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Well there you go, all the numb nuts (Kevin) out there can quit praying for the FBI to indict Hillary.  

FBI recommends no charges against Hillary Clinton for use of personal email

This has been one of the dumbest conspiracy theories out there but it's Hillary so stupid opinions about her abound.

I know, I know, "the fix is in" and all that jiggery pokery to quote the late Antonin Scalia's favorite word phrase.

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Someone posted this, and though I don't know new quote formatting on VS, this message resonates with me.

"My take:

-The Clintons have a personal net worth in excess of 100 million.

-They run a foundation that pushes through ~$100 million per year.

-One of them is a former President. The NSA use to report to this guy. He knows plenty of people that can do cybersecurity right.

-These are not your friendly naive retired neighbors down the street living on a pension and asking the fourteen year old next door how to send emails. They have serious cash, serious connections, and the things that they do are intentional.
People with this kind of wealth, power, and access don't do oopsies.

In other words, the extreme lack of security on Clinton's server is a feature, not a bug. They are WAY beyond competent and wealthy enough to have avoided this shit.

If you step outside the Overton window that the mainstream media has painted for you, it is immediately obvious that the private server was a means of distributing national security information to foreign buyers under the cover of plausible deniability.

This is straight up treason and everyone in intelligence circles knows it."

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On ‎7‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 7:56 PM, ErikS said:

I heard Trump can communicate with dolphins and doesn't poop. Gary, can you confirm with your sources?

I have seen it.  Well I haven't seen the poop because he in fact does not make it.

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Hey Timo, I hear people say it but I don't buy it.  People underestimate technology all the time.  Even really smart, rich people who are in power.  Remember, Presidents don't really do much email.  People who work for them do. And when it comes right down to it, Hanlon's razor really applies here: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by carelessness or stupidity."

Yes Hillary definitely set up the email server for the purpose of managing what would be available to a FOIA request.  I highly doubt it had much to do with sharing secrets with foreign powers. There are much easier and less likely to be compromised routes to do this without resorting to email.

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I agree with you in part, and that's why I've been having a mental debate of which story to side with. However, any way you look at it, you've got a (likely) Democrat Nominee who is either extremely stupid and ignorant, or highly corrupt and seemingly above the law. No matter how you slice it, she's not fit for office IMHO.

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I know a number of really capable CEOs who are equally "ignorant" of technology.  Making tons of money for themselves and more importantly their shareholders and smart enough to put the right people in place to handle the infrastructure so they don't have to think about it. The Boomer generation can get away with being ignorant about high tech as it was before their formative years.  Generation X, Y and beyond will not have such luxuries nor should we give them a similar pass.

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I see your point, and yet again you make a good one. Maybe I can steer this in a different direction, and rather the direction I was hoping to take this in. What is your opinion on Director Comey's statement this morning, and your opinion on HRC now that this thing has come to what looks like a conclusion (for the time being)?

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I've already said there's no way in hell I would vote for Trump and it is only the desire to ensure he never becomes President that forces me to vote for her.

I agree with Comey that there's really nothing there in what Clinton did that warrants an indictment. Would a lower level staffer be given similar leniency?  Probably not but that is the reality of bureaucracy - shit always rolls downhill.  

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Alain, my issue with the "verdict", if you will, is that the FBI director James Comey said the following "To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now." How is his logic sound at all? He openly admitted that if it had been anyone other than Clinton they would have faced charges. Someone who grew Marijuana in their backyard is getting a harsher sentence, this is utter bullshit.


There is a Navy Sailor who is going to jail for much less severe charges.


June 19, 2014: A Naval officer pleads guilty to storing classified documents on a home computer. Naval Chief Petty Officer Lyle White pleads guilty to violating military regulations because he took classified documents from his Navy office and stored them on a hard drive in his house. He says he kept the documents out of convenience, because they were useful for when he was training other soldiers. White is sentenced to 60 days in prison and fined $10,000. The sentence is suspended, but a federal espionage conviction will remain on his record. (The Virginian-Pilot)


I take issue with a Presidential Candidate who was told by the FBI director that she had extreme negligence handling sensitive, classified, and top secret information. I take issue with the fact that the FBI director said that there must be a form of "intent" regarding pressing charges against Madam Secretary. I take issue that she lied to the entire country when she said she did not email sensitive or classified information.


Given all of this information I cannot vote for a Democrat and I certainly won't be voting for Trump (woo woo). I will be voting for Gary Johnson come November unless something dramatic happens.




Timo you've somehow gotten me to give you upvotes :P

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I gotta say I agree with Kevin here.  I am pretty sure Comey didn't want to wake up dead one morning.  I hate to be that conspiracy guy but this verdict smells worse that Hillary's privates.

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3 minutes ago, Yellow95 said:

I gotta say I agree with Kevin here.  I am pretty sure Comey didn't want to wake up dead one morning.  I hate to be that conspiracy guy but this verdict smells worse that Hillary's privates.


Trump went off the deep end with the conspiracies, if he wants to win he needs to stay focused. Praising Saddam Hussein isn't what I would call being focused.

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All I will say is grow up guys.  Every decision in life has some element of politics attached to it.  Every. single. one.  Laws are created based on political decisions.  How those laws are applied are based on political decisions.  If Timo got busted for carrying more than 50 grams of weed in NJ he'd probably get his hand slapped and let go with community service.  If an inner city kid got caught with the same amount of weed he'd probably serve the full 18 months and carry a felony for the rest of his life. Even if they had the same attorney and both of them were first time offenders. Privilege exists.  It shouldn't but it does.

Comey's decision was a political one.  There's more than just a slap on the hand in the offing here and that has to be considered.  It's always considered.  The FBI knew that if they punished Clinton there had to be extremely compelling evidence to do so.  Because the consequences would be political and are much farther reaching than just slapping Clinton with a fine or suspended sentence for 18 months.

Leaders are always afforded more leniency in situations where complex decisions need to be made.  Petty Officer White isn't going to jail, his sentence was suspended.  But he's also not the guy in charge and that's what this comes down to.  You give more leniency to those in charge at the highest level of responsibility to handle their affairs because of the complex circumstances in which they work.  Is it right?  That's debatable.  But get off your moral high horse because I can offer all kinds of examples where you skirt the law every day and you really shouldn't get away with it.  But some form of privilege protects you.

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