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On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 0:49 PM, theForgottenone said:

Trump clinched nomination. God help us all

Woooooot woooooooot

On ‎5‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 2:00 PM, Zappo said:

Never believe anything Trump says until he actually does it.

That can be said of every politician since the cavemen,


10 hours ago, flyfishing3 said:

Oh man did HC kill on DT today 

LOL, I guess if you want to believe.  ;)


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On 6/3/2016 at 3:23 PM, ErikS said:

For someone that has no say in an election you sure follow closely.  Its so you can find something to bitch and complain about isnt it.  lol

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15 hours ago, Yellow95 said:

For someone that has no say in an election you sure follow closely.  Its so you can find something to bitch and complain about isnt it.  lol

I can still find it interesting, like religion, can't I? 

I just am giving you some food for thought as to why Trump is doing so well, with no substance, and conning so many people into believing in him. 

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Most uneducated people will vote for Trump. They are buying into the false believe that he can make America great again.  What they don't know is trump has bankrupt 4 times. Trump business for scamming and defraud people of money is being sued (trump university). 

If you want this loud mouth angry kid to be your potus then vote away.


im back mother f. Fatso can  wave his E-dick only for so long. 

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On 6/4/2016 at 5:31 PM, Yellow95 said:

For someone that has no say in an election you sure follow closely.  Its so you can find something to bitch and complain about isnt it.  lol

Did you watch the video clip he linked to? Because your response follows the formula described.

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43 minutes ago, Fudge_Brownie said:

Did you watch the video clip he linked to? Because your response follows the formula described.

Didn't even attempt to click the link.


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ADAMS: I’ve been studying persuasion for decades. And, when I saw Trump last summer displaying the tools of persuasion, I thought, “Oh, my God, he’s not a crazy clown; everything he’s doing, including his complete ignoring of the facts, is persuasion perfection.” And, I called him to be the landslide winner in the general election, last year, because the tools he’s using – essentially, he’s basically taking a flame-thrower to a stick fight. There’s nobody using the same tools he’s using.
So, his complete ignoring of facts are actually part of the persuasion because he doesn’t give you targets. He doesn’t give you details of his policies, usually. So, he’s – he’s reducing the number of targets while making you feel good and focus on the things he wants. So, it’s not about facts. It’s about focus and attention.

MAHER: He also seems to be a master of branding. You know, we see this—he never ever says the word “Hillary” now without “crooked” before. “Crooked Hillary,” “Crazy Bernie.” I mean, this is like six-grade-level stuff. But, that’s the level—

ADAMS: So wrong. No, so wrong. That is the best persuasion you’ll ever see. When I heard “low-energy,” I called—

MAHER:  “Low energy,” right.

ADAMS: —yeah, I called the end of Bush that day, because that is a sticky insult.

MAHER: Right.

ADAMS: So, these are not random insults. They’re—

MAHER: I’m not saying they’re random. I’m not saying they don’t work. I’m just saying he brands people. “Low energy,” “crazy,” “crooked.”

ADAMS: —no, but there’s something else to it. He’s – he’s working on confirmation bias. When you see anything come out in the news that looks like maybe Hillary Clinton did something a little bit suspicious, you say, “Crooked Hillary.” So, he’s setting these up—

MAHER:  Yeah, it’s—

ADAMS: —so that you’re reminded of them—

MAHER: —it really comes into – yeah, I mean – it looked great this week when that report came out. 

ADAMS: Yeah.

MAHER: It fed right into the narrative.

ADAMS: Right. And, “Lyin’ Ted,” same thing.

MAHER: Right.

ADAMS: He’s a politician. He’s going to say something—

MAHER: Right.

ADAMS: —that somebody is going to call a “lie.” And when they do, the nickname just pops in your mind.

MAHER: I remember when he called Dr. Ben Carson, “The Sheriff of Nodding Off.” 

ADAMS: And, by the way, he A-B tests this, just like the software people do. So, he says these – these nicknames in front of people, he sees the reaction and then he uses them. The brilliant thing he did recently was he came up with a second one for Clinton. He said, “Well, is she heartless? Is it “Heartless Hillary” or is it “Crooked Hillary”? And, he actually made people debate whether she was more heartless or more crooked? And that’s all intentional. 

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lol the idiots who buy into the ignorant logic that somehow Sanders should be the nominee when Hillary has received 3 million more votes than him and by the end of tonight likely will have sufficient pledged delegates as well.

Hillary is winning by any metric you care to choose. :rolleyes: :a-farmboy:

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One comment on the end of the Primaries and gone again.  Don't expect me back before November.

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10 hours ago, Burn-E said:

lol the idiots who buy into the ignorant logic that somehow Sanders should be the nominee when Hillary has received 3 million more votes than him and by the end of tonight likely will have sufficient pledged delegates as well.

Hillary is winning by any metric you care to choose. :rolleyes: :a-farmboy:


when you're being investigated by the FBI and when you say you did no wrong and the FBI said you did, I think there are fair grounds to say she shouldn't be the nominee. I truly think this will all blow up in her face before the election, and I want it to. Fuck Hillary

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4 hours ago, Kevin. said:

when you're being investigated by the FBI and when you say you did no wrong and the FBI said you did, I think there are fair grounds to say she shouldn't be the nominee. I truly think this will all blow up in her face before the election, and I want it to. Fuck Hillary

The same FBI that has completely politicized the cellphone encryption issue? Technically, I don't think the FBI has said she did something wrong. They've felt there were grounds for an investigation, and have not released a formal decision. Personally, I don't think what she did was good from a security POV. And I'll be amazed if the final verdict is that keeping her official email content on a personal server with no government-owned copy is legal. But this whole investigation just has a vibe that they're really reaching for a smoking gun they can't find. My tinfoil hat tells me the republicans are just using tricks from the same book after the IRS targeting controversy.

I think it should serve as a lessons learned moment, to better define responsibilities and restrictions. It does seem like she was really pushing the limits of what was allowed. But I don't think we should be interested in trying to persecute someone for mistakes made, especially in gray areas. If they can prove she was doing all this in order to break the law, in order to circumvent classification restrictions or withhold information then that would warrant some of the outcry.

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