicule it take, its all for helping the masses.

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I don't agree with a single Republican's economic or military plan one bit. Bernie has a TON of support from the youth of all races, not sure where you got that. He has stood for civil rights for years and years.


Here is the sad sad truth, Trump doesn't need support from core Republican groups to get his votes. He gets free publicity for being a complete ass and is stoking the fires of pissed off people. 


Hillary keeps getting crushed in the debates, it's not really up to discussion. I guess time will only tell on this one, but at the end of the day Mike is absolutely right. Bernie is the only candidate who actually gives a FUCK about people. Climate change is a very very real thing and it needs to be addressed, I mean come on Canada is being more aggressive than we are. Shouldn't America the great focus more on fixing our destroyed infrastructure, fucked up tax system, and worker inequality? 

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