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On 12/10/2015 at 9:37 AM, Burn-E said:

 There's a huge difference between spouting off daily to increase your media exposure and actually having the ground team in place in each State to manage getting the vote out.  That's why Obama killed Hillary and it's also why he beat Romney.

Trump's ground teams are still in Hawaii trying to figure out why Obama has a legitimate birth certificate.  :)


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Hell no, Trump answers to no man and especially no wo-man.  I would say no one would consider taking him on but there's the whole McCain Palin campaign that says politics makes for odd bedfellows. Carson would probably take him but we all know the soft spoken nutjob is never going to get the nomination.

Part of me REALLY wants to see a brokered convention just for the sheer insanity of it.  That would potentially completely disrupt our current two party system which could only be a good thing as far as I'm concerned.

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Bernie is beating Clinton in several polls (I know I know Alain)


I think that if he does make it all the way, the house and senate will block him out. Clinton in the white house wouldn't be a good thing, and frankly any front runner Republican in the white house is downright scary.


religion has no place in politics and certainly not in the white house, as far as your views and policies go (cough Ben Carson)

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On 12/10/2015 at 11:37 AM, Burn-E said:

Let's just be clear on one thing.  Trump will not become President...

I don't think that he'll be the Republican nominee but I do think that the odds are in his favor to be asked to join someone's ticket as VEEP.

Which means he could be a heartbeat away ...

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No, he refuses to follow any man or wo-man, it just wouldn't happen.  I want to say absolutely not but then the McCain Palin disaster tells you that politicians make stupid decisions all the time just for the sake of supposed electability.  The only candidate I could see actually asking Trump is Carson and we already know that soft spoken nutjob has no chance.

Tonight ought to sad and illuminating at the same time.  I was reading a poll on a site I occasionally visit that asked the question:

If the General election candidates were Sanders and Trump for whom would you vote?

These were a couple of the crazy hilarious quotes I read:

"When I’ve seen Sanders and Trump speak, Sanders is like eating your vegetables. It’s not fun, it’s not exciting, but he’s got a lot right. Trump is like eating junk food. It’s so obviously bad for you, but it’s hard to look away; he’s entertaining and cheese-covered. We need to just look away."

"Democrats are criminals and liars and Republicans cowards and fools. [I think this tinfoil hat wearer has reversed his adjectives for Democrats and Republicans] The greatest thing about Trump is that he isn’t a politician. Sometimes I think I don’t even trust Romney now but if he would come into the race now; I think I would nervously vote for him. Why would I be nervous? Because he’s a politician. Why Trump wants to waste his time and money to become President is beyond me. I hope he gets it and if he does I hope he enjoys his paycheck."


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39 minutes ago, Burn-E said:

No, he refuses to follow any man or wo-man, it just wouldn't happen.  I want to say absolutely not but then the McCain Palin disaster tells you that politicians make stupid decisions all the time just for the sake of supposed electability.  

Ding! Ding! Ding! - We have a winner!

Lightning has been known to strike twice, ya know... 

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2 hours ago, fivex84 said:

"They got a black guy. Shit!
We don't don't have that. What can we get?"

That's how I imagine that happened. 

That's exactly how it happened against Barack Obama in the Illinois Senate campaign after Jack Ryan, the Republican candidate, had to drop out around the scandal for his penchant of visiting sex clubs in Germany.  This of course came up from the divorce papers filed by his wife Jeri Ryan. Who was the candidate the Republicans rallied around you say?

Yes, Kermit the Frog, er I mean Alan Keyes:


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