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2 hours ago, Kevin. said:

funny how people are reacting to her

What, that she offered a cogent and coherent response?  We should be so lucky as to have such intelligent discourse around the current campaign.

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17 hours ago, Burn-E said:

What, that she offered a cogent and coherent response?  We should be so lucky as to have such intelligent discourse around the current campaign.


which is why I love how butthurt people are getting about her, she's making complete sense and I completely agree with her on several of her points

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I starting to debate within my head whether your regular, short, political observations more perfectly align with Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey or Daily Affirmations by Stuart Smalley.

Leaning more toward the Deep Thoughts end. 

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1 hour ago, Burn-E said:

I starting to debate within my head whether your regular, short, political observations more perfectly align with Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey or Daily Affirmations by Stuart Smalley.

Leaning more toward the Deep Thoughts end. 


I blame my ADHD





kind of sums up what's been going on. Interesting to note Bernie is and has been trending higher than Clinton for quite some time now and trended higher than Hillary during the debate.


I'm waiting for Trump to recede, I'm still not sure who is showing as the strongest GOP runner perhaps you can fill me in on that Alain. It seems like Ted Cruz is dealing with his own fun times with his origin of birth, Carson is basically out of the race to include Huckabee (not surprised). Christie can go fuck himself

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Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Cruz are the front runners largely in that order against what are highly questionable polls.  Primary polling is not very well regarded for accuracy.  It's hard to say until voters start punching chads in ballots.

Huge questions whether Trump actually can produce the votes so everyone is looking to see which of the other 3 gains ascendancy with Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.  This is going to be a drawn out brawl and but it should quickly coalesce to ~3 leading candidates for the rest of the horse race.

There's a part of me that just hopes - and you know all the journalists are praying for this too - that Trump survives late into the Primary season just to see how screwed up the whole Primary system could become.  I would love to see a brokered convention.  What I don't want is Trump deciding he wants to run independently because I want to see him get shut down for good.  He's just bad for the country on so many levels.

The problem for Sanders is the his appeal does not reach beyond the angry white middle and lower class.  At least that's the theory. So while he might do well in Iowa and New Hampshire he's likely going to fall flat later on unless Hillary does something really stupid.  Dem nomination is hers to lose.

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2 hours ago, Burn-E said:

I starting to debate within my head whether your regular, short, political observations more perfectly align with Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey or Daily Affirmations by Stuart Smalley.

Leaning more toward the Deep Thoughts end. 

More Reddit /showerthoughts. 


Edited by fivex84
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QUESTION:  r. Carson, the president says he does not want to treat ISIS as a foreign army, but ISIS is neither a country nor a government. How do you attack a network that does not respect national borders?


You know, I find it really quite fascinating some of the president’s proclamations. The fact of the matter is he doesn’t realize that we now live in the 21st century, and that war is very different than it used to be before. Not armies massively marching on each other and air forces, but now we have dirty bombs and we have cyber attacks and we have people who will be attacking our electrical grid. And, you know, we have a whole variety of things that they can do and they can do these things simultaneously. And we have enemies who are obtaining nuclear weapons that they can explode in our exoatmosphere and destroy our electric grid.

I mean, just think about a scenario like that. They explode the bomb, we have an electromagnetic pulse. They hit us with a cyberattack simultaneously and dirty bombs. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue at that point? He needs to recognize that those kinds of things are in fact an existential threat to us.


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Carson gives voice to the existential paranoia that grips the far right.  They very much believe these things.

Are they wrong?  Not necessarily. Chuck would admit that we live be in an era of asymmetric warfare which is what Carson effectively describes. If certain terrorists, especially ISIS could get their hands on such a weapon they would likely use it.  So the intent is probably accurately conveyed.  It's the question of capacity to acquire and execute that is overblown. And that's the part where one judges Carson irrational, if not stupid.

But here's the reality, a smart guerrilla could wreak economic havoc with proper targeting of a few relatively easily hit elements of our infrastructure. And it wouldn't take more than a few guns and a few pipe bombs to accomplish.  Take a look at what happened when a nut job here in Chicago lit the air control center on fire.

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I watch part of the democratic debate last night. As I was watching, i thought do any of the politicians ever hear the words coming out of their mouth? I meant how can they just straight face lie horse shit and sleep at night?

lt seems like Bernie is the most honest one out of the three. I won't vote for Hillary ever and blessed those that do because between her and trump, god help us all.

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31 minutes ago, Burn-E said:

Carson gives voice to the existential paranoia that grips the far right.  They very much believe these things.

Are they wrong?  Not necessarily. Chuck would admit that we live be in an era of asymmetric warfare which is what Carson effectively describes. If certain terrorists, especially ISIS could get their hands on such a weapon they would likely use it.  

No, he panders to religious folks who think the end is here already.  Fear is all the Republicans have. He had no idea how to answer the question, so out comes random thoughts he thinks make sense.

A bunch of 20 year olds with a 3rd grade education are going to launch an ICBM.  


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1 hour ago, ErikS said:

No, he panders to religious folks who think the end is here already.  Fear is all the Republicans have. He had no idea how to answer the question, so out comes random thoughts he thinks make sense.


Most of the GOP candidates would "answer" the same way because they don't know the real answer.

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9 hours ago, Zappo said:

Most of the GOP candidates would "answer" the same way because they don't know the real answer.


now now George, we can't lump everyone from a political party together :P


I will say the fact that almost all of the GOP canidates have heavy religious ties is a huge turn off for me. I just don't see how that is a major conflict of interest, I mean Ted Cruz has a page to sign up for a prayer list on the main page of his website :blink: 

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12 hours ago, ErikS said:

No, he panders to religious folks who think the end is here already.  Fear is all the Republicans have. He had no idea how to answer the question, so out comes random thoughts he thinks make sense.


9 hours ago, Zappo said:

Most of the GOP candidates would "answer" the same way because they don't know the real answer.

I don't disagree that Carson probably can't pull together a cogent response to that threat but if you guys are so smart, what is an appropriate answer to that question? 

I've been pretty clear that I don't like any of them but if Hillary is the candidate there's no way I'm voting for her unless under some twisted scenario Trump is the Republican candidate.

It's fun to disparage the Republican Right but do you honestly think Bernie has an answer? Does Hillary?  Does the President? Obama is playing checkers while Assad, Putin and Khamenei are playing chess.

So far, it's fair to say that our response to Syria has been to distance ourselves and call Bashar Al-Assad bad names and occasionally send a little bit of money to the opposition.

What would you do differently? Because what we're doing isn't working. You might say, eh, don't care and that inevitably is going to come back and bite us in some fashion.  Whether it's big or small probably depends on the imagination of the leaders of ISIS and the extent to which the collapse of Syria causes waves of violence in other key States in the Middle East.

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I know that whoever I vote for cannot fix the system per se, but I do know that voting for someone who isn't backed by the same companies that want to make more money and bad policies is probably a good choice


it really bothers me when candidates put things like "let's restore the constitution" and "get back our rights" on their webpage. You know, since we repealed the bill of rights and burned the constitution....

45 minutes ago, Burn-E said:


I don't disagree that Carson probably can't pull together a cogent response to that threat but if you guys are so smart, what is an appropriate answer to that question? 

I've been pretty clear that I don't like any of them but if Hillary is the candidate there's no way I'm voting for her unless under some twisted scenario Trump is the Republican candidate.

It's fun to disparage the Republican Right but do you honestly think Bernie has an answer? Does Hillary?  Does the President? Obama is playing checkers while Assad, Putin and Khamenei are playing chess.

So far, it's fair to say that our response to Syria has been to distance ourselves and call Bashar Al-Assad bad names and occasionally send a little bit of money to the opposition.

What would you do differently? Because what we're doing isn't working. You might say, eh, don't care and that inevitably is going to come back and bite us in some fashion.  Whether it's big or small probably depends on the imagination of the leaders of ISIS and the extent to which the collapse of Syria causes waves of violence in other key States in the Middle East.


ISIS needs to be dealt with directly and forcefully by all nations, they have threatened us all and deserve what they receive. Brute force tends to have a great effect on morale 

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