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2016 Presidential Campaign


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28 minutes ago, Kevin. said:

I don't agree with a single Republican's economic or military plan one bit. Bernie has a TON of support from the youth of all races, not sure where you got that. He has stood for civil rights for years and years.

Hillary keeps getting crushed in the debates, it's not really up to discussion. I guess time will only tell on this one, but at the end of the day Mike is absolutely right. Bernie is the only candidate who actually gives a FUCK about people.

Bernie has a ton of support from the young socialist crowd, and facebook meme'ers. The latter isn't a group I'd expect a big turnout from, nor are they the most informed. Bernie's the cool candidate. I think we can all agree he is the easiest to believe he genuinely cares about the citizens. I believe that. But I also don't think it's much different than the previous sales pitch of 'Hope'. It's a wonderful fairly tale.

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Thanks young Padawan (Kevin).  Kevin, I realize you're passionate about what you write here but the opinion is ill informed.

Here's one simple revelation for you: guess which demographic is consistently the lowest turnout in any election year?

I'm done looking up shit for others to consume.  Trust me, the youth vote is a poor determinator of a candidate's electability.

Second point, publicity does not equal votes nor does it equal actual determination of who the party establishment chooses.  Yes, that's right, the "election" in a caucus or Primary is only part of the "votes" that determine whether a candidate receives the nomination.  No presidential candidate yet in the modern Primary era has won with the establishment completely against them and Trump not only has zero support he has the entire Republican coalition against him because he is a disaster.

And here's the last mind blowing truth for you.  None of the candidates can actually accomplish what they claim and all of them are more focused on getting reelected than saving the environment.  Bernie included.

So keep drinking the koolaid and we'll see in 6 months how Rubio andHillary  are the actual nominees.

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1 hour ago, theForgottenone said:

Well thank you mike. But many members on here complain about my English but I guess I can appeal to my Asian population group for support


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Prediction: Trump just had his Howard Dean scream moment. He jumped the shark and pushed the limit of how outrageous a Presidential candidate can be.  Plenty of people do not trust Muslims but his shock jock approach has just destroyed his chances.

If that's not the case then I truly fear for our Republic.

The problem of course is that he's destroying the Republican field in the process by forcing them to respond to his outrageous statements where he is setting the terms of negotiation with wildly outlandish and neoconservative demands. We really are migrating toward idiocracy.


Edited by Burn-E
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Trump watches too much TV, like most Americans - so that is the base of his campaign; 55 or older, white, conservative, TV watchers with not much to do besides seeking out ways to confirm their beliefs and feel comfortable. He doesn't live in a reality that resembles the multi-cultural, tolerant, and peaceful life most of us lead here in America.  When you live in a bubble, all you can see is a distorted view of the world.  

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1 hour ago, ErikS said:

Trump watches too much TV, like most Americans - so that is the base of his campaign; 55 or older, white, conservative, TV watchers with not much to do besides seeking out ways to confirm their beliefs and feel comfortable. He doesn't live in a reality that resembles the multi-cultural, tolerant, and peaceful life most of us lead here in America.  When you live in a bubble, all you can see is a distorted view of the world.  

This.  So much this.  He's been successful because he has treated the campaign like an effort to increase his Nielsen ratings which he thoroughly understands far better than anyone else on the campaign trail.  He's a product of reality TV success and readily manipulates the media and the masses who are attuned to his particular line of schlock.  When someone compared him to a shock jock that completely resonated with why he is so popular and why he will eventually flame out.

The problem is, if you look for an analogue in politics he has one in Marine Le Pen who is doing extremely well right now in France and if you were to examine her message you would think she and Trump were sharing notes. I'm breaking my rule of no links because I think the dark horse possibility here is that Trump has tapped into something similar to what Le Pen is experiencing with the immigrant issues and the recent terrorist attack in France. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/00371ad4-9c1a-11e5-b45d-4812f209f861.html

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Wellllll he isn't exactly wrong about either :laugh:

You should tell him about how his vote doesn't really count anyway. Too big a population, too small a man. Better to just stay home. If he really wants to help, likes on facebook will get the guy more press. You might also be able to use current polling estimates and their state's voting history in your favor. Don't worry; anyone that dumb won't be able to adequately refute it. In fact, you can probably just make up the state's history.

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